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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Also, when pitching new ideas for games to publishers, who comes up with those new ideas for games? Has Chris come up with ideas for a new game on his own? And what have been some of those ideas? If you were confident with pitching some of these games to publishers, why not go back to those games and pitch them as Kickstarter games?
  2. I don't get it. Proponents of 3.x prefer this edition because they say it gives customisation. You can create nearly anything you want. Then the detractors say you're powergaming and not roleplaying. What am I missing here? I'm not a proponent of 3.x as I'm one in the minority who never really liked it and prefer other editions.
  3. I wasn't the one who jumped into this thread and started guessing. That was you. Bruce's statement alone confirmed he "has heard every possible objection to Romance and none of them have convinced him with there validity". I simply responded to his statement. Are you suggesting when someone says something like this, it isn't biased or prejudiced? If that's the case, people can use those type of arguments against Bruce and they're completely valid. And what have I done? I simply responded to his statement. It was you who jumped to conclusions and started 'guessing' as to other people's thinking. You even admitted that you're guessing. I haven't called you out, you admitted to it. Annnnnd next time, how about stop jumping in with your admitted guesses. okay.
  4. So why not let him answer? And you don't know what Bruce means either. Why jump into this thread with a 'guess' when even you don't know? Seriously, stop trying to defend with guesses and let people answer. And for someone that accuses me of getting hung up on words, you're doing a stellar job by yourself. Stop with the nonsense excuses and jumping into threads engaging in conflicts. You did it with the update thread and now you've done it with this thread. Seems it's you who needs the conflict and not me. So you cherry pick an invalid argument and now call it valid, instead of picking the numerous valid arguments that have been presented in the various threads? LMAO. Well done Lephys. well done. It's probably a good idea when having a discussion to set some ground rules. Like, don't argue from a nonsense stand point? Would you agree that people who talk nonsense isn't a good contribution to this thread? And now you're claiming everything's about me? Clutching at those straws Lephys. Keep clutching at those straws. Well considering you asked me the question with the word 'you', then who are you addressing that question to if not me? And oh Lephys, stop playing the victim, Hiro doesn't like me card.
  5. *wtf did I just read meme* The fact is you did muddy the waters on your so called 'entire' point. In fact it was number 1 of 2 points you made. A point that was totally irrelevant, made up rubbish that no one brought up. And even when Flow confirmed and even quoted me what I said with my clarification you still want to argue your nonsense point for pages. Remember. Flow made a comment. You made incorrect assumptions. I clarified what Flow said. Flow even confirmed by quoting me and saying, yes to my clarification. That's where it should have ended. But no, you come in and argue from your nonsense viewpoint. It seems to me that you need a conflict with your made up 'possibilities' and want to always have the last word in 'clarifying' what you're trying to say.
  6. Well Lephys the fact is you are WRONG again. I don't get hung up on ultra-technical specifics of words. In fact I think it's you who does. So you now ask me to ask Bruce what he means and then immediately defend Bruce by saying he's exaggerating? Why don't you let Bruce defend himself instead of jumping in defending him. And your example is pure rubbish. I've never argued that point. But nice try anyway. Is this aimed at me? Well in that case, you are WRONG again. I've never been an antimancer. In fact, if you've ever read my posts in romance threads you will find that I'm okay with romances if they fit the story and themes of the game.
  7. And the fact that Obsidian doesn't charge for US domestic shipping also implies they wouldn't charge for shipping the documentary later to backers in the US. Ever thought of that? No, you immediately jump to the conclusion that they would charge all backers for postage including those backers in the US. When no one in this thread suggested it. It was you who brought it up that Obsidian would charge backers, no one else. Nonsense generally doesn't make sense to me. That's why it's called nonsense. Maybe it might be wise to rethink your thought process so we wouldn't have to put up with your nonsense. So I'm being narrow minded now? LOL. No, I like to stamp out nonsense when I see it. And that possibility is nonsense when no one brought it up or suggested it. And you are arguing the point. You've been doing so for these last few posts. Defending your nonsense posts with more nonsense. Maybe take it down a notch with your nonsense Lephys.
  8. No. Wrong again Lephys. Bruce has said he's heard of every possible argument and not convinced of their validity. This includes every possible argument that been presented over the last two years on this forum including arguments that are valid. That's not just disagreeing. That's full blown prejudice and bias. And that means anyone who presents a valid argument, Bruce will sweep away because he's already heard every possible argument. And it's very hard to discuss a topic when someone will disagree on any points raised regardless if they're valid. Bruce will just disagree on anything that isn't romance.
  9. It's a shame this wasn't in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane. I'd fly with my partner to Melb or Bris to meet MCA while my partner can go around shopping, meet up with friends or do other stuff. Would have quite a few questions for him. But Adelaide? ugh, no. Anyway, you can ask him about Kickstarters. Would Obsidian be looking to do them more frequently? Or is there a plan to have them presented every two or three years apart? Any plans to do different genres, sci-fi, horror, lovecraftian, etc. Would they be looking at doing PoE2 through Kickstarter again? The things they've learnt from this Kickstarter that they would definitely change. There was a recent article with Divinity Original Sin and Swen saying he most likely wouldn't do physical rewards the next time due to the hassle. Would Obsidian be looking at changing the backer tier rewards with the physical rewards tiers to make it more 'cost prohibitive' for backers and try and steer the backers into digital rewards? And as a general question and not necessarily for Kickstarters. Would Obsidian be looking at doing documentaries or even just small behind the scenes and Q&A's for more of their games for people who buy Collectors Editions?
