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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. This is Nordic's Haul so far: Source They should hire Crate Entertainment do do another Titan Quest once Crate finishes up Grim Dawn. Titan Quest (with Immortal Throne) is my favorite loot em up ever.
  2. Woot, 600k. The 650k stretch goal should easily be reached. I still haven't given up hope on the 800k stretch goal either.
  3. The Reddit AMA will help a bit, they always do. It probably would have been better to have done it earlier in the campaign, during the midst of the dead period, but better late than never, and who knows it may work out even better during what should be the beginning of the final push. Anyway, here's hoping for a wildly successful final 4 days.
  4. I've always though that the best solution was to have very little, if any, completely safe rest areas, outside of beds in an inn, of course. Most camping should be accompanied by a chance of area appropriate random encounters, and not just easy trash mobs that even a weakened party can clean up on and collect 10 experience points and several short swords, but the chance that you could run into something really threatening. Higher difficulty levels could maybe give attacking mobs ambush bonuses to their first series of attacks. Also, there could be camping/resting specific skills that could help the party to avoid getting ambushed.
  5. I love it. It's not that different compared to X2, though it's been a really long time since I played X2, so my memory may not be perfect. Basically with X3 you get purdier graphics, more sectors, more ships in more categories, the ability to multiplex factories (I think that was introduced in X3, though it might have been in X2 also) and some tweaks and rebalances. So people like the balancing they did for X3 (and they rebalanced again and again from Reunion to Terran Conflict to Albion Prelude), some don't, but there are balance mods out there anyway.
  6. Cool, thanks. Setting up a giant merchant empire with many factories and transports is basically my bag. Though, I do like to amuse myself by leading a massive fleet into a Xenon sector and doing a massive scale battle also. Obviously I won't be doing that until much later, when I have the resources and reputation to assemble such a fleet.
  7. I would imagine that both fighters and rogues could be built into some kind of thug/brigand/highwayman build. An Aumaua would certainly excel in that role as their sheer size would help scare the **** out of convince travelers to hand over their belongings pay a completely fair tariff. As for quest density, my stance on that is the same as my stance on companions. Quality over quantity. I'd rather see the time taken to make 5 interesting, well designed, and thought out quests in a town, than 20 hastily slapped together quests.
  8. Macbeth, now that we know your secret identity, you have to help make the game extra awesome.
  9. I've been messing around with overclocking my GT650M since there are two versions of the card, a higher core clocked version with slower GDDR3 memory foung in 15" and under lappys, and a slower core clocked version with much faster GDDR5 memory found in 17" lappys (this is what I have). I figured I should be able to raise the core clock to that of the GDDR3 version with no problem seeing as it's the exact same chipset, save the memory. In fact, word round the campfire is that the GT650M with GDDR5 can essentially be turned into a GTX660M, since it's the exact same chipset at different speeds. Well, so far I've cranked up the core clock +135 MHz and the already quite fast memory clock +350 MHz, which resulted in a temperature raise of exactly ZERO degrees when running Unigine Heaven again and again to stress test it. I figured I could overclock this chip, I didn't know I could overclock it this far this easily.
  10. It's just a concept art....... Silence! Not generic white male protagonist enough!
  11. My favorite survival horror video game company is Frictional Games, makes of the Penumbra and Amnesia series. It sounds like The Evil Within will be taking some cues from Frictional and making some of the horror more mental/psychological, and introducing some mind **** mechanics. If so, I'm all for it. What made the Penumba games and Amnesia: The Dark Descent so good is the way those games built a constant crushing sense of foreboding, and how they ****ed with your head.
  12. The best solution would be to make the enemy AI smart enough to try to pick the lock or break down the door if you locked it. Then it would be a pick locks or strength/break doors check, just like it would be for one of your characters. In the case where you don't have a rogue to lock the door, or simply don't have the time, it would be cool if you could place a strong and heavy fighter directly in front of the door. He would be effectively barring the door shut (assuming it swung in that direction) to prevent enemies from opening it. Then it would be a strength vs, strength check to see if the enemies can force the door open. As an aside, one of my favorite tactics in previous games was, assuming I can spy a room of enemies without them noticing me, to have my rogue open the door then jump out of the way. My mage, who was lined up to have a clear line of sight through the doorway into the room, would cast Cloudkill, or something like that, into the room. The rogue would slam the door shut, place a trap just outside the doorway, then retreat to the rest of the party and take up position ready with a missile weapon. Anyone that survived the cloud attack in the room burst through the door to stumble into a trap. Anyone left after that got several arrows, crossbow bolts, and sling bullets lodged in them for their trouble. Good times.
