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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I'd like this too. I would've like to have Infravision mean something in the IE games. Like only be able to see so far ahead of you and then it becomes black.
  2. Have to admit, I did enjoy playing Legend of Zelda on SNES with a friend. But I also enjoyed the single player game as well.
  3. I wonder how the physical rewards are turning out. I agree with the OP on quality. It's be nice to see some quality stuff instead of flimsy maps and low quality T-Shirts.
  4. I agree. I'm hoping Obsidian doesn't tell us who all the companions are and it'd be a surprise to find out for ourselves.
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing a dev update on Linux and Mac OS , considering it's their first time dealing with another OS. It'd be interesting to see everything with the Linux development.
  6. ^ I remember one of the dev's stating all three were being developed at the same time including bug testing.
  7. This is looking less likely for a delayed release. And I think Obsidian would want to have this released before employees go on holidays and there's minimal staff over the Christmas break.
  8. Will probably see Beta around September I think. It'll be a couple of months away at least.
  9. I call it PoE. It doesn't really matter what you call it on these boards as everyone knows it's about this game.
  10. I wouldn't mind knowing if you can do custom protraits for NPCs.
  11. It has to involve some kind of minority. Ah I see. In some parts of the world, men are in the minority. I would've thought something like domestic violence is a societal issue, regardless of sex. When I look at a list of societal issues which includes domestic violence, they don't exclude violence against men.
  12. Violence against men isn't a societal issue? What's the criteria for something that makes it a societal issue?
  13. One of the biggest criticisms from a lot of posters on this forum in the last year (or at least since the PoE Kickstarter ended and we had an influx of new people to the forums) is how the BG games had 'hard' encounters in the games and you didn't know what to expect going into those encounters. And posters crying foul when there's no hints. And a lot of posters saying you need x spell prepared or y spell pre-buffed on characters or something else and if you didn't, you would have half your party killed. The cries of 'no fair' and how PoE would change all that. Then we have someone like Baudolino05 who didn't have any battles that challenged him (maybe a couple of rare occurrences) and skips his way through the BG games and it's all a bit of a cakewalk on his first play through. Seemingly knows what spells to memorise, what spells to pre-buff with and what tactics to use before each encounter. Nope, no challenge at all.
  14. IWD2 did it with both a male and female antagonist in the one game with the end battle. Can't get more equal than that.
  15. I romanced the dark (Viconia) and white (Jaheira) girls in BG2 so many years ago. I don't discriminate.
  16. ah Lephys. The last gasps of a person who is struggling to argue their point. When I point out even the Obsidian dev's have confirmed that some builds will be better than other builds you don't want to acknowledge that.
  17. I'm not questioning that a plethora of builds are all going to be quite different and enjoyable. What has been confirmed and not by me is that some builds are better than others. This can't be refuted even though you're trying to say otherwise. You're arguing against Obsidian dev's who have stated this. And people will post some of those builds that will be some of the best in the game. This is a normal part of these games. To optimise and get the best out of your classes/characters.
  18. If I wanted to play one of the best builds in the game, why would I spend months play testing many different builds when it's already on the forum and been tested already? And the reasons by those players constantly tweaking this or that and coming to an agreement that this is one of the best builds to play with? And you don't need to read extensive notes. A summary is all that's needed with logical reasoning behind why a build would be one of the best. So it's not just taking their word for it. It's reading the reasoning behind it as well. For example. Part of powergaming IWD2 is you can take a level 1 Rogue, multiclass to another class like Mage (which is what I do) and then take that character throughout the game and keep that character at a Level 1 Rogue and still open every lock, find and disarm every trap in the game. All you're doing when you level up your Mage is putting points in both Mage and Rogue skills. But the Rogue is still level 1. Before I even tested this, it made sense. There was logical reasoning behind this and I didn't need to read extensive notes. And when I played it, I thought yeah this works and I never have to level up my Rogue levels. Basically, I have a Mage that can open every lock and find and disarm every trap in the game. And are you seriously going to question that some builds are not going to be better than other builds? Even Josh Sawyer has confirmed some builds are better than others. Don't take my word for it. Take Josh's word. So yes, there will be builds that will be better than other builds, even though you're trying to state otherwise.
  19. LMAO. So I need to try out worse builds to find out if this great build that the community and what's on paper is better? Lephys logic at work. I don't need to play it. Why would I waste my time going through all the steps of creating with what turns out to be a lesser character (on paper) and then playing the game to find out that, Yes this isn't as good as the build that's been posted on the forum, what's on paper, and the community agrees is one of the best. I wouldn't waste my time to try and prove them wrong. But you can spend your time trying to do that. I can't wait for these builds to be posted and tested when everyone is playing the game and many months later a small amount of OP builds are found to be some of the best. We'll see if there are OP builds. I'll bet there are.
  20. 1: No. I'm assuming there will be average builds, good builds, and a very small number of (or even one) excellent builds. My gaming experience in both video games and pnp has shown me this is usually the case. 2: Well we know some builds will be better than others. Josh Sawyer has confirmed a high INT Wizard is better than a high Might Muscle Wizard. Whether that is OP, is something we don't know. However, history has shown there are usually a small amount of OP builds in games of this nature. eg. the IE games, MMOs, D&D, 4th ed which PoE is taking a lot from. MMO's are not a good example as they are constantly tweaked, usually with the nerf bat. Someone finds a legitimate OP build, makes a youtube video, everyone jumps on the bandwagon and not long after it gets nerfed. It's very rare a rules system like D&D gets hit with the nerf bat. And PoE is a single player game so I don't see patches being released to balance the game because someone found an OP build. I only remember one nerf with a low level daily power with the Rogue in 4th ed pnp and I simply swapped it with another powerful daily power. And it's the same with Tanks and Healers. There are optimised Tanks and Healers in 4th ed as well. There are average builds, good builds, and a very small number of excellent builds. And I'm not going to comment on Dark Souls as I've never played that game.
  21. If Fighter A does X damage and has Y health and Fighter B has 2xX damage and 2xY health and everything about Fighter B is better on paper. And other people have confirmed by testing it themselves. I don't need to try out both to confirm Fighter B is better when it's already shown on paper and tested by other gamers. That's just common sense. And when you have a community that predominately agrees that one particular build is OP and is one of the best builds in the game, then it's probably a good chance it is OP and one of the best builds in the game.
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