  10. We can all change our prejudice and bias. Maybe one day you can too. Very true Bruce. And this equally applies to those who want romances in RPGs.
  11. So you just like to make up random stuff that has no relevance to the topic at hand, go off on weird WTF tangents and try and argue those points. And when I say no one ever mentioned anything that you're posting about, your excuse is, "I can think up my own stuff". And it wasn't me or other people that muddied the waters. It WAS YOU making up random stuff that no one brought up. Sounds like that is your intention. Otherwise stop making up this random stuff that no one brought up. Why should I ask why you are bringing up nonsense? Why should I go off on these weird nonsensical irrelevant tangents of yours? I don't want to go down that road of yours. I wan't to nip your nonsense in the bud. And there we have it. You make up nonsense. And then you make up nonsense questions thinking others will ask them and you prepare a nonsense answer in preparation for it. Guess what? We're not all like you. When people like me see your nonsense, we try to shut it down. And more nonsense. There's no postage for domestic US residents. So you would have quite a few being not charged to backers. Just because postage is charged for an international backer for a CE doesn't mean a dvd posted out later would also be charged. And there you have it. I'm glad you've shown us your posting style and how you like to make stuff up, go on random weird tangents and then try and second guess other people by making up nonsense questions for us and then try and prepare answers for those questions you'll never receive. Because we don't like talking nonsensical made up rubbish.
  12. This flew under the radar. My question would be how did he get an invite to a convention the rest of Australia knows nothing about? I had to google to find out about this. And lo and behold there's a website and MCA is a guest. I've never heard of this before. And you're right, who goes to Adelaide? I thought Melbourne was the primary location for this sort of stuff since a lot of game dev's are based in Melbourne.
  13. Did they run that on a low end PC with minimum settings? Graphics looks about 5 years out of date.
  14. I'll definitely be trying thematic parties with all of one class. Wizards, Rogues, Barbarians, Druids, etc. Should be good to see which parties provide more of a challenge than others.
  15. 4th ed did help to customise characters with INT and CHA for melee characters and are useful for different builds now. eg. Swordmage (INT), Rogue (CHA), .. And there are a lot of builds now that use CHA as one of your two primary stats.
  16. No surveys were sent out. You select your rewards through the Obsidian Backer portal.
  17. It's very hard to get what your entire point is when you muddy the waters with things like extra cost to the backers when no one said anything of the sort.
  18. The backers wouldn't be paying for the extra cost. I took Flow's comment with 'extra cost' with postage to post out later as an extra cost for Obsidian, not the backer. And there wouldn't need to be two different documentaries. Flow mentioned to ship the complete documentary later as a physical dvd/blu-ray. I can't see Obsidian agreeing to the cost of that. If someone wanted to take a cynical view, it looks like more profits to Obsidian with no need to press discs, print dvd covers or buy dvd cases which is something they would have taken into account.
  19. Well for me who has bought Collectors Editions over the last 15+ years, it is disappointing to see a physical reward changed to a digital reward. It would be similar to other companies changing their documentaries at the last minute to a digital download a few months prior to a collectors edition being released. Other companies have released their dvd documentaries with their boxed collectors editions. This sort of thing would have been handled by a publisher. I get the feeling Obsidian are trying to do too many things at the last minute which they normally wouldn't be doing as a developer and trying to get this out for a Christmas release. So something like this falls by the wayside and is released later as a download. In saying that, I don't want to see a rushed documentary to be released with the physical goods. I'd rather see a great documentary released later as a digital download than a rushed documentary released with the game. It's understandable given Obsidian are not a publisher and this is their first Kickstarter.
  20. Little disappointed with the dvd documentary not being a physical dvd in the box set. Hope there will be different containers for the digital documentary that we can choose from and not just one container.
  21. I'd expect Paradox will have this done well in advance, boxes printed and sent to Obsidian to avoid any last minute problems. And then Obsidian sending the boxes to Europe for Paradox to box the contents in prior to the release date. One would hope so. I know from experience that signing a thousand plus Christmas cards is a little time consuming to send out to clients. Having 2000+ boxes turn up on your doorstep and the dev team having to sign each one would be even more time consuming. And it's not something the dev's would probably be prepared for. Be good to see a picture of the dev's surrounded by thousands of boxes. I can see the next KIckstarter, signed boxed copies will probably be at the $1000 tier.
  22. I mainly see this type of argument with multi-nationals. The 'arrogance' of the multi-national. Having been on both sides, I'll watch this thread with interest. It's good to see people speculate and argue on both sides of the argument.
  23. Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm. It's only in Alpha and noticed I got an invite in one of my email accounts back on the 2nd. Never played Dota or any of those types of games so I have no idea about it. Tried this out and it's pretty cool. Funny seeing a space marine on a horse. And the cinematics are awesome. But can't see myself playing this. Not really into the online team competition thing.
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