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Everything posted by Loranc

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rblXupqcZPk&feature=relmfu
  2. He found the recordings but I don't think he works on Sunday. I'd expect update/posts and everything to be done Monday. Just be patient as we don't even have an updated Kick Starter page, it's actually a few days behind even with the update yesterday.
  3. From their twitter updates, and the last figure I got was from Feargus during the IWD2 Ustream.
  4. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=491435 http://gamebanshee.chipin.com/project-eternity http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=8456 http://www.sorcerers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=58007 It would appear that sorcerer's palace is also donating.
  5. Not including any of those yet, but I didn't know about Gamebanshee or Neogaf donating money. Thanks for the update if we configure that into.. my last update we're at... over 3,100,000. (But until that stuff hits the donation bucket I try not to include it.)
  6. 2 hour update we are now at 3,086,017 a 13,760 increase. (6.8k/hour) 62,373 backers a 135 increase. (67/hour). We are getting closer and closer to our goals. At minimum projection we'll be at 3,150,000 by the end of today, giving us a little over 45 hours to get the remaining 350,000. This goal is very doable.
  7. It must be because I grew up on D&D and final fantasy. I can't remember which I played first but i'm pretty sure it was D&D. I grew up on this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px-KLwGEVko
  8. This was brought up before and someone said that you can't do that as a business. Found the quote from the previous discussion.
  9. Thank god you used a D2 example and not a D3.
  10. No it doesn't. Each of the higher tiers has special rewards specific only to them. Some of the tiers sold out even. (And i'm not entirely sure about this now, that was a guess..... may have stuck my foot in my mouth with that answer.)
  11. The last number was actually 75.something. $3,081,415 (We've gone up 9.1k in the last hour)
  12. I must be on the other side of the spectrum for this one I actually like the way leveling up is done in games like icewind dale, with skills + feats. I was never a big fan of trainers and spending hours trying to find each one in Might and Magic. It got so tedious at times that I had to resort to google, though in the later games the trainers were better noted in your journal. But in any case, i'm not a fan of trainers.
  13. Yup. Hand holding sucks. Basically with level scaling the main quest will probably always feel equally difficult, no matter how much effort you put into leveling your characters. If you do a bunch of side quests and return to the main campaign, then you won't feel any more powerful because of the level scaling (unless you found some really good items). Maybe a bad example, but non level scaling quests in Final Fantasy Tactics made me cry. I loved leveling up on the random battles, getting money for gear etc. But what I didn't know was that the quests didn't scale and every encounter was a breeze. It was so bad that I could barely survive the random encounters due to not having access to better gear yet, I was at the start of the game. While the main story line battles were a joke.
  14. We asked about the second city at the last Q&A. Adam Josh said they didn't even have the first big city planned out yet but as for the second one he mentioned...... let me see if I can find it.
  15. $74,208 last known amount from 5:45 pm EDT yesterday.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBC1KRH53lQ
  17. 2 hour update! 3,072,257 - 10,903 increase 5.4k/hour. Backer count 62,238 (we are 262 backers from dungeon level 9) 131 increase 65/hour. We are 427,743 away from the big big city. (This doesn't include the 6.5k from rpgcodex or an updated Paypal donation amount).
  18. http://forums.obsidi...wn-to-eternity/ Shameless self promotion! Hey! People keep talking about stronghold and i'm trying to say we's got that already! Here we come big big big big big big big big city!!!!!!!! I think we officially had the stronghold at around 1-3 pm yesterday afternoon EDT. So i'm excited and want to get other people excited and moving towards the 3.5 goal!!!!!!
  19. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61416-countdown-to-eternity/
  20. Looking at wasteland 2's stuff. Their Kick starter. Their after Kick starter. They are both $250, if this is any indication..... the rewards will be different as the Kick Starter stuff is 'limited'.
  21. I don't mind the DA:O UI, but if anything I'd really love to see something different. I defiantly don't want a copy/pasted UI, I'd like to see Project Eternity become a truly Unique game of its own caliber. I would love for them to develop a UI for it that really stood out compared to the old and new UI's that are currently out there.
  22. I thought they just had a goal that expires in 60 hours!But i am not yet sold! How can i trust them especially after the fiascos of DS3 and kotor2?? I thought id had plenty of time to browse through the details and decide but it seems we are pressed here.. A lot of people actually liked DS3 so not sure what fiascos you're talking about. Now Kotor2 on the other hand was pushed out the door (most likely due to publishers), which is why they started the kick starter in the first place. They specifically said that it's near impossible to make an rpg like this these days due to greedy publishers and other factors. That's why Indie rpg's have become so popular lately because all the big budget rpgs have failed us due to things of that nature. (I have no specifics because i'm not in the gaming industry so I'd rather not make a fool of myself by pointing specifics.) Look at Mass Effect 3 compared to Mass Effect 1. They got rid of city exploration, and world exploration. They reduced the size of the maps, focused on multiplayer, and released a controversial ending that spiked big news across the interwebs. The game was still long, but i'll be damned if I put half the hours into 3 that I did 1. It had the same level of voice acting, so what changed? Multiplayer was focused on and still is with that game. Gaming companies make shady deals with people like EA and things start to turn into Hollywood stereotypical movies. Even Dragon Age 2 took some steps back, the gameplay-combat system was phenomenal. But, you're basically stuck in the same city the entire game, you'd think they would have made that 'one' city amazing to look at. But it was all bland and meh... then you get to looking at how they handled DLC's. The day the game released there was a DLC for a companion...... seriously? I guess what i'm saying is you can trust them because 'we' are the publishers. They're taking our feedback, our information and communicating with us on a level that is far and beyond what gaming companies do these days. They've cut out the middle man and gone straight to the people who pay and play the game. You can trust them because they can't have this project fail, Adam and his team are kind of putting their careers on the line with this game. Imagine if they only went at it half arsed and the project failed completely, who would ever purchase another game they made again? If you look at it that way, they are not in any way going to let us down because this is their career, and it's how they make a living to take care of their families. But that's just my opinion on the matter, and this is how Obsidian makes me feel when I think about PE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxprUs_WAso
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