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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Played a game of Cultist Simulator (from the guy who did Sunless Sea). The writing is OK. But it is a lot of very small snippets and doesn't really create a story. So the first game just ended up trying to figure out what item can go in what slot to hopefully get what icon to match in another slot.
  2. They should have three words on them. You find them in the cylinders.
  3. I return for the odd mission every now and then. Waiting for the devs to release Necromunda. Then I'll be back in these picture threads in full force!
  4. With the Engineer you may also get lucky and get some loot codes in random missions. Write them down and trade them at the black market.
  5. Yeah, they don't get xp so you end up farming missions a bit to get them to keep up.
  6. I had one of each class to swap in to try something new. Prototype is a good tank. Engineer didn't fit my playstyle.
  7. What's your line-up? I mostly used a Force Psyker (Hurlshot) for shielding, a Hacker (Labadal) for healing and then a Cyberninja (Shadysands) and my own Void Psyker for the damage. Basically I took out their shields, Hurlshot gave us shields, Shady cut them into ribbons, and Labadal made sure we staid on our feet.
  8. Didn't pay attention to the mission description and walked into a Brutal Difficulty Scattered Deployment. First round this happened: Nearly lost the Necromancer and two ghouls as well, but we managed to get out on top.
  9. When I was a kid I started digging one in the yard. My parents let me. An 8 year old with a shovel will not dig far they thought. They were right. But the house was a rental, so even had I persisted, I'd only have given the next lot a free secret base.
  10. It is very different. Alpha Centauri and Age of Wonders are my favourite 4X titles, but they each have their very own spot that doesn't antagonize the other. AC is a Civ in space done right. I don't think one should expect any similarities to it from Planetfall. They have far different background to draw from gameplaywise.
  11. My money is on TrueNeutral breaking them up eventually because the argument will reach the post limit for the thread .
  12. Talking about nudity and suggestiveness, I still need to try the DLC for Age Of Barbarian.
  13. I'm not touching this discussion with a barge pole. Or a stripper pole. I'll just be over here playing Saints Row 3.
  14. And now we can start the back and forth of "yes, they did" "no, they didn't"
  15. They had said they were working on something, and that it was not AoW4. So in retrospect the announcement makes perfect sense.
  16. Who came up with these long travel sequences? They are worse than Mass Effect elevators...
  17. Disappointed so far. Didn't expect too much from harebrained, but still realising I had hoped for more. Overlooking some performance issues, there is how tonnage only really functions as inventory space. Then that ejection is only a story thing. In the mech commander games if a pilot lost their cool, they'd eject. Here they are just a secondary health bar.
  18. I missed that, which bios did they write? Random mechwarrior hirees? Yeah, random mechwarriors will have a little K symbol next to their name.
  19. That seems to be what people describe it as. Still early access. My first three attempts all ended up in defeat extremely early on.
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