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Everything posted by PrimeJunta

  1. No, 100 damage. It goes from health, not stamina. Trust me, those spiders are badass.
  2. Because within the game world's logic, it makes sense to rob a chest because there might be something valuable in it, while it makes no sense to unlock a door or untrap a trap that's already behind you. I don't like incentives that nudge you towards doing things that make no sense within the game world's logic.
  3. When I'm already past it, e.g. by having taken an alternative route. Does that mean the chests shouldn't have items either? Or should they teleport in your inventory because you decided to skip the dungeon. wat
  4. When I'm already past it, e.g. by having taken an alternative route.
  5. Hello. I would like to introduce you to some spiders. When they bite you, you're petrified. That means that they'll still be targeting you, and all subsequent damage will come directly out of your health, bypassing stamina, four times faster than normal, and you will have lousy defenses.
  6. +1 on exploration and bestiary XP. -1 on trap and lock XP. It would just encourage mindlessly unlocking and untrapping things whether it makes sense or not. Finer-grained objective XP would help a lot too. Context: I would prefer to have XP doled out frequently and in small doses rather than rarely in large doses, but I like the incentive structure of quest/objective XP. The bestiary XP would, I think, go a long way to creating the "feel" of IE game combat XP without screwing up the incentives. The XP system is not among my top five priorities for the game though ATM, and I could certainly live with coarser-grained quest XP as well.
  7. You can also have a male voice for a female character. In other news, I saw a truck today with the name of the logistics company on it. It was "Trans Boys." Possibly not quite what they intended.
  8. Why d'you figure they're playing builds of the BB rather than the whole game?
  9. TBH I'm not really digging the shared health pool. I don't really have a pet idea on how to fix it. Get rid of the shared pool and give Mr. Bear only stamina so his pool tops up between fights, but have Ranger get an Injury if Mr. Bear goes down in a fight? It makes them much more fragile than they ought to be. At least give us the option to armor up the animal companion for some more protection. Your ideas on making the abilities into auras would certainly help. Your ideas are fine and would make it more interesting and active, but I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy playing it anyway. But then again, that's why there are so many classes to pick from.
  10. I vote no on this one too. I like the stam/health mechanic, it just needs a tune-up (which it is getting in the next build). Don't water it down with healing magic. I wouldn't object to short-duration buffs that temporarily make damage stamina-only. I wouldn't request them either, though.
  11. That is a legitimate opinion, also based on the maps in the BB. We are allowed different opinions, y'know.
  12. It goes to 7 seconds? Wow. Gotta try an Intellect-based fighter at some point. That is pretty powerful. Piling on with the rest of the gang is followup though, and carries an opportunity cost.
  13. True, but the duration is very short. Just mindlessly knocking someone down won't do much by itself. You'll get one extra hit in, and that's about it.
  14. Wel-l-l... we do have two outdoor maps. We don't know if they're representative of the general quality, size, and content density of outdoor maps in P:E, but assuming by default that they are doesn't strike me as unreasonable. This is supposed to be a representative slice of the game after all. Which means that criticizing exploration is fair game, if based on these two outdoor maps. Which is what Sensuki has been doing.
  15. It depends on what the per-encounter things are. I think the current ones are pretty good actually. They are things you would want to use in any tougher encounter at least, but they only make a difference if you use them right and combine them with other things. Knockdown for example is fairly useless on its own, and only makes a difference if you follow up by having some other character hit hard or slap on a longer-lasting debilitator. Or the rogue's cripple ability -- kind of crucial if you have no other way to slap a status effect on a target so the rogue can backstab, but a waste of an action otherwise. I.e. I don't see a problem here.
  16. I think there's a cultural aspect to this also. IME Americans tend to expect -- and offer -- more positive feedback than people from most of the rest of the planet. In Finland, of course, we rarely go beyond "not completely sh1t."
  17. I don't think he said 'skill.' I think he said 'maintenance.' Fighters are lower-maintenance than, say, wizards, meaning you can basically park them and have them auto-attack, and they'll mostly do fine. As to 'skill,' I recall that Josh has said that in his view character-building or class selection is the wrong place to adjust game difficulty; that's what the difficulty settings are for. I.e. he is attempting to make all the classes roughly equally powerful. I've no doubt though that, say, priests and wizards will take more 'skill' -- or at least knowledge -- to play effectivcely, since it's all about understand what the spells do, so you know which one to use in any given situation. Fighters or rogues have fewer abilities so they're more straightforward. I don't know if that really counts though since I think "figuring out what the spells do" falls under "cRPG 101" -- i.e., the very basic minimum you have to do to be able to play at all.
  18. Since you asked... A game is something where you control the flow: do something, something happens. The same is true for reading. VO on the other hand forces its pace on you. So you get repeatedly kicked out of the natural flow that you control into something controlled by the game. Same as cutscenes. I don't like either, except in very small doses e.g. between chapters. Which is why I always switch on subtitles and ignore/skip through the VO. So yeah, VO hurts the flow of the game.
  19. Meh, I don't know that it makes much of a difference. It's perhaps even a little counterintuitive that you can hit hard and accurately and not be likely to cause interrupts. I assume different attacks still have different base Interrupts, so it's not like there's no way to use it tactically.
  20. Watched it. Find it puzzling that some people have been taking issue with your criticism. You've been universally constructive as far as I can tell, perhaps allowing for the extremely occasional lapse.
  21. Will watch this later, but assuming it is what it is... good job. Josh does what he does with genuine commitment and passion, he explains the reasoning for his decisions, and he remains human about it. It takes balls of steel to get in front of this kind of public doing what he does, and standing by what he thinks is the right thing to do. And frankly I'd much rather have a beer with him than most of the people upset at his personality. We should be able to disagree civilly, but hey, the Internet. Serious business.
  22. Sorry, Nipsen, but you're still not making any sense. I read through your latest post three times, and I simply do not see how it relates to what is actually in the S&M proposal. How, specifically, does bringing deflection and action speed into the mix and moving accuracy from dexterity to perception make your duration and interrupt-based build unviable? Does not compute. I.e. I'm still picking up epic butthurt, and still completely failing to discern the reason. From past experience I would guess that something else is going on; something matt and Sensuki said hit some button of yours and brought back old bad feelings. Something like that.
  23. Maybe they'll get cold feet and put in lots of bewbs to make up for it.
  24. @Indira I can see that happening. :screams: WHAT DOES ONE LIFE MATTER!?! :bangs head against bars:
  25. I've been hyped before so I'll try to keep it under control at this point, but... yeah. That does look sweet. A bit too much VO perhaps. I've been a leetle concerned because of the setting; Numenera doesn't have the built-in thematic coherence of Planescape, so it's all up what the team can make of it. Fortunately it sure looks like they have a clear vision about it. But yeah, at least they hit the atmosphere right out of the park. The music is pure PS:T of course, but the mix of weird, pseudo-medieval and sci-fie, squalor, ancient technology, and alien beings is somehow all very Sigil too, much more so than I expected/hoped.
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