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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Not really. The combat is the series strong point. So if you don't enjoy it, skip the games entirely. I mean, obviously you auto-resolve the sure fights that would just waste your time, but you should be playing the "fun" and "challenging" ones for the fun of it. I find myself auto-resolving more in AoW4.
  2. Meaning they also can't write a good story? Seriously, Triumph's writing got worse with each game. It peaked in badness with Planetfall though, so I think they are a bit embarrassed that AoW4 has returned to AoW3 levels of writing. AoW4 is shaping up to becoming a good game. It is a shame it needed so many DLC for it though. edit: The News: KCD2 releases on GOG on 28th March.
  3. On the way home yesterday I walked past the record shop. I now have "new" vinyl records: Toto Hydra, Toto Turn Back, Toto IV, Toto Isolation, Eddy Grant Killer on the rampage, and done KC & the Sunshine Band album...
  4. I tried the TMNT turnbased tactic game. It is pretty fun, but already the second mission got tiresome. Maybe the mission is simply too long and goes past that point where you realise that you are always just doing the same thing.
  5. Did anyone try the demo for the new Julian Gollop? https://youtu.be/VCdO-C0kpVM?si=7IxwAXsWRtOmZ8El
  6. I was out of town, so I have to be twice as fast downloading to catch up.
  7. downloading the demo for Solasta II.
  8. downloading the demo for Solasta II.
  9. The kids have grown so much from the first family trip photos I remember.
  10. No GOG? Just them dodgy American sites
  11. Ironically it was the colour pattern I was most worried about how it would come out
  12. We do know that Israel has not upheld its part. We do know that Israel has continued killing people daily. The ceasefire is one-way. Always has been with Israel. It was the same with the first ceasefire. It was the same with Lebanon. It has been the same with any deal with Israel - they have in seven decades never upheld their end of any deal. Those are the facts. Refusing to see them doesn't change them - and the west refuses to acknowledge them; partly because of so many bribed politicians and bought journos. Palestinians are in a lose lose situation: give Israel what it wants and get killed because now they have 0 leverage OR do not give Israel what it wants and get killed. Remember, the hostage deal was on the table since the 9th of October 2023. Israel has been refusing to take their hostages back. And the Westbank has no Hamas and no hostages and Israel is going berzerk there.
  13. From the trade show last month. Bad lighting in the hall. As an architect I feel offended by how bad the lighting was. Even worse attendance. Complete waste of money.
  14. Because the war never stopped. Israel keeps killing even throughout ceasefires. We all know the hostages being released will not stop Israel. But while there are hostages, at least part of Israeli society want a ceasefire to get the hostages back. Once they got them back they'll happily rejoin their deathcult masquerading as a nation.
  15. You really don't have to. I already played it for your sins. Honor my sacrifice.
  16. Which brings up an important question: If you double post and the post includes a rating in the (globally respected) Bruce game rating system, do the ratings stack?
  17. I haven't started it offline. I haven't noticed it being slower than I'm used to though. I thought not running auto-run was the normal thing to do. Why would I want to have my PC boot up on startup all these programs that I may or may not use? If and when I want to use a program, I'll fire it up myself.
  18. Finished a game of Exogate. Took 20sumthin hours to get a score victory. A domination victory could probably have been achieved sooner. I like the game. There are a lot of little stories to discover, though the alien species you encounter probably will become a bit stale - I expect they will not have been able to write that many stories to have even more races to have variety between playthroughs. You reach that point where you suddenly are stronger than the other factions. Then in a way you wait for victory. Similar with money: at first I needed to earn it. Then I reached the point where I had enough stashed away to be able to pre-pay all maintenance and salaries for the rest of the game (if that were an option in games) and still have three quarters of my cash. Which basically means the content that is there is great, but there may be just a tiny bit less content in a playthrough than the length of the playthrough. That said, I only found the final artifact for my collection about 10 minutes before the game ended.
  19. Aftermath of the first large invasion: Better prepared for the next attack: Talking to the shrink after finding one of those books you ain't 'sposed to read Friendly match human vs nuclid
  20. Last wave that came in through the gate never even breached the shields of my guard posts. That was a nice experience. I am very worried about the next attack though - I don't feel prepared for higher tier enemies. Back at peace with all major factions. Thf non aggression pact with the more aggressive one just ran out though, so I have my military team on standby. Really would love to level up the medics though. Exogate feels tiny as this type of games go, at the same time I keep doing stuff. Mostly I feel the 50 gater limit - if I could field one more team...
  21. Israel is demanding Cyprus allows it to have an armed presence in the control towers at the commercial airports. To exert pressure, all Israeli airlines have suspended all flights to Paphos.
  22. Started a new run of Exogate, now that it has officially released. They toned down the squib invasions, which was the main change I had been hoping for. Third invasion put almost all my soldiers in the infirmary, but I healed up and had time to do missions before they returned. Before, in early access, I'd heal up just in time for the next invasion. Of course one of the major factions has declared war; they want to steal one of my mining operations. I have pushed them back one planet into their territory. So the priority now is to get more resources and kit out all medics with body armour - they love targeting my medics
  23. No, not yet I went to the Athens Fashion Trade Show with forkcat accessories. The fair was dead. No attendance. So 0 sales. But I'm working on the billions.
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