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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. But anyhow this to me is complaining that you can tell that Elrond Half-Elven looks older in the Hobbit than in LoTR even though the Hobbit is chronologically first or that Brandon Routh doesn't look like Christopher Reeve despite their Supermans both supposedling being the same character in the same universe. That's what I think too. I think
  2. I don't think this version is prettier. Personally I liked the old look better even, but I'd say it's mostly a matter of taste. Anyway, I never did get around to playing the original, how does it play on the PC if anyone knows? Is it worth €10 on steam? Wait for a steam sale. It's a fun game when it lets you do what it was designed to do: run. The combat sucks, most of it is avoidable, but there are a few fights you just can't avoid. It's a very short game so I definitely wouldn't pay that much for it.
  3. I think that they believed that Mass Effect was the way to go, and DA2 was an attempt to refocus the franchise around "fantasy Shepard". I think Zor and Gorth make good points about DA2's changes for the worse, they had a combat system that needed a fair bit of tweaking, but didn't need to be thrown out in favor of a terrible action/party-based system that doesn't work well as either. I do think that dramatic changes to the art style harm a series as a whole. I blame Morrigan's terrible look on the engine more than art style or artist ability, but IMO that doesn't really excuse it if they can do better. Gaider trying to blame complaints about how she looks on misogyny is intellectually dishonest at best and classless demonizing at worst. This isn't any different from people complaining about a badly drawn picture. On the whole I'm not very optimistic for DA, which I did enjoy the first title(even if it was more "fantasy KOTOR" than "BG spiritual successor" IMO), because instead of sticking to the original concept of the series, the devs seem keen on reinventing it with almost every title. I agree that it seems they tried to do a fantasy Mass Effect rather than trying to continue along the path that DA:O set, which was a perfectly fine path, by the way. The problem is that if you're going to make the move from tactical RPG to action RPG you really should go all the way. I can only speculate about their thought process, but it seems to me like they tried to straddle the fence and create both an action RPG and a tactical RPG, since going full action RPG would likely alientate their core audience (a logical assumption). I'm not saying it's impossible to make an RPG that's both a tactical RPG and an action RPG, but that's a really tall order and something that would take a great deal of time of careful planning, tweaking, retweaking, reretweaking, rereretweaking, rerereretweaking, and so on. Obviously they didn't have that kind of time. It would have been much wiser to either stick with the tried and true formula of DA:O or go full Shepard, they tried to do both and mostly failed on both accounts (not to mention how insanely lather rinse repeat every single and I do mean EVERY SINGLE battle, in the entire game is). It's too bad because there are some really good elements in there like the cool cross skill/class system of feeding off each others' status effects which was present in DA:O and expanded upon in DA2.
  4. Seems so. Too bad, I liked Faith's look in the original, not that she looks bad here or anything. The one thing that put me off in that trailer was that it seems that Dice took the route of "we'll fix the horrific combat" rather than "we'll get rid of the combat entirely and let the people do what they really want to do, run". Hopefully with the game being "open world" that will mean every single battle will be avoidable if you're creative and perceptive enough.
  5. Sure, if you really don't want it. I'll save it for fusing something really good like several mid level enhancement slot enchantments into a greater or something. It would seem like a waste using it one fusinf shards into lesser enhancement slot enchantments or fusing together some rank 6 enchantments. I'm glad you finally got some blue dogs. They're really not all that special or anything, but it's cool to get them anyway. I have the one I got first bound to my character and the other one I'll trade to a future character if I make one that would stand to benefit more from an offense oriented companion moreso than my current GWF. I'm not making another character until they come out with another class, though. I just have no desire to play any of the other classes and I only have 2 character slots and have no plans to purchase any. I see a guy up toward the very top of Protector's Enclave that sells bags of holding among other things "reward claims" or some such thing, but he's not selling anything at the moment. Is there an event coming up that will drop things that I can use to buy from him? I could really use a bag of holding. My entire inventory is filled with enchantments and runes. Edit: Also, I'm extremely close to lev 20 mailsmithing. I might reach it today. If not, definitely tomorrow. Got Rufus von Marrowstein up to lev 15. Still no glowing skin. 10 levels to go to max him out.
  6. LOL, I logged on and entered the game in the midst of an invasion with NOBODY else around me except a bunch of zombies and unhallowed wights. I had to fight the whole army by myself. Now THAT was fun. It was crazy frantic. Near the end I had 3 Unhallowed wights attacking me at the same time. Oh, and 'grats on the mount.
  7. I think I'm for the most part burned out on the invasion event. I have nearly 250 bones, 10 rank 5 savage enchantments and many lesser ones, and I got a second blue dog drop, which I'l save for a future character or sell in AH if I think I can get a high enough AD for it.
  8. I'm around 9k, but that's with almost no enchantments on any of my gear because I don't want to socket anything into my good gear until I have at least rank 6s, and preferably rank 7s or 8s, of the type I want. Removing enchantments is just too expensive for me to keep switching it out, it's one time and that's that. I imagine I'll be around that 11k mark if and when I get a full Titan set and when I socket everything (read: not any time soon). To me, "good" gear is whatever fits the character build you're going for. For me, it's all about critical strike and life steal. Recovery, defense, deflect, power, etc. they're all nice, but they're all secondary to critical strike and life steal for me.
