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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I really like watching DotA but I don't play it much. I have in the past but I'm awful at it, plus I'm not good at dealing with the pressure of having 4 other people depending on me to not suck. It's an incredibly difficult game to get good at. The level of complexity is truly daunting. Even the top level pros don't know all the different ability and effect interactions. I'm not even sure if even Icefrog knows all the interactions.
  2. I think my favorite thing so far in The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy is that during interrogations I have a choice of how to respond to people and during one of these I had the option to simply have Pazuul (A 6000 year old demon inhabiting the body of a little girl) punch the guy. I used that option multiple times, even when I was sure that was not the correct response, just because I wanted to see Pazuul punch the guy again. That's how I roll.
  3. That game looks like it would be my jam. Sadly, no Linux version. If you haven't tried them already here are some point-and-click horror adventures from Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation. They're fantastic. http://www.lgdb.org/game/chzo_mythos Nice. I'm in a point & click groove right now, so I might give those a shot when I finish The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy.
  4. I have an Outlast steam key to give away, largely because I'm too much of a to play it. PM me for the key. First come first serve.
  5. Oh I don't know, when else does one get a chance to bankrupt and make homeless ones friends and family, while disguised as a Terrier. I've always been an iron man myself, I guess that piece is gone now.
  6. That game looks like it would be my jam. Sadly, no Linux version.
  7. Another day, another long delay (Almost 2 hours!) and another bunch of problems (Electricity this time? Something different every day.) At least we have a feel good story to somewhat offset the train wreck that has been the production of this tournament: The rise of Complexity. I've personally been saying for over a month that Complexity is a tier 1 team, but that's largely been laughed off because LULZ "NA" DOTO (I put "NA" in quotes because the team has 3 Swedes on it). Now there can be no doubt. They are guaranteed top 6 and, while they'll clearly be underdogs in their next match, don't count them out against EG. Edit: Holy ****, Fnatic. I was not surprised that Complexity beat Alliance, even though Alliance was one of the odds on favorites coming into this, simply because I've been on the Complexity bandwagon for a while now (basically since they got Chessie, Limmp, and Handsken), but Fnatic beating OG really took me by surprise. The remaining six are: Liquid Secret EG Those 3 are probably not a surprise to anyone Complexity MVP Phoenix Fnatic Those 3 are probably a surprise to most people. Complexity is not a surprise to me, but MVP and Fnatic are. I totally did not see those 2 teams doing so well. Also, press "F" to pay respects to Chinese DotA. In all seriousness, I don't think the situation is as dire with Chinese DotA as it seems right now, I just think there is going to be a shake up with what teams represent China. There are several really good up and coming Chinese squads and I think they'll take over as the old guard fall by the wayside, IG already did previous and now it looks like VG, CDEC, and LGD are crumbling too (I still think EHOME is in decent shape).
  8. It should be noted that this is exactly what GabeN and Valve were worried about and much of their reason for pushing gaming on Linux and developing SteamOS.
  9. I've only played a little bit, basically did one puzzle. It was really basic, as you would expect. It's a point n click, it's going to hinge on how good the story is and how good the puzzles are. Much too early to tell. The game looks great and the music is awesome; the voice acting, not so much.
  10. I never found the appeal of looking up pre-set builds and following a template. Grim Dawn has an amazingly flexible character system with a ton of class combinations and a multitude of viable builds within each class combination. For me, much of the fun is experimenting with and figuring out a build on my own. That's just me though.
  11. Trump went greedy. They needed to punish Trump hard in the laning phase and the early game but failed and now he's too farmed to handle. Like, he's already 6 slotted and swapping out early game items for luxury items.
  12. First I laughed. Then I realized that was referencing a real situation. Then I laughed harder. Err, never mind, I misinterpreted that. I was thinking of the recent Collectors Edition that didn't even come with the game itself. I'm an idiot. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  13. $130? Does it come with a hooker and a line of coke I get to sniff off her ass? On a serious note, for that much scratch I expect a badass statue or something. I'm sure those dice and that necklace are nice, but not what I expect out of a $130 collector's edition.
  14. I'll give Riot that, their broadcasts are rock solid. LoL doesn't really appeal to me from a viewership standpoint, I can't get into it, for whatever reason, but I've never seem a Riot event have serious problems, granted I haven't watched that many events so the sample size is relatively small. At least day 2 of the main event has been much better than yesterday so far. Still a bit of a delay and some hiccups, but nothing on the magnitude of the **** show that happened yesterday.
  15. I never expected to see it this year. I pretty much assume that every game is going to slip by at least 3 or 4 months, usually more, from it's initially announced release window.
  16. At first I was angry because I'm on the east coast and the 1st series would have started around 9 PM had it been on time, which means I could likely watch the entire first series before I go to sleep (usually around 11 PM-ish) and the delay made it so I would only get to watch game 1 at best. Then the broadcast got so bad that it became comical. They had just about every technical **** up I could think of and some I hadn't even though of. It got to the point that I wasn't even paying attention to the match, I was just laughing hysterically. Edit: The matches I've seen in the morning, they seem to have sorted some of the problems out, but the stream has still crashed a bunch of times. At this point, only Chinese Mr T can save this event. Man, I really hope the Manila Major is a lot better than this.
  17. I saw that a week or two ago. I'll definitely check it out once there is a Linux version, though I have to admit that I'm a little bit disappointed that it is not a Cthulhu dating simulator.
  18. And the main event starts with a 1 1/2 hour delay. This tournament just keeps getting worse. This is nearing MDL-levels of holy **** how can production be this bad for a professional LAN tournament? Edit: Now machinegun sounds during the match. Now one audio bleeding into another, super echo. Monster (?) sounds. I don't even... This is so bad. Now Chinese in-game audio mixed with English commentary. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. My first captain Madame Lucinda has continued to survive in Sunless Sea and I've explored a decent chunk of the map. Of course, I had mostly been playing it safe early on, but ever since I bought my new house and made a will to make sure it gets passed on to me heir, I've been taking a few more risks while away from Fallen London. A couple voyages ago I though about retiring her since I was starting to get desperately low on money and supplies, but that situation has improved significantly after a couple fairly lucrative voyages, so I'm going to keep going for a while longer while the winds of fortune are blowing in my direction.
  20. The problem is that the south has much better fried chicken joints, even strictly speaking of chains. Heck, we have better fried chicken chains up here in the northeast and our fried chicken chains aren't as good as those down south. KFC is mediocre-tier fried chicken.
  21. Because the high-larious picture fails to show all his successes. You don't become a billionaire by playing it safe, you're going to have failures along the way and you're going to have to slit some throats.
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