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Everything posted by Gel214th

  1. This is amazing, I never knew you could do this. Kudos!!
  2. I modded the blaster to fire six shots before reloading, and it works as expected. Usual, drop the folder into the override directory if you want to see how it would play that way. I still was unable to get the Bullettime effect to trigger with the blaster. Eccea Mod.zip
  3. Well I've seen no way to avoid the long reload animations for firearms. It makes them feel very clunky and I realise I'm not going to be able to have a slick gunslinger type character lol. In fact I have never seen this trigger on the Blaster for my character in the short time I tested. I think I will try to modify it to 100% just to see what happens.
  4. I hope people still ahve notifications turned on for these posts. I am looking at the Assembly file and I cannot find the variable listing from the photo. I see several nodes, but I have no idea which one would contain the variables lists. Can anyone help? https://i.imgur.com/XiFfOIO.png
  5. I don't think that Unity Console mod was ever updated for the latest version of the game. At least the one on Nexusmods was not.
  6. It looks as though you may have commented out the last { //{ You need that { , for each block of code where you have a { you need a corresponding } https://imgur.com/a/Q2W8bSx
  7. Game supports modding, although complex mods need paid version of Unity (because Unity 4.x's paid and free versions don't always have compatible files, if they upgrade to Unity 5 this hindrance would vanish) and their file structure isn't easiest to understand. They don't offer mod tools, because they don't have tools that they could offer, So...you can Mod the game, but there is no specific support for modding. This would explain why there aren't many mods for it (if any). For a CRPG, especially an Indie CRPG supporting mods improves the longevity and sales for the game. I would prefer if PoE went the direction of DA:O. And I assume we are talking about changing direction, because the eventual feedback after the hype of launch has not been 90% of purchasers are happy with the gameplay.
  8. Unity is not modding unfriendly - Where does this flawed myth comes from? The engine is very moddable - As moddable as the developers will let you make it. Just look at Cities: Skylines - They've allowed for .dll and very unrestrictive mono modding. People have already revamped the interface, changed pretty basic mechanics and added content. The benefits of allowing modding in your game are enormous. Developers of a CRPG in 2015 that don't support mods have missed the bus, totally. \ And we can't blame the publisher as we can in Dragon Age Inquisition either.
  9. Better yet, why not support modding from the start? And why on earth didn't the Kickstarter backers demand that from the game?
  10. What would have been awesome is if the developers allowed us to mod the game ourselves. They do not.
  11. Yeah. I miss it too. All the previous games had Tactics, this one does not. Terrible design decision. If there are no party tactics in a party based RPG then it had damn well better be totally turn based. I've set my combat pause to every 5 seconds to see if that helps. Developing decent tactics depending on your party composition was a strategy in itself. MANY RPGs have this system and no one would ever dare call them "playing the game for you". That's a ridiculous assertion. No one has said that Baldurs Gate II played the game for you. smh. Really? I actually starting to think that it was left out because of cost, then some clever marketing got the fanbois to shout that its working as intended (because there has never been a CRPG that allowed you to SWITCH OFF tactics if you wanted to...right?). See, if the Tactics are there it allows players to switch it OFF. If they aren't there players that want to can't even switch it on. Damn "hardcore" "oldschool" "nostalgic" games. ( )
  12. You mean like Saving and Loading? Good grief, if it were up to people like you we wouldn't even have those. I tried installing the IEMOD , but my savegame failed to load Do you know if there is an updated mod available, and where it might be? I think that every player who bought the game should have the right to play as they see fit. Not including a respec option was a poor design decision on the part of the developer in my view. I want the option, and I'm sure the developer didn't mind getting my money for the game. All the people that bought this title are certainly not "hardcore" or oldschool.
  13. No, you don't. As for Veteran. It isn't exactly harder. quite the opposite. lets you start with way more skillpoints than the others. As for the OP. I can only give you the advise with changing things manually. Though, your a pretty high level player. Alpha Protocol on Hard/Recruit is harder for me than any of the ME's. Yeah..actually you should post some of your gameplay for a mission or two to YouTube so we can see how you do it! )
  14. Take the Interference Skill, and stock up on EMP Charges. Then you don't have to hack anything. Just press the B button on the controller infront a computer.
  15. Did you try increasing the difficulty of the game to HARD if you find it too easy, and starting at the Recruit level instead of picking a path?
  16. The first 40 minutes of the game certainly drew me in. Saudi Arabia was tough though,because I did not have much skills yet. Also, if you pick the Recruit Path its going to suck even more (should be obvious, but some folks are slow). If you pick the Stealth path and try to play it as a shooter...you are also going to find it tough. Me? I was having fun from the get-go.
  17. How on earth did you make it to the end of that ....soliloquy on Mass Effect 2? wow.
  18. I just switched to my Xbox 360 controller on the PC..and the game is much, much better with the controller. All the User interfaces are more responsive. The game feels quicker and more fluid picking special abilities, different ammunition etc. Going in and out of cover is even better with the use of the A button as a toggle. I also haven't missed the accuracy of aiming with the mouse yet during combat. Combat is also a lot more fun. If you can, try it.
  19. It is a genuine problem. I bought a digital download from direct2drive.co.uk and I have the mouse problem. It seems to happen when the game is loading new graphics, textures etc.
  20. You shouldn't be shooting 12 bullets to hit once. Concentrate on one type of weapon, boost the stats in that. And Aim. Right Click...settle...let the crosshairs close...shoot. Even with the pistol when you are fully aimed you can kill with one shot.
  21. Yes. And what I'm saying is I would like to see the youtube videos of you WALKING through the game in Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell. That's some serious OCD stuff there man LOL! Would love to see it. Did you take 40 hours instead of the normal 20 something to finish the game? )
  22. Another issue when reading these reviews that we need to take into account is that the Publisher nor Obsidian paid multi millions in marketing. That means there are a lot less kickbacks on review sites for Alpha Protocol. Where they may have been more likely to bump a review score up a notch or two for more popular and mainstream titltes, AP isn't going to get that treatment. Argue all you want, it's the fact with game reviews on many sites out there. ALpha Protocol is a good game. I haven't played it enough to really give an opinion at this point. but my early view is that it is rough around the edges, it is not as super polished as other titles (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2) but there is a lot of great gameplay there to satisfy just about any RPG fan. In fact even Shooter fans should like the game. I'd rate it, right now, a 7.5 out of 10. Some of the things patches can't fix though. Hacking, Cover system are two of the things I don't particular like. I love the storyline, Conversation system, Shooting mechanics, environments, story so far, character development.
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