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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Ivanka. I'm just adding a bit of variety.
  2. Disgaea 2 PC port is pre-loading as I write this... ...But I still have to wait until Monday to play it.
  3. As per Rosbjerg's "request", I've decided to post some attractive politicians. First up, Yuri Fujikawa:
  4. It's probably just me. I think I've lost my taste for space operas in general. I've yet to see either of the new Star Wars movies and have no real desire to, despite the face that the Star Wars movies, in the past, had elements of space western, a genre I do still enjoy.
  5. The PotUS was a rather handsome chap himself in his younger days:
  6. Is it just me or are BioWare's trailers becoming increasingly more cringe? I have a hard time believing the game is actually going to be this bad. I just think someone is consciously, or subconsciously, pulling all the most cringe moments out of their game and making a trailer out of them. Edit: Maybe this is just me getting older and more cynical? Is this the kind of melodramatic schlock that sells the kids on games these days?
  7. It's but my small contribution toward Making Obsidian Forums Great Again
  8. Hopefully Obs takes an approach more in line with Tyrrany than the original Pillars, in terms of the amount of worthless filler combat.
  9. Are you sure? I liked all the Sierra point & click series (they even predated point & click in some cases and used a text parser), but Police Quest was my favorite. Plus, you hook up with a hooker with a heart of gold in the series. Classic.
  10. For this page I'm presenting a very special PREGGERS EDITION picture:
  11. This. The series gets even better after Returns.
  12. Police Quest was my jam back in the day.
  13. In short, tough ****. I might feel differently if the economy was great, we were all prospering, and everything was peachy. Instead, we have a crumbling infrastructure and we're drowning in debt. I think American money is better spent on America.
  14. Okay, so it's not just abortions. Again, those countries should be responsible for funding those clinics themselves. Also, new page, new Ivanka picture:
  15. Why are we funding abortion clinics in other countries to begin with? That should be that country's choice and responsibility.
  16. Mercenaries as I understand it. There has been a bunch of outcry about it, as the chinese director of the chinese funded movie casting Matt Damon is Hollywood whitewashing or something. I don't care about any racial implications, or anything like that, I just can't get over how goofy it looks. It's like here's a bunch of warriors fighting monsters along The Great Wall of China, cool! And now here's Matt Damon... wait, what? A paycheck is a paycheck, I guess. Now part of me want Matt Damon to star in a string of seemingly random crappy films ala Nic Cage (no hate, I love Nic Cage). Edit: An an aside, I don't think you can call it whitewashing if he's playing a European mercenary. A European mercenary would be white. Now, if Matt Damon had been cast as Cao Cao in The Fall of the Han Dynasty, THAT would be whitewashing.
  17. Why is Matt Damon suddenly an archer in China? I'm being assaulted by trailers for this movie and he just looks so ridiculously out of place in it.
  18. Thumbs up to a demo, always great to see and welcome, especially these days, when it's so rare.
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