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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I didn't watch the halftime show, which is par for the course for me. I think the only time I watched the halftime show in the past 15 or so years were the ones with McCartney and Springsteen. In fact, I stopped watching the game before we even got to the half. This was, easily, the single worst NFL postseason I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Just pure boredom.
  2. On the plus side, there's no point in me watching the second half and I can go back to watching DotA 2 DAC qualifiers...
  3. I forgot Earth Day was a thing. I'll probably forget all about it again in a few days.
  4. Cave of Hatred sounds like a family friendly tourist destination.
  5. Cruising through the early parts of Disgaea 2. No more grinding for now, I have a solid team that can tackle all the challenges for a while with ease and no creating new characters for a while while I save up mana (mana isn't used for spellcasting in this game) so that when I do create new characters later I can make them stronger. I'm also not bothering to buy weapons or armor, I have the basics I need and I can just rely on stealing and drops for upgrades for a while while my bank account grows for later. The bit of grinding I did very early on is definitely paying dividends now. In a few chapters I'll start retooling my squad with better characters and gear, for now I'm set.
  6. Revelations is the one with the tight swimming suit, right? Googles Right. I gave up on it earlier, but I 'spose I should give it another shot. RE1 first tho, never played it - I hope they put the second game through the jiggle treatment too. I quite enjoyed Revelations, but it's structured a bit weird; it's split up into roughly 20-30 minute episodes, which made perfect sense when it was originally on the 3DS, but feels a bit weird on a Pee See or home console. Still, I though it was the best Resi since 4... until 7 came along, anyway.
  7. Not the most informative trailer ever, but I guess this is an expansion for Stellaris. I'll get that game someday, I hear it's quite good, though I don't have time for a grand strategy right now.
  8. Granted, that's from Revelations, not the original Resi. The point is, Japan will put boobs on anything, then add boob physics. God bless them.
  9. I won't get a lot of time to play Disgaea 2 until the weekend so I've made very little progress so far. Mainly, I'm grinding the very early areas a bit to create a decent team of characters and get them some basic equipment. Newly created characters start out at lev 1 and naked, so I'm getting them cheap weapons and armor and a level or two, just so they won't get 1 shotted. It's not that big a deal since I'll be able to make better characters later on, but I do want a solid team before I get into the thick of things.
  10. I had zero hype about The Surge. Those trailers did nothing whatsoever to move the needle. I'm not quite sure what it is, whether it's the setting, character design, or the combat, I can't quite put my finger on it, but that game looks really boring. Edit: @Fenixp - Is there anyone left on this planet that still takes PETA the least bit seriously? It's really hard to give any creedence to an organization that so consistently makes a mockery of itself. I think at some point they may have become self-aware and are just trolling us now.
  11. Strategy. They're also commonly called "tactics games" as they rely very heavily on tactical positioning of your characters on a grid. Fire Emblem, Tactics Ogre, etc.
  12. The graphics for Disgaea 2 have not aged well. At least they redid the dialogue screens.
  13. Disgaea 2 finally unlocked on Steam, so I'm playing that, dood. What's there to say about it? It's Disgaea. It's a completely silly game with a ridiculous story, wacky, over the top characters, and it doesn't take itself seriously at all. It also happens, at its core, to be a really excellent sRPG with some of the deepest mechanics in the genre.
  14. I thought DX:MD was a good game, but it was such a minuscule advancement, if at all, over HR, that it was a bit disappointing. I was hoping for a larger step in the direction of the original classic, instead we basically just got more HR. The shady as **** Augment Your Pre-order crap they tried to pull and the crappy DLC didn't help either.
  15. Disgaea 2 is just sitting in my Steam library, all pre-loaded, taunting me.
  16. My favorite thrash band from my youth, Sepultura, one of Brazil's most famous bands. There is a period that most highly talented bands experience, a sort of golden age. In their early years they put out an album or two, three in some extreme cases, where there is a lot of inspiration and creativity, but the band lacks polish, professionalism. Later in their career they put out albums that are polished and professional but lack inspiration and creativity. The great bands put out an album or two (three or even four in the most extremely fortunate cases) where creativity and polish intersect to produce something really special (e.g. Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime, Metallica - Master of Puppets, Rush - A Farewell to Kings, etc). Anyway, here are a couple of track off Sepultura's 2 "intersect" albums:
  17. Keyrock's World Continent Country State County City Household Famous Souper Stew
  18. ATS with full wheel & pedal with shifter setup and VR is the dream. I have a wheel and pedal setup but no shifter and no VR. Of course, I may well be "playing" ATS in real life in the near future, assuming I go through with changing careers and getting my CDL Class A. That's the ULTIMATE VR experience.
  19. I planned to do that anyway. I'm all about catering to different demographics. We can't have just attractive women to break up the pointless bickering in this thread. Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Bonus extra many shot of him with a compound bow Dat hair tho. As a balding man I'm jealous as ****.
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