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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That was part of it. You could do entire races without ever attacking any of the other riders, if you chose to, but there was definitely a certain satisfaction in whipping a dude with a chain or kicking him into the path of an oncoming car. For me, though, the best part of Road Rash was that it was the first racing game I can remember that truly captured the feeling of speed. There were games before that you were supposedly moving at 200 mph, but it didn't really feel like you were moving at 200 mph. In Road Rash it really felt like you were going st00pid fast. Traffic would come up on you so ridiculously quickly that there was no time to react. The feeling of going over a hill crest at over 200 mph and squeezing past a car and the curb on the shoulder (what we referred to as a "sneak-a-bye") with the car coming up on you so quickly it just basically blinked on the screen for a split second was what I really loved about the game.
  2. It's a difficult to gauge what the Thunder would be like were it KD rather than Russ that was out because KD has been healthy his whole career. We have virtually zero games we can point to and say "That's what the Thunder look like without KD" because they're never without KD. You're preaching to the choir about LeBron deserving to be the MVP again. If I had a vote I'd vote for LeBron without giving it a second thought, despite the fact that KD is my favorite player and the reason I follow the Thunder. Some of the voters have these weird rationalizations about voting or not voting for certain people, not wanting someone to get 3 MVPs in a row because only Bill Russell, Wilt, and Larry Legend got 3 in a row and they want to keep it that way, or some bogus crap like that. It's not just in basketball either. Look at the bull**** of some idiots not voting for Greg Maddux for the Hall of Fame just so he wouldn't get voted in unanimously. It's unfortunate that people with obvious agendas and strong biases get to vote on these types of honors, but it is what it is.
  3. I'd say he's the front runner right now. KD's numbers are ridiculous 30.6 PPG 7.9 RPG 5.0 APG, plus there's going to be the reluctance of the voters to give LeBron a 3rd straight. If KD can help OKC weather the storm while Russ is hurt and still finish with one of the top 2 or 3 seeds, and he's still putting up obscene numbers like this at the end of the season, it will be hard to not give it to him, despite the fact that we all know LeBron is still the best player in the league. Long way to go, though.
  4. Actually, Dragon are the goody two shoes. Templars are right gits. As I said. I'm on "Grim" But if you are on a different server I might say hello Kinda weird for the group that's all about chaos to be goody two shoes, but you've played the game a lot longer than I have, so you certainly know better. If we're members of different factions does that mean we have to try to kill each other or can we cooperate? I'm going to make an Illuminati character. I've played too many mostly kind-hearted characters lately, time to play a selfish prick interested only in their own power and control and if some people get hurt in the process, oh well, it's a harsh world.
  5. Yeah, almost 60% 3pt% is fantastic, 55% FT% is pretty sad.
  6. The Thunder #NoRuss beat The Warriors #FullSquad in a shootout in OKC. That Kevin Durant guy, he might be pretty good: 54 points 19 for 28 shooting 4 rebounds 6 assists 2 steals and a block for good measure. Curry also lit it up with 37 points and 11 assists 3 boards and 3 steals, but it just wasn't enough. Not much you can do if KD is going to drop 54 on 68% shooting.
  7. Scooped up The Secret World. From everything I've read and heard about the game, the mechanics suck donkey balls, but the writing is great and the setting is interesting. The tiny bit I played so far seems to confirm this. It's definitely completely different than any MMO I've played before, which is a very good thing. I can live with ****ty gameplay if the world is interesting and the writing is good. Plus this is all conspiracy theory secret society stuff and that is definitely my jam. You present me with some New World Order secret society stuff and I instantly get all "feed me more, inject it right into my veins". Add to that Cthulhu Mythos goodness and I'm pretty much full on nerdgasm. Now I gotta choose, Illuminati, Templars, or Dragon. Templars are out, too goody two shoes, so that leaves the "we pull the strings, we don't care at what expense" of Illuminati or the "chaos is the only truth" of Dragon. Decisions decisions.
  8. Ugh, Dragon's Lair, my level of hatred for that "game" is of epic proportions. My buddy had a 3DO years ago and we rented this "game". We played it for hours barely getting past the first few freakin' screens. Playing the same freakin' QTE sequences again and again and again and... Ugh. Of course, it didn't help that we were stoned and drunk as ****, but good lord it was so frustrating. We grew such an intense hatred for Dragon's Lair that the mere mention of the name would nearly bring about violence. Sad that a lot of "gameplay" is moving back in this direction. The flip side was when he bought Road Rash for the 3DO. So awesome. So incredibly awesome. I have such fond memories of yellow stripin' it in between traffic at 200+ mph. Using The Force to dodge cars because you came up on them so quickly that there was no physical way to use reflexes and hand to eye coordination.
