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About Gyor

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist


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  1. You realize Eder's not female, right? And the bald old man is a friggin' monk. What do you expect? Zangief from Street Fighter? "I crush man's head between thigh like sparrow's egg!" Honestly, it sounds like you're trying to overcompensate for something, and I don't even know what. What, 3 out of 8 companions are female, and you're not only assuming the rest are gonna be female, but you're insisting that we have some male characters thrown in who are SO grizzled and Conan-ish that they make up for... what... Sagani's dainty princess look? Cadegund's pretty pretty dress that just so happens to look like plate mail, and her bubble gun that just so happens to look like a friggin' rifle? Yeah... man, can we get some testosterone in here? I think our female companions may get a touch of the vapors, and faint at any second. LMMFAO. The vapors. Hehe. In all seriousness, I like the companions, they all seem interesting. If I feel the need to have a companion to wack to I'll create one in the adventurer's hall. Or I'll play star trek online where I have 7 gorgoeus female Orion Slavegirl bridge officers, as well as a female trill and female romulan BOs for veriety. On a less too much information note so far the three companions I'm most interested are the Monk, because he makes me think of David Cardeen from kung-fu the lengend continues on acid, the Godlike Paladin because the Vailian culture seems a cool fusion between Italian Renassince culture and 70's African American. I'm picturing her order as a cross between the papal guard and the black panthers. Cool. And lastly the Orlan fellow because I'm wondering how they handle social class vs. race issues. Like he's from a marginalized race, Orlans, but he's also a noble who comes from money. I've always felt that social class at the highest levels trumps race. In other words race matters more when it comes to how you are treated at poorer levels, then rich because society engrains in most people an instinctive deference to the wealthy, that transends race.
  2. @cornish you do realize that the Adventurers hall will allow you to create any party that you want? If you want a male Aumura barbarian you can make said companion. As for the Death Godlike I don't see those as helmets or horns, I see them as bony scabs that have grown over the void that exists on the Death Godlike's face, the hole from which all that darkness leaks out. I think if you removed the bony growth all you'd see is darkness tingled with the essence of death leaking out from a hole in thier face.
  3. @cornish you do realize that the Adventurers hall will allow you to create any party that you want? If you want a male Aumura barbarian you can make said companion. As for the Death Godlike I don't see those as helmets or horns, I see them as bony scabs that have grown over the void that exists on the Death Godlike's face, the hole from which all that darkness leaks out. I think if you removed the bony growth all you'd see is darkness tingled with the essence of death leaking out from a hole in thier face.
  4. So far Hylea (bird), Nature, and Death Godlike are confirmed. A picture also shows a fiery godlike, and light looking one and a water Godlike. I suspect that the Glowing one is a Godlike of that God of Light and redemption and the fiery one is likely a Godlike of that fire Goddess of bombs. I'm curious if their will be a Godlike for that Goddess of rightful rule, the desposed Queen.
  5. If Rogues, Ciphers, Rangers are heavy hitters, Fighters and Barbarians are front liners, Wizards and Druids are Mob Rulers, and Priests and Chanters are Leaders of the Band, what are Paladins and Monks? Btw I vote Leaders of the Band.
  6. I'm not sure that the first Godlike in,that strip of three is lightening, I don't see sparks. She could simply be a Godlike of Light, as in Eothas God of Light and Redemption.
  7. I just hope you can become a pornstar in PE like Fallout 2.
  8. Chanters sound really cool, I like the idea of using phrases to craft songs. Curious if summoned Monsters will work like Ranger Animal companions. Sounds good so far. I'm looking forward to more lore on the classes and races.
  9. Most games have random name generators, which usually base the name on culture/race, sometimes class.
  10. I thought Recovery is an ability, not a spell, after all don't you get to choose your spell? Sacred Circle: Aura Buff Spells: Dailies that turn into encounters as you level. Recovery: Stamina Heal Ability
  11. I thought Recovery is an ability, not a spell, after all don't you get to choose your spell? Sacred Circle: Aura Buff Spells: Dailies that turn into encounters as you level. Recovery: Stamina Heal Ability
  12. Btw anyone else have the feeling that Chanters will get access to Blasts like wizards, but not spells? Just a guess. Merry Christmas.
  13. That way I see them doing classes is start with the basic frame work and then let the player fill in the blanks with what they want. So maybe your mage gets Blast, Spells, and familar like all mages do, but he then fills his skill points into Stealth, Pick Pockets, and Heal skills, and then chooses a universal talent for Battle Riendeer pets that he gets early access too because he's a Christmas Elf.
  14. It'd be neat if Christmas elves of some sort were a subrace of elves. Anyways sounds cool. I like the baseline abilities for these four classes. I'm curious how often Priests can use recovery, is it encounter, at will? Recovery could use a cooler name, maybe blessing, or Faith Healing. Sacred Circle sounds like the priests passive ability, but a cool one. Not sure how a Priests diety choice effects things. Wizard blasts remind me of the 3e warlock. Rogues sound cool. I also love the invetory system.
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