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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I have only been able to get one additional Reaper myself. The problem with having to recruit them from Covert Ops, and getting random ones of those.
  2. I wish though I have done a few rescue missions that had optional objectives to save more than just the VIP, and the resistance fighters saved in the missions joined XCOM as new recruits. Just got two maxed out Sharpshooters that way. early on in the campaign I had a mission where the VIP's guard was unconscious and one of my soldiers had to carry him to the evac. One of the nicer scenarios I played. Also really helped to get an experienced recruit as a bonus reward
  3. That time when the resistance fighters took out a Chosen by themselves:
  4. I'll never play this in Ironman. Not when the Chosen boss fights are this silly
  5. I now always have the Reaper resistance order that stops the timer until you break cover. Makes the game much more enjoyable to be able to sneak around and set up an ambush without being rushed.
  6. On normal (what's it called? Veteran?) difficulty my Templar is doing really well. But it really helps to have others boosting her with actions. She now starts at 1 Focus and has a max of 3. At full focus she often can one-hit in melee, which will give her a free dash. In missions where you are stealing ADVENT supplies and need to tag the crates before ADVENT does, the free dash is priceless. Similar in other missions where you are racing to interact with something. Now with a bond-mate using team-mate, or with a Skirmisher or Psi-Ops giving extra actions, the Templar can go on a murder spree, killing multiple enemies in one turn, always getting free moves. Mine tagged 4 ADVENT boxes in one turn just with her own actions and the one extra from her bond-mate. I need to check how her melee attack works with the Reaper ability she can get in the training centre.
  7. When an expected very tough mission goes unexpectedly well:
  8. Tried out the noise grenade to attract the Lost. It actually worked. There were a couple of Mutons covering in a building. I chucked a noise 'nade through the window and a Lost swarm broke through the door on the other side and surrounded the Mutons. While they didn't deal any significant damage, they did buy me time to take out the ADVENT Shield Trooper, Archon, and Heavy Mech.
  9. Was in a mission and hacked an ADVENT terminal. As a reward I got to double my research speed. Awesome, since I was researching Plasma Weapons which were an 18 day project or so. A couple of day later one of the remaining Chosen - probably the Hunter - managed to sneak a saboteur into the Avenger and blow up part of the research lab, cutting my research speed by 50%. I sent a covert ops team to find a way into his citadel. Blow up my crib? I'll come blow up yours.
  10. OK, I'll upload a screenshot that isn't action camera, but from the propaganda poster system My SPARK unit!
  11. Throwing Axe: Lost and found: Bewildered Chosen: Figure Diving: Faceles gets a face full of bullets:
  12. XCOM2: Went to defend a resistance haven from an ADVENT attack. While the squad was being briefed on their way there, Central informed us that a Chosen was leading the raid. And he was right. In the immortal words of Admiral Ackbar: "It's a trap!". Resistance fighters were doing their best to keep their people safe. And this was no normal raid. The most "rank and file" troop the aliens had send was a Muton. Other than that, a Faceless, three Berserkers, four Chryssalids, and three Codex. And on top of that of course: The Hunter. The squad rushed to reinforce the resistance fighters. Together they made quick work of the first group of enemies and evacuated half the civilians. But the other half was surrounded and had a Faceless in their midst. And while the majority of resistance fighters, alongside the XCOM squad took out the aliens, one fighter climbed onto the roof of their shack and started shooting the Chosen. Hit, 6 DMG, rinse, repeat. When the last of the aliens were taken out (4 civilians were killed by a Codex and a Berserker), the resistance fighters rushed the Chosen and caught him in a crossfire. the Hunter went down without any XCOM operative ever having a chance to shoot in his general direction.
  13. On a different XCOM note: I still think Jane Kelly should get her own XCOM spin-off. She has turned out so much more iconic and awesome than any other character in XCOM 2
  14. I think mostly audio files for Bradford and the Chosen, so they can blabber you to death. One of my gripes with the expansion is that they seem to have taken a gripe people had (Bradford being too chatty and annoying) and while they have an option for less help chat, and there is a mod "Quiet Bradford", they decided to get back on people's nerves with even chattier Chosen. Hoping for the "Quiet Chosen" mod to be released soon. On a serious note they added more of everything. And the final install size shouldn't be 60GB, it's just that the way they integrated everything into the campaign, and reworked quite a bit of stuff, the whole installation needs to be patched. And the way Steam handles install and download, that means a huge patch.
  15. Save often. Use multiple save slots. I had a bug that made the sidequests in the swamps fail even though I had completed them. Last save was a long time before, so I just quit the game in disappointment.
  16. For those playing XCOM2 and who have already encountered all the Chosen, I am adding my three Chosen in the spoilers below, if you want to compare Mind you, the Assassin has "leveled up" as well now and also returns fire on missed shots.
  17. Ironically, once my squad reached them, they too started missing. So it is contagious.
  18. For me it was fine the first few hours, but the more I play the worse performance gets. Especially the Chosen cause lag. It feels as if there was a memory leak somewhere or a problem with the savegames similar to the Fallout3/NewVegas games. Overall the game is a lot more fun. It is a shame the "integration" of DLC removed the Shen's Gift story mission and you can now simply build SPARKs. The Chosen can be really annoying, but overall they are an improvement over the DLC boss aliens. The Lost are a lot of fun. The new missions are fun. The Chosen are even more talkative and annoying than Central :/
  19. Greenmangaming gave me another Huntsman: The Orphanage steam key. Some survival horror game - a genre I don't play.
  20. I'm also in favour of the caps. As this is the only all caps title thread, it makes it easier to keep track of forum activity.
  21. Best thing about the new XCOM expansion is that finally, during Retaliation/Terror missions, there sometimes are local resistance fighters actually fighting. (Yes, I know, other UFO clones have had that for years )
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