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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Well, I now physically have everything I ordered. I went ahead and installed everything in the case. I have nearly an entire system waiting here ready to go. It's just missing one little, insignificant part called a Central Processing Unit. It's going to drive me nuts with the rig sitting here waiting for that CPU. I won't bother tying the cables up nicely until I get the CPU and install it.
  2. It sucks. The guy is the Cowboys' best defender but his body is made out of paper mache.
  3. Mighty No. 9 Gameplay Footage Not bad for a game that's still about a year away.
  4. The Clippers will be renamed The Vistas and you won't see them next year because they're going to be several years late.
  5. Great update, Adam. I learned a lot, even if I only understood half of it.
  6. Well, I ordered my mobo today. Now all that's left is to wait until next week for Computex and then I'll find out whether it will be a i7-4790K or a E3-1231 v3 that will be slotting into said motherboard.
  7. Yeah, the stealth in the game is pretty decent and you can use your hacking to supplement that by creating blackouts, causing distractions, and so on. Or you can cause steam vents and transformers to blow up when they're next to goons, or cause explosives they are carrying to go off and kill them without ever firing a shot, if you're feeling a bit more bloodthirsty. Or you can just go in guns blazing and mow them down. It's nice how you can tackle things in a variety of ways, and they're all viable.
  8. For me it's all about my personal experience. Steam has been rock solid for me going back many years now. Uplay hasn't done me wrong yet (it was down the day Watch_Dogs released but it was kind enough to let me play the game in offline mode). Origin has given me problems in the past, when I most recently used it (which, admittedly was quite some time ago), and GFWL was such an awful experience for me that I still, to this day, actively avoid games, even games I'd very much like to play, like Dark Souls, that require the service. Plus, as a Linux user, Steam holds a certain advantage over the competition. I can totally see someone who's had major problems with Steam but Origin had always worked well for them preferring Origin. I wouldn't expect anything different.
  9. It's to do with density, the same thing happened with the 6-core processor. I kind of figured that, I just didn't expect the difference in clocks to be so drastic. It really makes the 5960X look very unattractive. I reckon that in more real world situations than not the vastly higher clock speeds of the 5930K will outperform the 2 extra cores and added cache of the 5960X. With the 5960X you'd be paying almost twice as much for a processor that will ultimately perform worse the majority of the time.
  10. Keyrock

    We Win!

    I'm not sure why Oby is giving props to Poland in his sig (maybe it's a Slavs gotta stick together type thing, I can respect that), especially since the relationship between Russia and Poland is... tenuous, but thanks dude. Poland is indeed strong, we done survived some crazy **** in our nearly 1000 year history as a country. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła.
  11. You gotta figure Miami will close this out in game 6 at home. LeBron played only half the game, Paul George went BALLISTIC in the 4th quarter and the Pacers still only barely won game 5. Should be a fun game in San Antonio tonight. I'm sure Pop has made adjustments and the Thunder won't have the home court tonight, like they did in games 3 & 4, but will that be enough for the Spurs to overcome OKC's athleticism edge? I still think Scotty Brooks is playing Perk entirely too many minutes, but at least Steven Adams is getting more minutes than Perk now. I get the whole toughness thing about Perk, but the Thunder's edge vs. San Antonio is athleticism and length, Perkins exhibits neither of those qualities. Perk isn't a particularly tall center and he plays shorter than his height, plus, he runs like he's waist deep in water. Steven Adams is raw, but he's taller and much faster and more athletic than Perk. I'll give Scotty Brooks credit for not playing Sefolosha the last few games and playing Perk less. I wish he'd take it further. When the Thunder have Durant, Westbrook, Jackson, Ibaka, and Adams all playing at the same time they are terrorizing the Spurs via sheer athleticism. Pop will have to pull out some coaching magic to beat that lineup, or find ways to get OKC to not be able to play that lineup much, because San Antonio simply does not have the personnel to match OKC athletically when those 5 guys are out on the court together.
  12. Well, I wouldn't exactly call something appearing on wccftech confirmed. That said, if true, I wonder why the clocks on the 5960X are so much lower than the 5930K? Can Intel simply not keep stable clocks any higher when cramming 8 cores on one die, or is it some kind of weird marketing ploy?
  13. Look at that, trying to put words in my mouth when you know you have nothing but empty lies to work with. LOL It's pretty sad because I know you can troll better than that, Volo. It's like you're not even trying any more.
