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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Agreed. Outside of the super exciting Dallas/Green Bay game, this postseason has been straight garbage.
  2. Not us plebs, no. Here's something slightly more akin to what regular people would wear: As an aside, I wish this was a gif so that I could see her walk across the cobblestones in those stilletos.
  3. Welp, no point in watching the second half of that game. So far this postseason we've had a grand total of 2 close games. 2. I hope the Stillers/Pats game turns out to be decent because this postseason has been straight garbage.
  4. Good man. Well, now you can have Guatemala and Belize build a wall at the new southern border of our once again glorious nation.
  5. Given those parameters, I certainly wouldn't be posting any pictures of Hillary.
  6. ^ Is that basically Mad Max IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE?
  7. Don't mind me, I'm just here to post Ivanka pictures
  8. ^ When you marched across the continental USA, smashed the librul opposition, and restored America to its rightful glory, what did you do with the surviving libruls? Did you enslave them and put them to work in concentration camps or did you kill them all and their next of kin? I'm cool with either scenario.
  9. I'm murdering my way through my bloodbath playthrough of DX:MD, mostly as a way of wasting time until the PC port of Disgaea 2 comes out in about a week. This is my second run through DX:MD, the first was a pacifist run, and it's not really serious. I don't want to start any serious playthrough now so that I can dive headlong into Disgaea 2 once it's out.
  10. I plan to do a pacifist run my first time through, either Jack or Nano. I do believe they said, some 2 years ago, that it would be possible to bypass all combat in the game. I hope that's still true come launch day.
  11. Count me in among the pass on Pillars 2 crowd.
  12. I finished Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. It took me nearly 35 hours to do it (I play slowly, the reports I've read from most people is around 25 hours). My full review of the game follows (giant wall of text alert!): For the tl;dr crowd: This game is awesome and I feel amazing after finishing it. GotY 2016.
  13. Insurance rates were rising before Obamacare, yes, but not at the rate they rose after. The jump in rate from just before Obamacare to right after it went into effect was staggering.
  14. Obama was neither the agent of change he promised to be when I supported him during the run to his first term, nor the devil his harshest critics claim he was. He was, in a nutshell, business as usual. He changed nothing except my insurance costs almost twice as much as it used to.
  15. There's an Asian market right down the street from me. Technically it's an "international" market, but it's predominantly Asian foods, and largely Korean at that. Anyway, there are is all manner of ramen there, almost an entire aisle of it. Much of it I can't understand any of the writing on, so I just go by the pictures or hope for a sticker with some English on it. I've only tried less than 10% of them so far. I have to be careful with the packages that have flames on them or such. I'm used to stuff that's labeled as "hot" being generally pretty mild, but Asians don't **** around. When the package indicates it's hot, it's ****ing hot! I like spicy foods, but not if it's so hot that it takes me over half an hour to eat 1 bowl because I have to stop every few spoonfuls to take a break to let my mouth cool off and wipe the sweat off my brow.
  16. What you're saying here is that you prefer a good game before a bad game. Game length is irrelevant in this argument. Instead, try this: which would you prefer? A 60 hour game that really delivers or a 10 hour game that really delivers? There's more to it than that, though. Some of us like variety. Even a game that's really good throughout can become tiring after a while and I just want to experience something different. Now, I can put a long game on hold with the intention of coming back to it after playing something else, but often times I simply won't. I'll give you an example: When I played AssCreed 4, a game I have a ton of praise for, I had to take a break after some 30 hours. It's a testament to how much I enjoyed the game that I lasted that long before needing a break and I did return to it and finish it eventually, but there are definitely times I don't return to a game. Rare is the game that can keep my attention and not burn me out past 25 or 30 hours.
  17. I finished mission 12 in Shadow Tactics and I managed to do it without killing anybody. It took me some 4 1/2 hours to complete that mission and it was one of the most absurdly difficult things I have ever done in all my years of gaming (It would have been really difficult even if I did kill people in this mission, but not killing anyone shot the difficulty past ludicrous and straight to plaid) . I pulled some ridiculously slick maneuvers to make it happen and must have had to reload at least 60 times. Oh, and there's still another mission to go. For now, though, I'm going to relax and celebrate with a well earned beer. I'm so giddy right now that I could explode. I guess this is what people that are really into Dark Souls must feel like when they beat a super difficult boss.
  18. Hard to say, it's not one size fits all, even when dealing only with a specific genre. That said, I'd say around 25 hours seems pretty good in many cases. It's long enough that the game feels like a lengthy journey but short enough not to outstay its welcome, usually. I'd much rather have a shorter game where all the content is high quality than a longer game packed with a bunch of mindless battles against trash mobs and/or needless busy work. The armies of darkness are killing everyone, the world is on the brink of destruction! You are the only one who can stop them! But first, go pick some berries for these farmers that can't be arsed to do it themselves.
  19. That was one hell of a game. Congrats Barty. Good luck against Atlanta.
  20. Things just got interesting. Though the idea of Aaron Rodgers in a tie game with some 4 minutes on the clock frightens me. If nothing else, we FINALLY have a good playoff game.
  21. All things considered, going into the half down 8 is nowhere near as bad as it could have been. Still not good, though.
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