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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Finished the 6th and final story mission in HITMAN, just in time to clear my slate for the arrival of TToN. I managed to get silent assassin, which makes 3 of 6 missions I managed to achieve that illustrious rank, pretty respectable. As for how I killed the targets, let's just say that... /puts on sunglasses Mr. Soders didn't have the heart to go through with his procedure. As for Ms. Yamazaki... //puts second pair of sunglasses over the first pair She got a bit hot under the collar. Fantastic game, loved every minute of it and I have plenty of stuff left to do. There's a bonus mission, escalation missions, custom contracts, any future elusive targets, plus I want to replay all the story missions where I failed to get silent assassin and rectify that, also I want to attempt silent assassin, suit only (I always considered this to be the ultimate challenge, given how insanely integral disguises are to infiltration) on some of the missions. There are a few missions where I think silent assassin, suit only might be impossible... well, not really impossible, just impossible at my skill level, but I can give it a shot. All that is in the future, though, as it's Torment time now.
  2. It's not like you absolutely have to have a decker to get through Dragonfall, though it does help in some parts. I played a Shaman (I usually do) and I got through the game just fine, and I usually didn't bother bringing the decker companion along.
  3. Do you still have to be online for getting all the perks while playing? I'm not sure. I got disconnected once during a story mission and it let me keep playing in offline mode, but that was as I was getting ready to wrap up my gaming session anyway, so I didn't play offline for long. I have no idea what features you lose in offline mode.
  4. I finished story mission 5 in HITMAN, just missing silent assassin status because they found a body. I didn't get any cool screenshots because it was kind of a dull looking level. I then started mission 6, which is the final story mission, though there is plenty more to do in the game. I'm hoping to get that finished tonight to wrap up the story before TToN comes out tomorrow.
  5. I'm pretty excited as I loved the first game, minus rhe crap QTE final boss.
  6. Well, I failed the elusive target mission, as expected, though I got closer to the targets than I expected. I then moved on to the 4th story mission and did quite well. You can't really tell from the picture, but my man is getting electrocuted via faulty microphone while recording. Good times. The other kill wasn't nearly as exciting, stabbed with a screwdriver, but the end result was a pretty nice score with silent assassin status.
  7. Unfortunately, story mode in Pillars does nothing to make the story interesting. It makes the combat much less tedious, which is a plus, and would help you enjoy the story, were there an enjoyable story there.
  8. Honestly, it doesn't. If anything, the first few hours are the most interesting part of the game.
  9. ^ D'awwwwwwwwww My favorite thing about rats is that they eat sort of like a human. They sit on their hind legs, hold the food in their paws, and nibble on it. It's way too adorable. Back on topic, an elusive target has arrived in HITMAN. This will be the first time I've attempted one of these. The target is around for a few days and I guess it sort of works like Iron Man Mode, if you screw up it's over and you don't ever get another chance. The target is gone and you can't restart the mission. I fully expect to fail this miserably but I will do my best. I have to be super patient and super careful. Edit: On top of that I have to kill the targets (there are 2) in a specific way.
  10. Counterpoint. Rats are so cuddly and lovable. <3
  11. I imagine that's what they are paying homage to (or ripping off, depending on your level of cynicism). It looks like a pretty slick top down slasher/shooter. I wonder if you'll have any tricks up your sleeve besides the slide/dash move shown off in the trailer?
  12. I finished the Marrakesh mission in HITMAN. I didn't manage to get silent assassin since I never found where I can erase recordings and I was caught on camera a few times. Also, apparently I was spotted at some point, though I don't remember it. The kills were pretty mundane too, I snapped one guy's neck and stabbed the other one in the neck with a pair of scissors. Oh well, I'll try to do better next time. There's an elusive target coming up this weekend, I'm quite excited for that. I imagine it's going to be a really hard kill, I've never done one of these before. Good chance I'll screw it up and the target will escape, but I'll give it a shot.
  13. You're right. Edited my post to make it correct.
  14. It would be great to see Intel get a fire lit under their asses and get serious about performance desktop again. They've spent the better part of a decade focusing on trying to get their TDP down to muscle their way into ARM dominated smart phone space, unsuccesfully, for the most part.
  15. The official pricing is out: 1800X 3.6GHz 4.0 boost 95W $499 1700X 3.4/3.8 95W $399 1700 3.0/3.7 65W $329 All 3 are 8 cores/16 threads I can't wait for independent benchmarks because if these are anywhere near as good as AMD themselves are claiming, it's a big win for AMD and for consumers. AMD is claiming 52% IPC increase over the previous generation, which is STAGGERING.
  16. A guy struggling to put together IKEA furniture inside the Swedish consulate? Oh you guys.
  17. After I beat the game I might go back to some missions and try to do a silent assassin, suit only run through them. I'm not going to ever play on an iron man style difficulty, though. Screw that.
  18. Well, I definitely had to save scum a good bit to get silent assassin. You can't ever get spotted, you can't ever be recorded, or you have to destroy the recordings, no one can see you kill anyone, you can't be caught trespassing ever, and no bodies can be found (not counting the targets). It's been a while since I played the earlier games, so it's hard for me to compare. I'm playing on default difficulty (to be honest I didn't even check if there are different difficulties. I assume so) but with all opportunities guidance (hand-holding) off.
  19. It's decent. Not as good as BS2, nowhere near as good as BS1, but probably a bit better than BS3, and most definitely better than BS4.
  20. I'm near-melkathi levels of spamming this thread with pictures of HITMAN. What can I say, it's a good looking game and I'm having a blast, I can't help myself. Secret underground evil doer lair? Aww yeah! Getting to disguise myself as a plague doctor was really cool. Unfortunately, I did not manage to kill any targets while disguised as a plague doctor. That would have added at least +5 badassery. So far, I've strangled a guy, drowned a woman in a toilet, electrocuted a woman in plain sight (without anyone knowing it was me), and blew up a guy with a freakin' cannon. I ****ing love this game! Dat perfect 5 out of 5 assassin score tho. I got all the possible bonuses, no penalties, and completed 18 challenges in one foul swoop. My time could certainly have been much better, but I'm a slow and methodical gamer, I'm never going to set any speedrun records, so I won't even try. Not my style.
  21. Good times... well, for me, not so much for her. Not too shabby for my first real (non-training) mission completed. I killed Dalia by drowning her in a toilet and Viktor by poisoning his favorite drink, then escaped in a speedboat and no one is any wiser. There were opportunities for more spectacular/hilarious kills, but they almost certainly would have meant innocents dying too. My goal is always to kill the target(s), and ONLY the target(s), and to do it completely unnoticed.
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