  9. I just assume that's hair on their face. I don't think it's wrinkles.
  10. While I have lost much faith in BioWare, my outlook isn't nearly as bleak for the game or BioWare for that matter. While I have come to terms with the fact that the BioWare that made the Baldur's Gate games is gone forever, I do think they can still make good games. With that said, I'm firmly in "show me don't tell me" and "let others be the guinea pig" modes for DA3, or anything else BioWare puts out for that matter. If after it has come out people are singing its praises (and not just paid off "reviewers" like IGN and such, but people I know and trust that have similar tastes as me) then I may well get it. Until then, I'll remain cautious and weary.
  11. In my Anjali playthrough I died fighting Rajani twice. I died fighting the Corrupted Creator once, but that was only because I got overconfident and sloppy, I beat him EASILY the next time. I must have died at least four times, possibly more, before I finally defeated the Daeva statue. Man, that fight was brutal. No other deaths besides that. No deaths to speak of when playing rifle Katarina. I just steamrolled through everything with her. It was so easy that the game ceased being fun. I still need to do a Reinhart playthrough someday.
  12. I have heard this said before. I can't remember that battle though. At all. So for me it must have been easy with Katarina kitted out. Decked out rifle Katarina makes everything easy. It's not even fair, she's a walking death machine. As an aside, I liked playing as (mostly) human Anjali the best, which is far from the most powerful character/stance combination.
  13. Rajani is probably the worst part of the game. I think she is part of the reason why I didn't get far on my second playthrough. I found Rajani to be the second hardest battle in the entire game, maybe not the best idea to put that difficult a battle that early in the game. The Daeva Statue battle in the Treasures of the Sun expansion was the hardest IMHO.
  14. I'm really considering snagging Unepic, on account of my torrid love affair with Metroidvanias. If I see it on a daily for 66% off or more I'll definitely get it.
  15. Dang, I really love the Wild Orlans models, they look fantastic. As for the paladin, the mechanics sound really promising. It sounds like there will be quite a few classes that can provide various buffs to the party. I'm all for that. I especially like the Shake It Off mechanic of the stamina gained being partially temporary.
  16. I think that's mostly because there's usually 10-15 players+companions all wailing away. No companions in some of the dungeons, right? And they can't make it too hard in case not many ppl show up in a spot. I've gotten to a portal solo and me against 2 of those Wights in the middle of a cluster of zombie adds = dicey, lol. I've bought 3 white dogs and have several lvl5 enchants too. Don't care about saving up the bones. Just want the dogs to sell later, once the companion upgrades are available. Don't know why ppl sell them right away before the event is even over. Time for a nap now. Yeah, I'm going to see if it's more profitable to sell white dogs or savage enchantments and spend the bones on whatever I can make a prettier profit on. The enchantments are nice and all, but not anything special. Frankly, I'd rather have azure enchantments as I care about critical strike for offense slots above anything else, and while savage enchantments provide both critical strike and armor penetration and the sum of the bonuses is slightly higher than an equivalent rank azure (or other type) enchantment (for example +65 and +65 for a rank 5 savage versus +120 for a rank 5 azure) I'd rather have the singular critical strike bonus of azure than split between crit and armor penetration. I'm currently in the process of trying to find and/or buy the full Titan armor set. I have the boots, now I need the helmet, armor, and bracers. Once I have the full set I'll mostly just squirrel away my AD for a potential mount and/or companion training manual in the future. I may spend a few AD on an enhancement slot enchantment for my axe and my armor (once I have the Titan Scale). I came to the conclusion that coalescent wards are just way too expensive in AH (I've still yet to EVER get one from a coffer of augmentation). It's cheaper to just buy the already fused enchantments. Also, about 10 1/2 months from now I'll get that angel companion for 360 ardent coins. Nothing else is even remotely worth buying with ardent coins (ooh a blue lev 60 weapon that's nowhere near as powerful as even the weakest purple you can easily get with seals of the unicorn that you'll quickly accumulate by doing epic dungeon runs [especially during dungeon delves events] )
  17. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call Sony "honorable" (in fact I sure as heck wouldn't), they saw Microsoft HERP DERP DERP DEEEEERRRRRP *slobber* and they made sure to point it out to everybody and laught at it while everyone laughed with them. They basically "won" because they weren't completely incompetent and delusional. Pretty funny and mostly accurate comparison otherwise.
  18. Yeah, the Unhallowed Wights at least add another enemy that doesn't get insta-gibbed, though I've seen and participated in taking them down in sometimes as little as 2 or 3 seconds. Anyway, my goal was to get 200 bones (not that they're particularly valuable because there's not really anything good to trade them for), and I'm almost there. I have 7 rank 5 savage enchantments. If I can get one more that will be enough to fuse 2 rank 6s. I doubt I could get enough for a rank 7. I don't think anyone will be able to fuse a rank 8, unless they buy up rank 7s from AH.
  19. While ME was far from cutting edge, I will agree that the difference in design quality between the two franchises (ME and DA) is quite noticeable. Did they use the same engine for both series? (Unreal Engine?) Notice I said "design", meaning artistic design, not commenting on the tech itself (which looked better than DA regardless). Yup. My question about engines used was separate from my comment on design, though I did a poor job of making that clear.
  20. While ME was far from cutting edge, I will agree that the difference in design quality between the two franchises (ME and DA) is quite noticeable. Did they use the same engine for both series? (Unreal Engine?)
  21. Demon Stone and Dragon Shard are garbage, but that's still a great deal.
  22. Hawt desire abomination on sloth abomination love scenes.
  23. Maybe make a push for Laywer RPGs. Ace Attorney RPG Skill tree: Opening Arguments / \ Objection Closing Arguments / \ Take That Investigative Intuition / \ Dramatic Flair Streetwise / \ / \ Witness Badgering Stall Tactics Security Bypass Duping
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