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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Yeah, I found driders clustered with priestesses and/or assasins to be the toughest fights in the parts where they roam. In the last section of the Wispering Caverns mindflayer masterminds coupled with either a mindflayer infiltrator, scourge, or taskmaster, along with a generous helping of brain dogs (I forget what they're actually called) are brutally tough groups to deal with. By the way, Baxter (my worg [i wish they would actually let you name your mount]) likes to be scratched behind the ear and enjoys a diet that includes a generous helping of full grown halflings, preferably caged and fattened up ones, not free range (the meat is much more tender that way). Gnomes will do, but they're kind of gamey. Dwarf meat is way too tough, and, frankly, not very flavorful. Elves, well you don't get very much meat off an elf. Humans are downright disgusting. Orc meat, like dwarf meat, is much too tough and muscly. Edit: There's a good chance I'll hit level 19 mailsmithing today, which means I think I'll be able to make a purple shirt if that special comes around (and I get my hands on a dragon egg). I'll hit level 12 leadership either tomorrow or Monday sometime.
  2. So then it's basically like Amalur, but instead of just mashing one random button, you have a series of buttons? I always hated the button mash "special kill" mechanic in Amalur. I refer to it as "blisters for exp".
  3. Must... ... "Resistance is futile" Yeah, so I caved. Picture in appropriate thread. Still, that's less than $40 I've spent on this game and I've gotten some 60+ hours out of it (that's very much an estimate) so far. Plus, I'm a worg rider now.
  4. My new worg mount, I call him Baxter:
  5. My Acolyte of Kelemvor companion got some fancy new garb when hitting max lev:
  6. I've never seen any enchantment or rune above rank 7.
  7. It's funny because a long time ago the big thing was Dragon's Lair, which was essentially a movie with QTEs. Then they made games with actual gameplay. Now it looks like we're back to Dragon's Lair. So I guess "Next Gen" means 1983.
  8. Why even pretend it's a game. Just make a movie that will only play when the controller is in somebody's hand. Then they can sell a peripheral that clamps on the controller to simulate a hand and fool the contorller into thinking that someone is holding the controller.
  9. Taking the game out of gaming.
  10. They're running some events over the next week celebrating the launch with a chance to pick up some unique goodies. Hopefully unique means they actually look different besides having slightly different stats. They're also dropping the prices on mounts & fashion and doing a sale over the next few days. That with the 15% bonus Zen thing they have going on... they're trying to lure me into plopping down some cash for that worg mount, aren't they. Must resist... Must resist... ... Must resist... ... ... Must...
  11. Still hopelessly addicted to Neverwinter. Plus, I sneak in a game of GRID 2 or Grim Dawn here and there.
  12. That's a vivid imagination you got there.
  13. My build is mostly focused on critical and life steal. I've generally gone for more defense than deflection, but I honestly can't say which one I like better.
  14. I got a kick out of capes getting stuck in a diagonally upward position when riding down a slope or stairs on a horse, but it got annoying after a while. Plus, I don't have a cape (I wear regularly) anymore.
  15. Ooh, so the balance update is live? I can't wait to try out my faster cooldowns on my GWF skills. Also, where are your pants? Put on some pants!
  16. Between the lucrative horse trade, the stuff I get from invoking my deity, the daily foundry runs I do every couple of days, minus what I spend on greater scrolls of identification, I should pull in 70k+ a week. And that's before all the Leadership stuff I hope to get to in the near future. Not bad for a single character.
  17. Well, there is The Witcher 2, and the upcoming The Witcher 3, both of which are/will be DRM-free. I guess that's as high profile as it gets for recent DRM-free PC games.
  18. Eventually Kinect will also tuck you in at night and read you a bedtime story, or can it already do that?
  19. LOL Last minute PR decisions or not, Sony came out of E3 smelling like roses, while Microsoft, they came out of it smelling like... something else.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjZRAvsZf1g (Y U NO EMBED YOUTUBE VIDEO?)
  21. Yeah, sounds kind of interesting, even if I don't buy for a second that "Harkyn is not your ordinary hero". Let's see: White - check Male - check Secretive history - check I dunno, sounds like about as typical a hero as they get. Anyway, I'm definitely interested to find out more about this game.
  22. Go for it, I doubt just one player could really flood the market. I'm hoping the June 20th launch brings in new players and creates a horse buying frenzy that further drives up prices.
  23. Microsoft can keep an eye on you (literally) and keep you safe from the boogeyman.
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