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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm at 73% completion in Pirate Creed. I might just 100% this before Wasteland 2 releases on Friday.
  2. It's because they were every "expert's" sexy pick to make the superbowl going into the season. They were cursed by the media.
  3. I'll take most of what's in that blog with a grain of salt, since it's a bunch of cherry picked tweets and without the full context of each of those individual scenarios it's impossible for me to make any sort of informed judgement. With that said, under no circumstance is doxxing someone or advocating doxxing someone okay. That's really ****ed up and insanely unprofessional.
  4. Man, Kaepernick and the Niners' second half meltdown was Romo-esque.
  5. Please be real. Please be real. Please be real. Don't be fake. Don't be fake. Don't be fake.
  6. The Cowboys looked shockingly good today. I'm going to write it off as them playing against a weaksauce Titans team, but, man, their running game looked terrific (it looked pretty good in last week's hilarious derpfest too) and they actually stuck with it. When he's not fumbling, and when his body is not shattering into a billion pieces, DeMarco Murray is a damn good running back. Also, the O-Line is run blocking really well. As a double bonus, the G-Men lost in hilarious fashion while the Cowboys were winning. It's been a pretty great Sunday all around for me.
  7. I wasted a fortune in quarters on X-Men vs. Street Fighter back in the day. Since then I've barely touched fighting games. I'll occasionally play some Tekken or Dead or Alive, because I can do rasslin' moves with King or Tina Armstrong. Also, boob physics.
  8. So, most bands, if they're lucky, have either a good guitarist, or a good bassist, or a good drummer. Occassionally you get a special band that does 2 of the 3 things. Once in a long while you get a band that does all three, at the same time.
  9. Yeah. I wish I had harder climbs, but I can't change geography so I do the best with what I have. If I wind up moving to where I'm planning on moving a year or two from now, I'll not only have warmer weather year round, including, most importantly, super mild winters (average highs during January near 50 ), but I'll also be close to the Appalachian Trail, which means real deal mountains. As far as weight lifting, I haven't lifted in about 3 weeks, though I plan to start again next week. I hurt my right forearm, I don't know how (get your mind out of the gutter ), a while back. I initially tried to work through it and still lift, and while I still had full strength, it hurt a lot and didn't get better, in fact, it kept hurting more. So, I stopped lifting altogether and have tried to avoid lifting with my right arm (difficult because my job regularly requires lifting 50+ lbs.). I've done my best to lift with only my left arm as much as possible over the last 3 weeks. I suffered a couple of setbacks because I had things at work just too damn heavy to lift effectively with one arm (it's one thing to lift it with just the left arm, it's another to put it on a stomach-high table), so I kept re-aggravating the injury. Finally it seems to be healed. It has felt 100% for almost a week now, but I'm going to give it a full 7 days before I weight lift again (Monday). #GettingOldSucks
  10. Awesome biking weather earlier today, about 70 degrees, very little wind, moderately low humidity. It was overcast, but hey, you can't have everything. I did the Avon Mountain climb for the 6th time this year. Thinking back to the first time I did that climb this year, it was so much easier today. The side I went up today (it's the side I go up most often because it's the closest to where I live) is set up as such that the final 25% of the climb is the steepest, most difficult part. No struggle on that last 25% today, I powered through it a gear higher than my previous climbs up that side, and with no problem. I'm definitely going to do that climb at least once or twice more before the year is done.
  11. How many men does it take to hoist that monster up? The Jackdaw must have pulley systems with insane mechanical advantage. Also, how can the mast handle that much weight?
  12. Oakland's meltdown is now bordering on epic proportions. They are in serious danger of completely missing the playoffs. They need to get their **** together immediately or we may soon be comparing their collapse to that of the 2011 Sawx. Maybe Billy Beane should comb the clubhouse for fried chicken and beer?
  13. Finally took down a man o' war in Pirate Creed, a couple, in fact (not at the same time). It wound up being easier than I thought. It doesn't hurt that my ship is relatively close to maxed out. A couple mortar shots from long range while I charged the man o' war, followed by ramming it, then unloaded broadside cannons and it was all she wrote. The man o' was never had a chance to do much damage to me. The second one didn't go quite as smoothly, but it still didn't manage to damage me much. I'm at 65% completion now. I'm most likely going to power through and get to 100% completion, I'm too close to the finish line to give up and take the easy route now.
