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Everything posted by Loranc

  1. Heh that's pretty funny. And they have things planned already for Monday and Tuesday. They are doing a D&D night (sucks that i work 12 hour shifts monday and tuesday, so i'll miss out on most of it). Also keep in mind guys that i'm using the 'bare' absolute bare minimum projections, meaning that I'm assuming PE is going to get the very least amount of money 4k/hour and backers 50/hour. Yesterday afternoon we had several spikes. As you can see here that's 5.6k/hour And here 7.6k/hour So please bare in mind that i'm simply 'assuming' that we'll get the lowest averages when I say we'll see 3.3 'minimum' when the kick starter ends.
  2. 3 1/2 more hours have gone by and we're now at 3,061,354 a 15,356 increase. (4k/hour so we're back to our normal pace) 62,107 backers, a 211 increase (50/hour back to the norm). A little over 62 hours left on the counter and we're already making a good pace for the day. We've already earned 27,127 donations in just kickstarter funds today. I doubt we'll see a paypal update on sunday, but perhaps we'll get new information monday.
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61416-countdown-to-eternity/page__st__20
  4. Not a problem, I am thoroughly enjoying doing this, seeing how close we're getting to that goal. And I'm hoping that it will continue to get others motivated as well, seeing how well we're doing and that we are not far off from 3.5 million. Adam kept saying something a long the lines of 'Dream the impossible dream', last night during IWD2's Ustream. This isn't just a stretch goal for us but a dream goal for the Obsidian team, and that is really awesome. They are just as excited as we are about reaching this goal and creating that second big big city. Also our friends over at the rpgcodex http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=8456 have raised $6,593 to donate towards PE so they can get one of the highest tier packages and put their own design into the game. That's a pretty big chunk of change as well, though their intentions may be a bit ... well read it for yourself and see
  5. In a way it does hurt us though. Funding for multiplayer would take away money from another part of the project. Right now Obsidian's focus is creating the best single player RPG that has ever seen the light of day. They're trying to make a memorable experience that is grander than those of the past (PST, BG, IWD) and anytime I've ever seen 'anyone' talk about the good old days of rpgs, I've never once seen someone mention coop and multi player as one of the things they were reminiscing about.
  6. Fun fact Wasteland 2 ended with $3,039,923 (this includes Paypal donations) So we passed them by 6,075 with 65 hours yet to go. Doube Fine hit 3.3 million (Not sure if they had Paypal and if that number has Paypal figured in.) I'd love to pass 3.3 million today, but it's more likely going to happen Monday. Monday is going to be a big day for donations.
  7. It was a running joke last night while he was Ustreaming IWD2, I don't think they know if they will do something at 4 million, but my guess would be they would do something fun. (example being; the dead cats in IWD2, or BG2's pantaloons.) Something a long those lines.
  8. Yes the Endless Paths ... will end , when the Kickstarter is over. As to your second question, of course there is a chance. Spread the word, tell your friends. We can do this. Hey Boddy~ How do you think to set 2-3 small stretch goals between 3.0M to 3.5M? Maybe the idea can push the last mile for us. The small stretch goals between 3.0M and 3.5M could be very trivial such as a new language translation or some new music, just make backers feel it's not too far to archieve the last goal. For me ,the best thing is at least one new companion. You see even PS:T have 7 companion, which are so unique. How many compainions did we have in BG2? I can't remember the exact number, but, really a big number .So, think about it please While this is all good idea (I love more stretch goals), I think what's really going to push PE at this point is getting as much information about the game out there as possible. The more Q&A's and screenshots they release the more money they're going to get. There's a lot of people with a lot of questions and once they get an answer or two they'll start tossing cash at their computer screen. I'm all for some small stretch goals in between though! That would defiantly ramp things up.
  9. We're going to surpass 3.5 i'm actually hoping we can hit 4 million. Already known awards for 4,000,000? Оо Adam said the 4 million reward is going to be CATS!
  10. Feargus one of the men working on the game told us the Paypal donation amount last night during Adam's IWD2 Ustream. But he didn't give us an updated Paypal backer amount
  11. We're going to surpass 3.5 i'm actually hoping we can hit 4 million.
  12. Wooo 7 hours later we saw a small dip. 3,045,998 (3593/hour) 61,896 backers (38/hour).
  13. It's been pointed out that it might not be. It's also been pointed out that quality developers have produced terrible maps in the past. For $140, some people might like a little more detail. The map isn't 140$ look what else is 'new' in that package. Cloth patch, mouse pad, collector's boxed version of the game, cloth map. The reason it says 'the world' is because PE does not have an official name yet, and also if I remember correctly the cloth map wasn't even a reward before so therefore it's 'FREE'.
  14. In the config options you can increase the FPS of the games which increases movement speed.
  15. Okay folks, up to 3,020,843 with 61,625 backers. Still keeping our same trend as before gaining 8,013 and 105 new backers.
  16. Update time. We're at 3,012,830, with 61,520 backers (we don't have a new backer update for Paypal yet). After doing the math and adding on the new Paypal amount to the last post we gained 8444 in the past 2 hours. We are now back to our 4/hour trend, it seems we've lost that nice spike we had the past few hours. Gaining 115 new backers 50/hour, it's not bad. Estimated trend with minimum average projection: 300,000 by the time kickstarter ends. (This is using a 4000/hour average and not counting new Paypal amounts or spikes.) Giving us 3,312,830. Estimated backers 65,270. (Again not including new Paypal backers).
  17. Official Paypal amount is $74,208, attempting to get a backer count.
  18. Stronghold was just confirmed by feargus, it's in.
  19. I can't really foresee them signing 2000+ boxes by hand, so my guess would be no...
  20. It's that time once again. 2 hour update - 2,987,641 our total donations and 61,405 backers. That's a 15,275 increase in the past two hours and 160 new backers. Looks like we've increased quite a bit this is the largest we've accumulated today in a 2 hour period.
  21. Thinking about it, why would they bother posting the backer count on twitter if it didn't count? Thanks for the confirmation! I could have sworn they did
  22. I could have sworn we asked this question and they replied with a yes. But I can't confirm it, hmmm... anyone else remember this from yesterday's live feed?
  23. It's that time again doing it a few early as i'm watching Adam. Here we go! We're at 2,972,366 with 61,245 backers. We've made 11,323 in donations in the last 2 hours and 115 backers.
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