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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm playing the Jagged Alliance: Flashback that a certain Mr. Sands so graciously gifted me. I'm just starting out. It's okay so far, seems more like JA1 than JA2 to me, but that's from a super small sample size. I dunno, the game hasn't made me pump my fist and say "hell yeah!" like I did almost immediately with Wasteland 2, but I do want to keep playing it, so there's that. I'll say this for the game: At first I was pretty disappointed and put off by the graphics, but the simplistic art style coupled with the vibrant colors weirdly works, and rather well in my opinion. It's certainly not going to win any awards for graphical fidelity, but the look has grown on me.
  2. Being a "victim" is good money, it seems. And here I am working for my money like a sucker.
  3. Keep in mind that console versions are usually much better optimized, since they're optimizing for a single hardware spec (per console) as opposed to hundreds of different hardware configurations for PC, allowing the devs to get a lot more specific with console optimizations.
  4. I could never get into Dark Sun back in the day. I'm still not sure why, I mean it was a pretty cool concept and completely different from the usual pseudo-medieval Europe fantasy stuff, which is great, but it just never clicked with me.
  5. They can do whatever they want with Thor just as long as they don't take my Hiddleston away. Thor could be a double amputee, hermaphrodite from Tanzania, for all I care.
  6. Doesn't the game have auto-drive? I thought I remember a certain Cynical Brit alluding to as much.
  7. That potentially covers a lot of ground. What's in it? I'm a big fan of stews, so I'm curious. My families version: spaghetti noodles, minced meat, carrots, celery, cream and onions. And for some strange reason it tastes considerably better if left in the fridge overnight and then re-heated next day. That sounds great. There some foods that taste better then next day, not many, but they exist. I think it's usually a case of the tastes of the different components having time to marry.
  8. Probably not entirely, but San Francisco is most definitely the SJW capital of the United States, if not the world.
  9. A corrupt politician? Well, now I've seen everything!
  10. That potentially covers a lot of ground. What's in it? I'm a big fan of stews, so I'm curious.
  11. JA:Flashback is weird. I can't get into it. I have it, and I backed it, and I've tried to start a new game a few times. I had to search my email but I actually have it as well, and two copies at that. Anyone want one? Also, there is Planetary Annihilation which I already gave that away but that's another kickstarter someone into RTS games may like I'll take that JA:Flashback if you haven't given it away yet.
  12. SHOVEL KNIGHT It requires so much attention that I ALL CAPSED it.
  13. @Woldan - If you like Metro, and you haven't played any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games yet, I suggest you do, as Metro is often considered an unofficial spiritual sequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Just don't start with Clear Sky. Clear Sky, at least unmodded, will leave a bad taste in your mouth and give you a bad impression of an otherwise great series.
  14. It doesn't matter one bit who plays Thor and what gender they are. Hiddleston as Loki is the true star of that series. You know this to be true.
  15. Indeed. BioWare was using stock photos long before Tali.
  16. I agree with Amentep and TrueNeutral. No need to sink to the SJWs level. Report this to the authorities (I'm pretty sure bestiality is illegal most places, and pedophilia is most definitely illegal almost everywhere) and that's it.
  17. Oh my... Reading that less than an hour after eating lunch may not have been a good idea.
  18. I'm not going to argue with Bruce and Barothmuk on the sex work stuff any more. Stating that I disagree, for the umpteenth time, with the stuff they declare as fact isn't going to do anybody any good. I'm not conceding the point, I'm just done arguing about it. In a related story, porn stars and TFYC are doing a charity drive to help prospective students get into STEM. http://techraptor.net/content/sex-ed-porn-charity-raises-funds-scholarships-livestream https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-tfyc-and-the-porn-charity-live-show#home 4 days are left and they've raised over 5 times their initial $1k goal so far. Edit: They're auctioning off a replica of the infamous #shirtgate shirt too.
  19. I don't see our What's For Dinner thread from before, at least not on the first 2 pages, so I'm starting a new one. Over the weekend I made cheesesteaks for watching playoff football and rasslin' (Wrestle Kingdom 9). I sauteed some mushrooms and peppers in a deep covered pan for a few minutes on low heat along with the sauce, a combination of worcestershire, ketchup, and a dash of hot sauce. Then I tossed in sliced roast beef. Over time I turned up the heat, eventually to medium at the end. I pan fried the goods until the peppers just started to break down, the edges of the roast beef started to get crispy, and the sauce was carmelizing. In the meantime I toasted up bread with entirely too much cheese (provolone, because that's how I roll). While that's by no means an "official" cheesesteak recipe (anyone reading this from Philadelphia is probably giving me a scornful look right now), it was oh so delicious.
  20. ^ I can't believe I'm going to type these words, but those boobs are too big for my tastes. Lindy Booth I had no clue who she was before I started watching the new Librarians series on TV (It's super duper campy and I love me some camp). She's insanely adorable on that show. While I like bombshell hot, I generally prefer girl next door cute.
  21. Jerral will write some bribe checks for the Ice Bowl Redux too. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!
  22. Holy **** that Cowboys/Lions game! I have no fingernails left. The flag getting picked up was bogus, but I'll take it. YEEEEEEEHAW COWBOYS WIN!
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