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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Agreed Risen 1 was better, definitely the first 80% of Risen 1 (the last 20% was dreadful). Still, Risen 2 has its charms. Voodoo is cool, but they just didn't make it useful enough and do nearly enough with it. That's why I hope they stay with the pirate motif for Risen 3. Voodoo has the potential for some really fun and interesting gameplay, much more so than your run of the mill fireball hurling magic. As an aside, I wish they had given Patty more barks. The first time she yells out "Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I won't kick your ass" it's cool (girl power and all that). By the millionth time, it gets kind of grating. I suppose I'll be replacing her with the voodoo priestess soon enough anyway. On the flip side, it's nice that companions are actually useful, at least early on in the game.
  2. It's the dimensions of the enclosure that interest me most. Or I should say, concern me most. I look at those numbers and then look over at my old Xbox 360 and they seem about the same. No mention of a motherboard brand, either. Is there some super secret way to mount a GPU parallel to the mobo. It better come with silent liquid nitrogen cooling, or something. If they release a Steam Machine for less than $599, I will have to clean up the aftermath of a purple twinkie sharknado. Well, it certainly wouldn't be able to be your standard ATX motherboard. I would imagine this would require a completely different form factor, possibly something "L" shaped.
  3. I'd rather the As won this series, as the prospect of having to face Scherzer and Verlander in the ALCS isn't particularly appealing, not to mention having to pitch to Miggy.
  4. Look behind you! A three-headed monkey! The woman is Patty, daughter of famed pirate Silverbeard, scourge of the seas, or some such nonsense. The guy might as well be named Guybrush Threepwood, as Piranha Bytes never names their protagonist (Ooh, the mystery!)
  5. The Sawx are continuing to pile up the runs, forcing Joe Maddon to go deep into his bullpen, which could prove costly down the road. I love the fact that the Fenway Faithful are STILL breaking out the "Myers, Myers" chant. They've been letting him hear it all game long.
  6. Sadly Hoyer's done for the year - torn ACL. Not sure if it's an upgrade or stopgap, but the Browns can pick up Freeman for nothing now. They should definitely scoop up Freeman. A bag of rocks soaked in oil and lit on fire would be an upgrade over Weeden. I think Freeman can still be a decent QB, he just needs a change of scenery in the worst way. Well Cleveland certainly qualifies in that regard .......
  7. Sadly Hoyer's done for the year - torn ACL. Not sure if it's an upgrade or stopgap, but the Browns can pick up Freeman for nothing now. They should definitely scoop up Freeman. A bag of rocks soaked in oil and lit on fire would be an upgrade over Weeden. I think Freeman can still be a decent QB, he just needs a change of scenery in the worst way.
  8. I didn't watch - what did Myers do (or not do)? It looks from the box score that Matt Moore simplyimploded in the 4th and Maddon left him in for the 5th as well. Kind of reminded me of AJ Burnett yesterday for Pittsburgh - that was just brutal. The box score doesn't show any errors (inexplicably) but the Rays defense made several colossal mistakes in the 4th inning. At that point in the game the Rays were up 2-0 on 2 solo HRs. Moore was cruising up to the 4th. Laser Show was on 1st when Papi hit a deep fly ball, Myers called for it, then, for whatever reason, stepped forward and the ball dropped behind him on the warning track for a double (I'm still not sure how that wasn't scored an error). The moment that happened, I knew right there that the Sawx were going to win that game. You can get away with mistakes like that in the regular season, but in the playoffs they will kill you. Next up Napoli popped out. Following that was another double that drove in 2. Moore got another out, then a grounder that should have ended the inning, but Moore was slow to cover first and the runner (Stephen Drew, I think) was safe, Johnny Gomes scored on the play. That broke Moore's back and the floodgates opened. There was another double in the inning that was misplayed that allowed an extra run to score. In all 10 batters came to the plate that inning and Moore barely made it out of the inning (he didn't survive the next). Sawx went up 5-2 and Lester went into I'm Got This, I'm Shutting Them Down Mode.
  9. Just download the Risen 2 Mod Starter. You can find, download, and install mods right through the Mod Starter. It works much like the Nexus Mod Manager.
  10. I imagine that right about now Guard Dog is hiring a hitman to off Wil Myers.
  11. The lowest possible spec (i3, GTX660), without doing any research (laziness), I would imagine I could build myself for $750-ish. I imagine Valve could do it for somewhere in the ballpark of $400-$500 right now, likely significantly less some 4 or 5 months from now. I would never go for a build with a Titan in it. That card is a beast, but it's ABSURDLY overpriced. The top of the line components always are, but the Titan takes that to an extreme.
  12. Dang, even the lowest model would be pretty beastly. A GTX660 can max most games at 1080p even when paired with a i3, and can run the most demanding games on medium-ish settings. Even the lowest spec should be able to hold its own against next-gen consoles, and by the time these come out for realsies, with manufacturing cost having fallen, and with Valve presumably being able to buy in bulk much cheaper than a regular consumer, they may be able to match the PS4 price on the lowest spec and not lose a dime on each machine. The top spec machine would wipe the floor with either the PS4 or the Xbone, but I can't see that costing less than $1200, even several months from now. A i5-GTX760 pairing would likely be the most effective performance to price pairing.
  13. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter ended at $776,084. With PayPal (somewhere in the 35k region right now), it made the 800k stretch goal adding another chapter and transformation. With PayPal staying open for a while, maybe 900k Hero Mode is still possible? /crosses fingers //crosses toes ///ouch!
  14. Saints Row 4 first person view mod: It's in alpha state right now and rather buggy, as you can tell from the video, I'm sure, but holy smokes this looks fun. Super speed, super jumping, and gliding in first person view? Yes, please!
  15. I'm expecting Thi4f to be every bit as true to the series roots as Torture Porn Raider. With any luck, it will have just as many QTEs. On the bright side, instead of deciding what to do yourself you'll be able to just push the cool button to have Garrett do cool stuff.
  16. I also am quite skeptical of this. Space Tsars sounds great, but it also sounds insanely ambitious, even were it not on a highly restrained budget, but for 500k? Best of luck to them, I hope they can pull it off.
  17. It just dawned on me that the Cleveland Browns are currently the AFC North division leader. The ****ing Cleveland Browns.
  18. With 14 hours left Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has reached the 700k Costume Swap stretch goal.
  19. Yeah I enjoyed the Risen series, it may not be a Gothic but it still has that " open world map that you need to explore to find things" vibe about it. Also there are some good non-critical quests that force you to explore the islands Piranha Bytes world building is truly impressive. They have an uncanny ability to cram a 14 story building's worth of exploration into a seemingly 1 bedroom loft's worth of space and yet make it look natural. There's a real wonder to coming around a seemingly plain looking corner that seems not to lead anywhere or even have much room for anything, and suddenly there's all this cool stuff for you to explore. Imagine if they had Bethesda's budget to work with?
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