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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Crap, I read it as June rather than July...
  2. Ladies and gentlement, we have a release date! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1613260297/shadowrun-returns/posts/512751?ref=activity Woot! That's just 1 week away. /starts planning out Ork Shaman or Decker
  3. Okay, it doesn't link to her. Cool, because I don't want to give her page views. I might read it at lunch time.
  4. Hm, that could be. Or maybe if you have one of the higher level special purple companion enchants? I did notice that the lvl1 white dog has less initial hit points than the blue lvl1 dog. Must be a Tier multiplier difference. Wonder when they're going to have the Upgrade Companion tome to purchase...seems a bit odd it's not there already. Yeah, when I was leveling up my Acolyte of Kelemvor, she already had as many hit points as my max levelled cheesy cleric or wizard companion when she hit lev 8 or 9. She's got more than double hit points at lev 25 of what the cheesy companions have at lev 15. Speaking of the Acolyte of Kelemvor, travelling around with Rufus to level him up has given me new appreciation for her. Just doing runs through Bill's Tavern for foundry dailies (Bill's Tavern is my go to foundry speedrun, I can do it in 11 or 12 minutes) I wind up having to use potions or chilling near the campfire for extended periods because I take so much more damage and heal so much less. Of course part of that is because Rufus is still so low lev that he gets knocked unconscious but quick, so he doesn't pull aggro for very long, nor get the chance to knock down enemies much, but the other part of that is that a "healer" is just a much better companion for me in most situations since I'm a DPS class. I wouldn't mind getting another blue dog drop, either to save for a future character that could benefit more from it, or to sell in AH for AD. If I don't get another one, though, I'll just be happy with the one I have.
  5. She's not exactly a pioneer as far as posting rumors or complete fabrications to get page views. /does not click on link
  6. The first Amnesia had a few jump scares but the main focus is definitely not things jumping out at you. Yeah, it was mostly about a constant feeling of tension and foreboding weighing down on you, plus some quality mind****s. I still think Penumbra: Black Plague had the single best mind**** (speaking strictly of Frictional Games' games) toward the end of the game.
  7. If you want a "decent" looking MMO you could play Tera. Then you'll have somewhat pretty graphics... of underage girls' underwear.
  8. /snags backup copy Thanks Malc.
  9. If it's a 20 spot and as good as Mars: War Logs then I'll likely scoop it up. I wonder if this will also include hilariously awful low budget voice acting and dialogue?
  10. Shani was my boo in TW1. Eventually, in preparation for TW3, I'll do a playthrough all the way through the first two games kicking both Shani and Triss to the curb, trying to stay true to Yennefer, or as close as the games will let you.
  11. Beyond Good & Evil is a fantastic Zelda-like. Realy good story, characters, atmosphere, and level layout. So, of course it sold criminally poorly.
  12. Thinking about it, perhaps the blue dog glows if you use the skin you get at higher level? I mean the only real difference between the white skeleton dog and the blue one is that the blue one can get to level 25 rather than 15 and get one extra skin. I suspect that maybe that skin is the glowing skin. I guess I'll find out when I level Rufus up to lev 25.
  13. I can live with the super freeze. A patch is coming today that "should" address this. Edit: Wow, the rewards for those bones are downright pathetic. It's just the same stuff that drops during the events. Weak.
  14. There's a "bones" merchant up one side of the main stairs that leads to the main praying spot. He has two dogs next to him...where one of the scrying stones usually is, maybe? The bones can be turned in for the enchants, scrolls, and the dog. 40 for the dog. I only have 25 so far, I was focusing on getting to lvl 60 first. At the end of every portal, does the screen totally freeze for you? It doesn't hurt me at all, but it's rather annoying. Combat is fine, just "portal's have closed!" and it's suddenly 1fps for 5 seconds. Only time the game has behaved like that. P.S. - dunno if the bones will be worth anything else later or not... P.P.S 2 - the vendor just has white dogs, not blue ones. Blue ones from the bag o' bones I gather. Yeah, the blue dog (the one I got) is a rare drop during the event. I've gotten 1 so far the entire time (which is enough for me). The lag thing is happening for everyone (apparently crashing the game for some people, but not me). When the portal explodes at the end it goes into super duper freeze mode for several seconds.
  15. I got me a skeleton dog companion. His name is Rufus von Marrowstein:
  16. WOOHOO! I had a skeletal dog companion drop during one of the portal events! I named him Rufus von Marrowstein. Also, I'm up to 55 bones. I'm still not exactly sure what I'll be able to get for them, but I hope to have at least 200 by the end of the event.
  17. XXX games. Well they did have collectible nudie cards in TW1 and ample sex scenes including some full frontal in TW2, so that's not really much of a stretch for them.
  18. I knew Microsoft were delusional, but to think they will shift anywhere from almost 3 times as many to nearly 7 times as many units as the 2 most successful consoles of all time (PS2 and DS)? That's straight up absurd. Maybe they can design them to Red Ring equivalent shortly after the warranty expires. Say a month or so after it expires when you have to log in for the day, it sends the signal to cook itself. Then you would have to buy a new unit to play (your?) games. That might help drive up Xbone sales. This is "next gen", they need to come up with something new. How about Yellow Triangle of Despair? Other than that, you plan sound right up Microsoft's alley. Edit: Wait, wait , wait, wait, wait. I got it. Microsoft is way ahead of me. Crash to Windows 7 Desktop is the new RRoD.
  19. Yes, but they both turned into memes. Reggie because he uttered one of the most unintentionally hilarious lines in video game history (my body is ready) and Don because he is the corporate douchebag at the forefront of Failgate 2013.
  20. Don Mattrick pics are the new Reggie Fils-Aime pics
  21. Got My Mind On My Rodents And My Rodents On My Mind

  22. I hope they provide a barber like they did in TW2 (after a week or two). I like the loose long hair Geralt better than ponytail Geralt. The beard is great though, that's definitely a plus.
  23. I sort of miss the days when I lived in blissful ignorance of the brutal and cutthroat nature of the business of game development. Like any other business, it's rough out there and it sucks to lose a job. Regardless of what fairy tales they tell us, the recession is far from over.
  24. You are a brave man, expressing your condolences on this forum. Some of the regulars find such actions highly distasteful or even offensive Burn him! Burn him at the stake! HOW DARE HE express sympathy!?
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