  13. It was a Princess Leia style plate bikini :
  14. It saddens me that this massively awesome project hasn't garnered more funding. I mean, it's a successful Kickstarter, for sure, but, dang it, it should be much more successful. Many people, myself included, are spreading the word on various forums, and that helps, but what this really needs is some coverage from a mega giant site like IGN. I'll send them an email with a link to the hour long gameplay in hopes of coaxing them to do an article.
  15. Aumaua would be perfect for subterfuge, because you'd never suspect them. Hiding in plain sight, and all that jazz. "Whoa, did that gigantic dude just sneak out of that house? ... Nah, couldn't be."
  16. They named the main character after me, how thoughtful.
  17. Y'all do realize that by continuing to argue with Helm you're doing exactly what he wants, right? Say your piece and move on. Let him grumble by himself.
  18. I was going to say safehead, but yeah.
  19. Steam offers a couple of different packages that include DLC (Reunion, Albion Prelude), can you recommend or discourage anything about those? All the X3 games are basically the same but with some tweaks here and there, and they're all standalone, except Albion Prelude, which requires Terran Conflict. Reunion was the first. Terran Conflict is basically Reunion with much of the stuff from the X-Tended Mod (for Reunion) and some other tweaks. Albion Prelude has some more tweaks and some added ships on top of that. Each one has a story, but the stories are mostly throw away. I'd go with Terran Conflict or Albion Prelude, as in Reunion you have to play through the campaign to unlock the Terran sectors, while in TC and AP they're unlocked from the start, not to mention there are more of them. Either way, it's mostly the same game. If you really want to do the stories, you can buy the X Superbox which includes all the X games. Whatever you choose, they're occasionally super cheap during Steam sales. Edit: Oops, Albion Prelude requires Terran Conflict, changed above text for correction. My bad.
  20. Are you playing standard or with mods? Vanilla. Are there any mods you want to recommend? I thought about playing with X-Tended again, but I did that last time. It's working... /rubs hands together ...I mean, I don't know what you're talking about.
  21. X3: Terran Conflict - Hopped out of my transport and into my Terran Rapier scout and took the somewhat long journey through some inhospitable sectors (though I could have gone a different, slightly longer, more hospitable route) to get to Duke's Citadel on the edge of Paranid space. The good thing about a scout is that even flying through dangerous sectors, like Xenon sectors, is relatively safe as long as you keep them engines burning bright, since you can just outrun anyone that's a threat. Anyway, the trip was all types of worth it because at the edge of that sector was a Paranid Advanced Perseus M3 heavy fighter sitting there, just waiting for a new owner. Now the Advanced Perseus is ugly as sin, simply one of the ugliest ships in the game, but it's also one of the better heavy fighters in the game. It's very fast, maneuverable, well shielded, and well armed. Heck, the one I found wasn't even completely wrecked, like so many abandoned ships. The hull was completely intact and it even came with a pair of PBEs (Pulse Beam Emitters). PBEs definitely have their uses. While they have a very short range, and they do very little hull damage, they have a super fast rate of fire, fast moving blasts, and do MASSIVE shield damage. This makes them perfect for taking out pesky M5 scouts, and for capturing ships. So far I added 1 PAC (Particle Accelerator Cannon), a decent damage, high rate of fire, somewhat limited range weapon, and 2 HEPTs (High Energy Plasma Throwers) which have long range, and do massive damage, but have a slow rate of fire and not particularly fast moving blasts. This gives me enough armament to take on basically any fighter with confidence, but if I want to have any chance against a corvette, I'll need to scoop up a couple more HEPTs, not to mention some missiles. Anyway, I can go ahead and do my escort mission now as the Advanced Perseus is more than capable enough to thwart off anything I'm liable to run into during the mission.
  22. Only Uncle Gaben knows for sure, but my guess is that the hope is that developers of games will encourage their fans and supporters to go to Steam and vote for their game, whether said fans plan to purchase the game through Steam or not. In the process, said fans may see something else on Steam they like and buy it. That's my theory, anyway. I'm just happy Shovel Knight (Now that's SHOVELware. Heyoo!) got greenlighted. As for Knock Knock, it definitely looks creepy and interesting, but I don't really understand anything that's happening in that video.
  23. Point taken. You win... this round, Hurlshot.
  24. Well, the original game on 3DS was my 2012 GotY across all platforms and what I consider to be the best Resi game ever made. As long as the port is good, it should be terrific. At the very least, I can tell you that it's a throw back to the likes of Resi 1 & 2, minus the horrific camera and controls (assuming they translate the controls to m&kb and controllers well) of those classics.
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