  9. You forgot mashbuttonrepeatedly Those are the worst. That's what made me stop playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for the time being because I got a blister on my thumb (needed to give it time to heal). I'm baffled as to how causing me to get blisters is supposed to enhance my gaming experience. QTEs can be used well in games. The Last Remnant is probably the best example of QTEs used well in a game that I can think of. I also don't mind in the least bit if they're used for completely optional mini-games. It's just that QTEs being used in a manner that enhances a game, or at least doesn't detract from it, is very much the exception rather than the rule.
  10. For like 8 or 9 minutes. Scored 6 points I think.
  11. If you have Osmos then play that for a bit. It's one of the most chill games I've ever played.
  12. That decision took us in Seattle a little by surprise as well. I'd always thought that teams were required to provide a portion of the tickets for fans of the other team. But the previous week the tickets for the Saints sold out in virtually no time flat, so maybe this was a response. Anyway, win or lose it should be fun... and we'll always have Harbaugh's theatrics to liven things up. It should be a great hard-nosed battle. I'm setting the over/under on the amount of times "chippy" is used by the broadcast crew during the game at 12 1/2. We got ****y Pete on one side (I love me some ****y Pete) and the always animated Jimbo on the other side. If nothing else it promises to be entertaining. I just hope it's not a blowout. Also, this is an excuse for me to post one of my favorite gifs, The ****y Pete Strut: Edit: Gosh darn expletive filter censoring out c o c k y
  13. I know how you feel. I wish the guy well, I really do, but it's hard to resist making jokes about how fragile his body is.
  14. Grantland Fauxclusive Goodell's Inbox I posted a link rather than the picture because thar be foul language, maties. The correspondence with Jerry Jones in my favorite part.
  15. "Eventually" being the operative word. With Greenlight who knows when it will actually see the digital light of day. wow although, release in May 2013... doesn't look too good turns out Venetica is available on GamersGate http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-VENETICA/venetica Sweet. Once my backlog clears up (2016? ) I'll look to scoop this up so that I can play it again and have a digital copy.
  16. That sucks. I think I still have my disc somewhere... maybe. Too bad it's not on Steam or GOG. I'd buy it again just to have it digitally (I'm pretty much done buying physical discs). I wonder if Desura or some other digital distributor has it?
  17. Holy mackarel, I'm not the only one who really liked that game.
  18. It was nice to see Greg Oden out on the court the other night. Hopefully his legs don't shatter into a billion pieces and he stays healthy.
  19. Yeah, it's being made by Tomasz Gop (he's the executive producer) and Deck 13. Gop was a senior producer on Twitcher2, which gives me hope for the game, or, if you're like Dudanae, likely means you want him to burn in hell for all eternity. Not much is known about the game beyond it being a single player action RPG, being combat focused, and them namedropping "Dark Souls" more often than people google image search "Kate Upton". As an aside, I keep hoping Deck 13 makes another Venetica game, though I'm probably the only person on the planet that really liked that game.
  20. I use Steam offline, truly offline, as in no ethernet cable hooked up to my laptop and I'm nowhere near a wifi hotspot so unless someone is beaming me data ninja style through some kind of secret hush hush connection there's no way I'm connected to the internet, regularly and have no problems. I used to have problems with offline mode, namely I wouldn't be able to connect to Steam in offline mode if I didn't previously switch to offline mode while I still has access to the internet (which was retarded), but Valve fixed that something like 2 years ago and it's been smooth sailing for me ever since. Sucks it doesn't work this well for everyone.
  21. Wait, The Walking Dead games are laden with QTEs? Crap. I had no interest in playing them anyway (because **** zombies), but I figure this means that The Wolf Among Us, which I am interested in, or was, is laden with QTEs too. There's a good chance that if and when they ever make another Sam & Max game they'll also load it up with QTEs. *sigh* I was hoping they were just straight point n clicks like what Telltale made before.
  22. The new system of upgrading enchantments is just ridiculous. It's so needlessly complicated. One of the arguments for it is that previously you had to carry around ungodly amounts of lesser enchantments with you in an effort to upgrade them, which clogged up your inventory. While this is true, and I don't carry around all these lesser enchantments, I instead carry around ungodly amounts of refining stones which clog up my inventory. Hence, this did NOTHING to solve that problem. It seems like they made the system complicated simply for the sake of it being complicated. Was there no one that said "guys, what are you doing, this is retarded" when they were testing this on the test server/shard?
  23. The Thunder got a much needed win tonight in Houston. At the half it looked like all Rockets but things hanged dramatically in the second half. The Rockets set a record for greatest differential in scoring between halves, scoring a season high 73 points in the 1st half and a pathetic 19 points in the second half. For the Thunder, Ibaka had a monster 21 point 15 rebound 5 block night, Durant had 36 points 5 rebounds and 7 assists, and Reggie Jackson had 23 points and 6 steals.
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