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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. The bankruptcy really killed that game Sadly, once you have watched the Gat Out Of Hell Musical on YouTube, the game has nothing else to offer. Though the musical is fantastic. How do I burn down a city that's baptized in fire? How do I kill off an army that's dead? Time's slipping away now and the best plan we've got is just "put one inside Satan's head." If role's were reversed, God, I know they'd save me. But all my solutions involve murder sprees!
  2. SR2 was a bit too stomach churning violent for me at times. That monster truck cut scene... I am a bit of a control freak, and the idea of being locked up like that, unable to do anything other than despair as you are about to die, it brings up some deep rooted discomfort in me. SR3 I loved to bits. SR4 I enjoyed the humour, and How The Saints Saved Christmas was a very well done DLC. But the superpowers trivialized vehicles, ripping out an important chunk from the game. I had fun, but not as much as with SR3. Stay away from Gat Out Off Hell. You have been warned. Just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. They took the superpowers from 4, made them unnecessarily complicated (now you don't just fly, you have to upgrade flight with how many times you can flap your wings to stay airborn) and left nothing else. Even more so than before you just do one map activity after the other, but the new activities are a drag. The game punishes you with its gameplay for wanting to watch the cutscenes.
  3. So I take it this Horde - Disfavored choice is permanent regardless of how much favor you have with the faction you do not choose?
  4. I took the survey. Were there specific answers we had to give?
  5. Not against rules, just impractical, as people will not necessarily say that they used it. Which I did. Thanks Actively trying not to get a code, so I wouldn't buy the game. But someone just had to throw the code right in my path
  6. Can you add custom portraits or are you limited to theirs?
  7. Mutant Football League (which illustrious obsidianites such as Hurlshot and myself backed) brought out an announcement today that the project will be put on hold, as President Trump appointed the head dev person as Ambassador to the Ukraine https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mendheim/mutant-football-league-mfl/posts/1847987
  8. One of the best RTS games. Also nice branching campaign.
  9. That Dark Elf is wearing a silly helmet. And the Lizardmen's tactic baffles me. Why attack that early? They could have let the Dark and High Elves weaken each other a bit first. (I know it is just a trailer )
  10. That looks like the annoying lighthouse with the annoying teleporting shadows
  11. OK - PM sent He was supposed to quote you!!!! You broke the rules!!! (bored waiting for customer support to call me back )
  12. It makes it easier if you upload images to something like imgur, then post the link here, so people can see it big inside the post. It also will protect you from an eventual grumpy person telling you that uploading images steals forum bandwidth - though I haven't seen anyone do that complaint in ages, so you should be safe
  13. That is a cool first post to start your forum presence with.
  14. I didn't, but I have no problem giving my spot to someone who may actually play the game sooner than I. I am watching how to videos so I can make the chainsaw blade for my bloodbowl goblin miniature rotate
  15. I do not have a code and I would be willing to take a code off someone's hands, strictly on a first come first served basis
  16. Hmmm, hard to say. From those I have actually played, I enjoyed Dex - the writing isn't super amazing, and the combat can be annoying, but I did enjoy the cyberpunkiness of the cyberpunk setting/story and remember my playthrough fondly.
  17. I was going to mention the GOG sale as well. Some interesting stuff there I do want. I bought the Gobliiins bundle, Nexus The Jupiter Incident, Nox, Aquaria, Techno Babylon, Shivah. I also got the Starcontrol games, even though I am aware of the free project. But I figured that at this huge a discount, I might as well pay for the certainty that I will have the complete games, and not a possibly incomplete free version, for which development and support depends on the spare time of people.
  18. Man O' War: Corsair added custom skirmish battles (buying a fleet with points) and made all races playable. Here are my Undead Skullthrone Escapees VS the Khorne Headhunters that are trying to capture them. The battle's motto: No to the Skullthrone! No to the Bloodgod! We Shall Never Be Furniture Again!
  19. Amalur has its ups and downs. Overall I had fun with it though.
  20. Who loves you? Melkathi does, and that's why he brings you Mordheim screenshots, knowing how much you missed them. and some details I hadn't noticed yet:
  21. They should have added a counter in the intro that checks if you save scum a lot. Then it could have made people a "savescumming metagamer" instead of whatever (I'm a graceful jack apparently)
  22. I'm just excited that we may actually get this thread to a length where it will get locked and have a sequel Back on topic, yeah, EA does those every now and then. But with the steam monopoly I think a lot of people don't notice.
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