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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Obsidian don't want specific OP items. There needs to be some balance. And if there was an OP item, everyone would just use that item and disregard the rest.
  2. I like to immerse myself in video games but LARPing while playing video games may be going a little too far for me.
  3. As I said and others have pointed out, Balance. Other classes won't get a specific class weapon, so the Paladin won't either.
  4. The boards quoting system is a test of endurance. Not only when you engage in debate with other posters on this board, you have to engage with the boards quoting system. It's a battle on two fronts. Only those with the tenacity and will can overcome both of them.
  5. I tried the Fighter in 4th ed pnp and wasn't keen on it and went back to playing a Rogue. I found it easier being the damage dealer, whacking everything and using skills and abilities to move enemies on the battle field while avoiding (through high defences, dodging or interrupting) almost every enemy attack. The Barbarian looks interesting in PoE but the Fighter/Paladin classes will probably be the last couple of classes I play through the game.
  6. I don't see myself using the Adventurer's Hall for quite some time. I'll be doing many playthroughs with all the classes and trying out the various dialogue choices in the game. Once I've done every class, then I'll do themed parties. eg. Party of Mages, Rogues, etc.
  7. I would like to see the focus group that Bioware's marketing is showing these new companions to. Also in other news, Bioware just upped their ESRB rating with DA:I from E to T (Teen).
  8. ah aluminiumtrioxid and tagerio. Can't go up against logic and you're only way to respond is to dodge and weave or to give flippant remarks. As Bruce agrees with Zombra. Something that isn't in the game (eg.Combat xp) is not a Pro but.. yeah it is, but it isn't but it is. No, yes, no, yes...
  9. I'm not trying to prove a subjective point. here is a quote from Zombra which Bruce agrees with: "However, it doesn't really count as a "Pro" to say "does not have something I dislike". "Lack of broken glass" isn't a "feature" to be excited about, and "lack of romance" isn't either. It's just something that's not there." Bruce agrees with Zombra that if something isn't in a game, like no broken glass, then it's not a Pro. because it isn't in the game. Therefore if something isn't in the game, Bruce doesn't see it as a Pro. That is Bruce's view. The premise that Bruce agrees with is: If something is not in the game, it's not a Pro. So if Combat xp isn't in the game, it should also be not a Pro. Because it isn't in the game. Something not in the game = Not Pro. Therefore: No Romance in game = Not Pro No Combat xp in game = Not Pro However, Bruce does see no combat xp in the game as a Pro. Hang on. One minute he's agreeing with the premise that that if you don't have anything in the game, it's not a Pro. Then he does a complete 180 and says, oh yeah, this other thing that's not in the game is a Pro. Faulty logic at its best. or should I say, agreeing when convenient for him and then stays silent when the logic doesn't agree with him. And that's not what I'm talking about. I'm not telling people "stop liking what I don't like". Where did that come from? tsk tsk.
  10. So basically he's made up his own mind and won't accept anything unless he feels it's better. So if anyone presents anything that's objective it bears no relevance. So it's okay for others to say no, that's not a pro like some people have said in this thread and others like yourself who join in with your own subjectivity. But really, it's all in their own subjective mind. They won't accept anything that's presented objectively to counter their bias. No problem. Thanks for the heads up.
  11. Yeah, I already refuted that you wouldn't be underleveled if you avoided combat xp and went on the crit-path because you know BG2 has level scaling which made it easier when you arrived at Spellhold. I also mentioned Planescape Torment as other posters in this thread have already pointed out. And no, it wasn't you that brought up Planescape Torment first in this thread. I also gave examples afterwards which also refutes Silent Winters post that you can avoid combat xp with taking a pacifist route and be rewarded more than combat xp. Despite all this Bruce wants to ignore all these examples and go back and quote something that has been proven wrong. And he still hasn't explained why one thing that isn't in the game is a Pro and then something else that isn't in the game isn't a Pro.
  12. So that's your answer is it? And I already refuted that. You can avoid combat xp. look at my examples I gave. You don't have to kill everything to get the xp. And when you do those examples I gave and you go the pacifist route, the spectator disappears, Marketh disappears, the Genie disappears and Adalon transports you to the surface. So again, explain why one thing that isn't in the game is a Pro and then something else that isn't in the game isn't a Pro.