  14. Fun fact: I own Missing Link (the original, I never bought DX:HR Director's Cut, didn't see the point in it) and I've never actually played it. For whatever reason, I've never been able to muster up the energy to revisit that game, even content I haven't seen before, despite the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed DX:HR when I played it. I'm still playing Pirate Creed, but I'm starting to run out of steam. I've thoroughly enjoyed what I've played, for the most part, but there's just too much of it. I now have two conflicting desires battling it out in my brain. Part of me is telling me to forget all the optional stuff and just do the main story missions to finish the game as quickly as possible. The completionist in me wants to power through and finish absolutely everything to 100% completion. I could set the game aside for a week or two again, but if I do that, knowing myself, the probability is high I'll never return to the game, especially with Wasteland 2 releasing next week, so I gotta finish it, one way or another, soon. There's just too much damn content in that game. Gah, I'm so conflicted. #FirstWorldProblems
  15. I'm going to guess it's helicopter ****. I hope so.
  16. I'm assuming there's a secret handshake of some kind? Because any club without a secret handshake is a pretty weak ass club.
  17. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52308/grand-theft-auto-v-release-dates-and-exclusive-content Hopefully it won't require 3 Titan Blacks in SLI to get a decent framerate.
  18. The first Revelations was a return to the series slower paced, atmospheric, claustrophobic roots, this looks to be more of the same, except they're trading in a ship for a prison and Jill and Chris for Claire and Moira (Barry Burton's daughter). It seems like the "core" numbered series has gone down the action shooter path to stay while the "offshoot" Revelations series will provide the old-school Resi experience. I'm fine with that as long as they keep making the Revelations series. Also, I'm super excited to get a game where you play as Claire again. It's been a really really long time. What was the last game she starred in? Code Veronica? Hopefully they have her Resi 2 and Code Veronica outfits unlockable, as well as her Browning Hi-Power, assuming she doesn't start with that as default.
  19. The countdown to Wasteland 2 is down to 1 week. Will I finish Pirate Creed before it comes out? It will be close. I'm at about 55% completion now with about 50 hours put into the game. I captured a lev 38 frigate last night, which means I should be able to capture a lev 36 man o' war, and at least have a chance against a lev 43 man o' war. The battle with the lev 38 frigate did bring me closer to getting sunk than I would have liked, but that wasn't exactly my finest captaining moment. I made some stupid mistakes, plus I've beefed up my hull the final notch to max level since then. I was disappointed to find out that seemingly the lev 38 frigate is no different (for the purposes of my fleet) than lev 29 frigates I captured previously (while lev 29 frigates are different than lev 23 frigates). Oh well. Now it's just a matter of finding a man o' war far enough away from its buddies that I can make it a 1 on 1 fight as long as it doesn't take me too long.
  20. More footage from a game we'll probably never get to play in the west: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1qodxweV3o
  21. Ah, and there's the insult hurling. No better way to appeal to people to become more civil and open minded than by stereotyping and hurling insults. Bravo, sir.
  22. Playing Pirate Creed some more. I think my ship is now powerful enough to take on a man o' war. I can take out frigates without much trouble, as long as they don't have a bunch of backup, so I should be able to take a man o' war without much problem as long as I can find one alone with no backup. I've probably had a ship tough enough to do it for a while, the trick is finding a man o' war without several brigs and gunboats near it.
  23. I want to think the Lions are good (I picked them to win their division), but I highly suspect the Giants are just really awful, making it hard to get to excited about that win. We'll get a better idea this coming Sunday when they play the Panthers who are, at the very least, not awful.
  24. What the journos meant when they engaged in their scathing takedown of "gamers" almost doesn't matter at this point. The damage has been done and the rift is there. Whether it's completely accurate or not, the perception is that game journalists attacked their own target audience, which is akin to setting fire to your own house then yelling "There, that'll teach 'em!"
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