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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Scooped up Unepic from GOG. Pretty fun metroidvania so far.
  2. For all its faults, FC2 allows you to create some seriously glorious mass carnage.
  3. I do enjoy the wacky moments that happen out of the blue, like the Pope becoming Cathar, which, as you can imagine, causes all types of unrest and craziness to spread across the land. The thing about a game that includes so much randomness, is that sometimes you're going to get dealt a really ****** hand. Other times things will fall right into your lap.
  4. I don't mind online elements like social media and multi-palyer and such being added to single-player games, as long as they're optional. What I don't want is having social media and multi-player crammed down my throat in a single-player game.
  5. I've heard lots off good things about Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, it's definitely on my list of games to get eventually. Seeing as it's made by Techland, I have to ask, how buggy is it?
  6. So what you're saying is that the PS3 is overpriced? I agree.
  7. It's mostly taxes. prices in Sweden 8and most of Europe) is usually cited including sales tax. Americans tend to say their prices excluding taxes. If you'd add the Swedish sales tax to the $550, it'd be $687, so roughly the same price. You sales tax is 25%!?
  8. Man, the mark up in some countries is staggering. 'Murica **** yeah!
  9. I'll say this for Back to the Future: It's not Michael J Fox voicing Marty McFly, but the guy doing it sounds really close. The puzzles so far are all really standard walk here, talk to this person, pick up this item, use item with this person, walk back to this place, and so on. Seeing a young Doc Brown and McFly and Tannen ancestors definitely puts a smile on my face.
  10. That graphics card will have over 3.5 times the compute power of the entire Xbox1-80 on its own, very few people buy cards that expensive, and very few people would spend more than $450 on a console. If you look at previous generations, and the current competition, $500 is expensive, and in a territory that's only been successful with the PS3 which can be explained by the Blu-Ray player since you'd be paying more than a PS3 for a Blu-Ray player. For a lot of people, especially with the charge per month to play online (that's going to be $45-60 a year). $500 is above the range they're willing to pay, and there are two competitors that will be better priced, despite what Nintendo say, they will be dropping the price of the WiiU. I'm convinced we in South Africa are over charged for PC hardware, how much does a Geforce GTX680 SOC cost in your country. We pay $780 Generally these days around $450-500, though you could get one cheaper if you look hard enough.
  11. While multimedia capabilities certainly don't hurt, I do agree with the sentiment that it's the games that sell the console. At the moment I have no plans to buy any "next gen" console, but just hearing Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem gives me wood and makes me at least think about picking up a WiiU, despite the fact that it's easily the least technically impressive console of the 3. If they release a proper Metroid (it will certainly happen eventually) and a F-Zero (sadly, doubtful), there's a decent chance I'd buy the system just for those games.
  12. I've played many foundry quests. There is, as expected, a wild variation in both quality and difficulty between the various foundry quests available.
  13. So far Back to the Future is a decidedly average and plain and adventure game made enjoyable by the fact that it's Back to the Future. I love those movies so much.
  14. I would recommend the Wadjet Eye games like the Blackwell games, Gemini Rue, and Resonance if old school style p&c mystery adventure is what you're looking for. Gray Matter, while not Jane Jensen's best game, is a good mystery p&c too.
  15. I'm getting slightly burned out on RPGs and action games so I'm going to do some clicking and some pointing and play some Back to the Future for a bit.
  16. Bill's Tavern and the secret agent one (Agent 37 or something like that) are my go to foundry runs. They're both easy and quick. I can usually do Bill's Tavern in about 12 minutes and the secret agent one in about 14 or 15.
  17. Yeah, lev 20. My optimal method of leveling up pets is doing Bill's Tavern runs during foundry events (150% experience). The nice side effect is getting rough astral diamonds for daily foundry from Rhix.
  18. Good call. CK2 is a good introduction into what Paradox strategy games are like. Once you know what you're in for, CK 1 and other title are there for you r purchasing enjoyment.
  19. Achievement: Shaved down the sides, ready for lovin' down the middle: Eat your heart out, Drudanae.
  20. Either or. CK2 has a slightly less brutal learning curve, if that does anything for you. Okay thanks, I have only ever played one RTS before and that was HOMM 6, I kept getting defeated in the second chapter. I got frustrated and gave up so I'm clearly not very good at RTS But I want to get into the genre as most of you guys seem to really enjoy them and I feel I'm missing out in someway? This game is VERY different from a traditional RTS, partly why I like it (I suck at traditional RTS too). CK2 is about macro managing. It's about selecting the right people to fill you council positions and letting them do their job. It's about arranging marriages so that your children, and ultimately your family, wind up in the best position possible. It's about appeasing those more powerful than you while taking advantage of those less powerful than you. It's about being diplomatic when it suits the situation and conniving when you see an opportunity.
  21. Either or. CK2 has a slightly less brutal learning curve, if that does anything for you. Both games are self contained so it really doesn't matter.
  22. Yeah, when the PS3 launched it was simply far too expensive. There is a threshold for a console that if you cross it, no matter how impressive the machine, it will not sell. This was first shown by the failure of the Neo Geo, which was a revolutionary machine for its time, but the price was just way too high. Sony did not learn from this blunder and repeated it with the PS3. The XBOX180 is dangerously close to that threshold, plus as enterix wrote, they have egg on their face because of DRM Gate 2013. Note: This applies to handhelds too. The 3DS launched above the threshold, it stumbled out of the gate. Big N acted quickly and lowered the price and now it's consistently the best selling console (home or handheld) week to week. The Vita launched above the threshold, it stumbled out of the gate. Sony did not drop the price until very recently and the Vita has been dying a slow death.
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