  13. So killing gave you more xp than pacifism in the BG2? Okay, lets have a look at some quests. Gets out my BG2 walkthrough book and places it on the table. Picks out some quests at random: Circus tent Bridge Genie Kill him: 5,000xp Pacifism: 19,500xp Adalon in Underdark Kill her: 54,000xp only Pacfifism: 78,500xp each Spectator Beholder in the Sahuagin City Killing him: 4,000xp Pacificsm: 15,000xp Yep, on my second playthrough, and when I killed everything, I got more xp! You actually got more rewards for killing than pacifism! Here's a little hint: Not everything was kill option, smash faces, rewards more xp than pacifism. And IWD is a combat dungeon crawl. Strange you would bring that game up. But lets look at one of these quests which has both kill and pacifism shall we? Ginafae and Marketh Kill Marketh: 8000xp Pacifism: 150,000 from Marketh + 80,000xp from Ginafae And what loot do you get when you kill Marketh? - Black Dragon Scale (AC of 4, 20% res. to acid) - meh, terrible. - Valiant (long sword +2, +1 attack) - meh, terrible - Ring of the Gorgon (turns you to stone... CURSED) - Awesome stuff! Wow, You're right! Killing does severely punish you than pacifism in IWD. And this is a combat focused game. I'll have to believe everything you say is true. And we don't know if it is a better system because we have not played the game. And going by previous IE games, this can be implemented in different ways. eg. Planescape Torment. Not everything is BG/IWD centric. Again, arguing from fallacy. if you're going to jump in and try and defend other people, at least do some research first. Still waiting for Bruce to answer my question on why one thing that's not in the game is a Pro and something else that isn't in the game is not a Pro. But it looks like he wants others to do it for him. tsk tsk.
  14. And I refuted Silent Winters post. So you're basically copping out of this and trying to get other people to answer for you. As I said, I really expected more from you. You don't give me the courtesy of answering my question. Seriously, is that how you're going to be? You expect others to answer your questions and when you are asked a question, you don't answer yourself. You don't give me the courtesy of answering my question. So I'll ask again and please give me the courtesy of answering it: Why is it that if something like combat xp is not in the game, it's a Pro?
  15. It was I who mentioned dlc. And thank you for agreeing that something that isn't in the game is a good thing. And the alternative to dlc isn't necessarily an expansion. Obsidian didn't say what do you want: dlc or an expansion? If the alternative to dlc is an expansion then why do companies sell both dlc and an expansion? They are not automatically one or the other. And as others have pointed out, Planescape Torment had both combat xp and quest xp. But you choose to ignore that and quote BG2? And you will not be horribly underleveled if you avoid combat. Seriously, try the bare minimum crit-path to spell hold and you will not be horribly udnerleveled as opposed to doing every sidequest before you get to Spellhold. I recently played BG2 and did the bare minimum to get to Spellhold and I wasn't horribly underleveled at all. Quite the opposite because BG2 has level scaling. It's actually easier to be at a lower level because you aren't fighting the likes of Liches in Spellhold. So try again and explain why combat xp is a pro when it's not in the game.
  16. Bruce, do you agree that if it's not in the game then it's not a Pro? Can you explain the logic? If you can't explain the logic, then you're arguing from a fallacy. I expect better from you. Please use logic instead of fallacious arguments please. Here's an easy question: Why is it that if something like combat xp is not in the game, it's a Pro? And please give me the courtesy of answering the question.
  17. Not different at all. What other examples do you need where people have put things in the Pro argument that aren't in the game? No dlc where a lot of people are happy with? Why is it okay to agree on one and not the other and use the argument, if it's not in the game then it's not a Pro? Personally, I think if you can keep a turd (whatever that turd may be) out of a game where other companies do keep a turd in, then that's a Pro. And Obsidian are known for their superior writing so we can expect more 'quality' interactive party relationships. That's great in my book. if you want an alternative, then there you have it. Quality interaction with party members.
  18. That's a terrible argument. So when posters in this thread say on the Pro side, No combat xp because they dislike it. Then it doesn't really count as a Pro? eg. 'doesn't really count as a "Pro" to say "does not have something I dislike". "Lack of combat xp" isn't a "feature" to be excited about, and "lack of combat xp" isn't either. It's just something that's not there.'
  19. For me it's the extended twirl at the end of the lip that makes it quite not right. I've since gone into Photoshop and fixed it up and now it looks great and will be using this as the portrait. Actually, a question to the dev's, can we change the portraits of the NPC's?
  20. With crpgs including the IE games, I've always picked the melee Fighter/Warrior archetype for my first play through. PoE will be the first crpg I haven't picked the Fighter type class but I'm still going with the melee heavy hitter (Rogue). Then I'll balance out the rest of the party.
  21. Dorian will take that under advisement when he delivers your pizza with extra sausage.
  22. I await the inevitable machinima videos of these companions. Should be hilarious what some people can come up with.
  23. I hope the voice actors will be good in PoE, especially with the main antagonist. Sarevok and Irenicus were fantastic. Especially with David Warner as Irenicus.
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