  14. I have always said Miami was the favorite to repeat as champs. Even early in the season when I had Indy as #1 in the power rankings I noted that Miami was still the favorite to repeat as champions. But, by all means, show me the quote where I wrote that "Indy would beat Miami no contest". I'll save you the trouble, you can't because I never wrote that.
  15. Disappointed by the connection issues and hilarious bugs that plague Battlefield 4? EA has something to soothe your pain, microtransactions.
  16. "You cannot be bad at watching a movie" Yes, yes you can. For example, I will not watch a movie with my parents, because they won't shut the **** up during the movie, which makes it rather hard for me to follow the plot. My parents are bad at watching movies.
  17. Pfft. My Steam Machine will be ready in about a week and a half.
  18. Having fun with Watch Dogs. I really enjoy how the crime stopping opportunities unfold in this game. It's pretty cool listening in on people's conversations, then deducing from those that something bad might go down, then sneaking around the scene until the perp makes his move and intervening in time to keep the violence to a minimum. I helps ease my conscience that I'm doing some good out there to counteract all those other times I'm siphoning people's bank accounts and shooting security guards in the head.
  19. I suspect the game is very vRAM intensive, much like GTA IV was, and this is where the 290X's extra GB of vRAM is beating out the 780Ti. It's too bad that even with it chewing up that much vRAM, the game still has the massive pop in issues. The draw distance on the buildings is fantastic, but the cars on the road annoyingly pop in at an alarmingly short distance. This isn't an issue if you're driving like a sane person, but when you're ripping through Chicago at 120 mph, it's a serious problem. I wish they would sacrifice some draw distance on the buildings to free up that memory to draw cars out to a greater distance. Better yet, I wish they would put in sliders to let the player control both those aspects. Hopefully someone finds an ini tweak for just that soon. Edit: If this is a case of the game being very vRAM hungry, this game would mark one of the very few cases where there is a case for the Titan Black over the 780Ti. Probably not $300 price difference worth of case, mind you, but at least, in theory, the Titan Black should significantly outperform the 780Ti in this game. I was lucky enough that the Uplay troubles didn't affect me. I had already downloaded and installed the game by the time the volume of players on at the same time took Uplay down, and Uplay was kind enough to let me play in offline mode without a problem.
  20. I wasn't trying to bash them, Volo, I was pointing out that they haven't played well for an entire game this series, which is fine, since they haven't had to. They're doing enough to win, that's the bottom line. They've played well, even exceptionally well, in spurts. But they've also had stretches in all the games, game 4 included, where they've looked less than stellar. They don't need to bring their A game for an entire 48 minutes to beat Indiana.
  21. Well, we got us a brand new, 3 game series between San Antonio and OKC. With Serge back in the lineup, OKC has its athleticism edge back, and that's really hard for San Antonio to deal with. On the other side of the country, the Eastern Conference Finals, unsurprisingly, are basically over. Miami has yet to play a start to finish great game against the Pacers, but they haven't needed to.
  22. So, only the $1000 model will be octacore? Intel, shafting their customers yet again, because they can. *sigh*
  23. I mostly agree with The Cynical Brit. As far as this game being "The First True Next Gen Experience", that's a load of rubbish. The game certainly doesn't look bad, and it does have some nice effects, but Sleeping Dogs (a game I'm also currently playing so it's very easy for me to compare the two) is decidedly a Last Gen game and it looks as good as Watch Dogs, if not better, not to mention, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better optimized. The optimization, as mentioned by Mr. Biscuit, leaves a lot to be desired. The game runs, but not nearly as well as it should. The menus being clearly designed with a controller in mind doesn't bother me one bit since I play the game with a controller except when I pull my gun out. Thankfully, the game switches from controller and m&kb control seamlessly on the fly and even instantly changes on-screen prompts. More and more games do that these days, as they should. I'll also give the game props for being stable. No real bugs encountered so far. The game is far from groundbreaking, but it is fun. Driving is too arcadey for my taste, the cars all feel like they weigh less than an ounce, but it's okay. Chasing down criminals is fun. Hacking stuff and making stuff explode is fun. Gunplay is fine. It's a fun game.
  24. Got to see them 10 times before Jerry died. Good times.
  25. Iced tea is quite good, but I have to make it myself. Any pre-made brand you buy here in The States is laced with an ungodly amount of sugar. It's sickening and should be considered a crime against humanity.
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