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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Yes you were forced. You were forced to give a yes or no answer. These are not side quests as you put it that you may decide to do at some later stage of the game. Like doing the Skinner murders, or the Unseeing Eye at a later stage. And you could have totally avoided those quests altogether. If you answer yes, you not only were able to have cuddle time, but you could also do their non-romance quests. If you answered no. you could still be friends, still have chats and do their non-romance quests. Oh wait, you can't. Scratch that party banter, scratch being good friends with them, scratch helping them with their non-romance quests like the good friend that you are. They've now turned into a mindless drone. They don't talk as much? LOL. I guess staying silent for the rest of the game would qualify as not talking much. This is my last post on the topic. You can have the last word Mannock.
  2. See the various romance threads. It is a pro for a lot of people including myself to not have them in the game. And it was more to do with some quests not triggering in BG2 and not so much DA:O. Just because you choose not to romance doesn't mean a non-romance quest for that NPC shouldn't start. It's quite odd when you have games with NPC side quests that have nothing to do with romances, you choose not to romance and then their backstory is now closed. And they simply shut up and stay silent. Can't you just be friends with the NPC instead of romancing them? And helping a friend out with their side quest? Anyway, I don't want to see this turn into another romance topic. Some people like romances, others don't. Nothing odd about it.
  3. I don't fear romances. I'm happy they're not in the game. You haven't played BG2? BG2 forced romances onto you. if you decided not to romance that NPC, the NPC simply shuts up and gives you the cold shoulder. This has been gone over ad infinitum. Just look at the various romance threads. Don't understand the Wizard analogy. Doesn't make any sense. The game doesn't force you to play a Wizard.
  4. My Pros and Cons. Pros Rogues can now contribute more on the front lines than ever before. Makes it a worthwhile class to have and for them to get into the action instead of your standard backstab. A real spiritual successor to the IE games. Something I've always wanted for the past decade. And something I didn't think would happen again. Big box with so much awesome stuff. Game, Manual, Cloth Map, T-Shirt, Mouse Pad, etc. No 15 types of DLC. Just a main game and an expansion all complete. Just like the original IE games. No Romances forced onto me. ConsRogues seem to be swashbucklers. Just name them swashbucklers and be done with it. It seems you can't make a Bilbo Baggins type of Thief/Rogue. They're now all Errol Flynn/Robin Hood/Jack Sparrow type swashbucklers. This equates to limited choice with creating Rogues.. err actually change that to you have only different choices with creating different types of swashbucklers. They don't encompass the varying types of Rogues. No Halflings. And no, Orlans aren't halflings. Seemingly No bad builds. Rewarding bad gamers and mistakes with moderate to good builds. hurr durr, I put points in this stat and that stat. hurr durr. No idea what I'm doing. Never read the manual... Oh, my character is awesome. Derp. And If I make a stupid mistake, I should expect consequences good or bad with character creation, not be seemingly rewarded. Balancing for the sake of balancing. You take this, you cop a penalty somewhere else. You take something else, you cop a penalty elsewhere. It's the standard of MMOs and with companies like Blizzard. Constant never-ending tweaking to balance the game. All the nerfs do is just have a negative effect overall to players attitudes. The standard, So what's being nerfed in this update now, comment. In a single player game, it shouldn't be taken to extreme levels. Will have to see how things turns out. Sawyer doesn't like how BG2 gave you quests and I fear quests will be spread out throughout the game and there will be quests which will be chapter locked. Fear of not being able to go back and do quests in any order. I want to be able to do a lot of quests in any order like I could with BG2. eg. in BG2 you could skip quests in Chapter 2 and go back later and do them in Chapter 5. Same in BG1, I could go back and do a quest that I missed in Chapter 2 and still do it in Chapter 5.
  5. I was reading an interview with Josh Sawyer from last year stating: Now I'm okay to be able to create a muscle wizard or intelligent fighter and as Josh says, it's not the most optimal character, but it's also not a bad character. So staying way from optimisation and focusing on mid range to bad characters. My concern is if you go against the standard STR Fighter, INT Wizard, WIS Druid, etc and do something the opposite, could it also be: "not be the most optimal character, but it’s not a bad character"? I guess we won't know until we play the game. I see it as a double edge sword. Try and make the game so it doesn't punish those who make mistakes. Whoops, I picked the wrong stat and now I have a terrible character. The game has now punished me. On the other hand, if you do make mistakes, the game now rewards you if you do pick the wrong stat. It may not be the most optimal character, but it's not a bad character. I'm not sure rewarding mistakes is necessarily a good thing.
  6. There's a difference between defensive and setting the record straight. I'm setting the record straight. But keep attacking the person and calling me whatever you like. eg. defensive, etc if it makes you feel better.
  7. Ah okay. So you basically jump to conclusions. And if you're not sure, you immediately think I'm trolling? Nice little judgemental admission you made there. And homophobia in Uganda? WTF? Where did that come from? I mean, wow. just wow. And where have I been dismissive of homophobia in Uganda? I never have. But nice trying to suggest I was. Looking at the Uganda thread, I was calling you out on you downplaying corrective rape in South Africa. You said it wasn't common. I responded and linked an article which suggests it does seem to be common and after a page or two of going back and forth, you finally admitted and said, "Corrective rape happens in South Africa, the article is correct". I know you're nationalistic about South Africa and always want to jump on the bandwagon on how progressive South Africa is but when someone posts something that's terrible in your country, you shouldn't be all 'oh that's not common' and downplay it. That's just an insult to all those women who are effected by it. And it wasn't me that brought up corrective rape in the thread. I was responding to your downplaying of the issue to another poster. So when I asked questions in this thread like wouldn't it be better to ask women on how women are portrayed in games, you immediately think I'm trolling? Which is why it took so many posts with your dodging and weaving and avoiding the question for you to finally answer the question. Perhaps it's best to not immediately think people are trolling and just answer questions when they are very simple questions. Only one person (Orogun01) answered the question about Obsidian taking pointers from Bioware and going down the route that Bioware has done and I can certainly understand Orogun01's concerns for Obsidian not to do Bioware style rpgs. But then it's just easy for some to troll my posts like AGX-17 has done, eh.
  8. Lets ignore all the other relevant, equally valuable and legitimate reference sites (with referenced and legitimate definitions) that show the differences between the two. Anyway, my point was it looks like it will be hard to make a bad character even if you put points in stats you have little knowledge about or don't know what effects it will do. Just like my example of putting points in INT for a Fighter or Barbarian. You may have someone mistakenly put points in a stat and all of a sudden, the game rewards you. I would like to know if you can make a bad character. By the sounds of it, it's going to be difficult because the game seems to protects players from doing so. eg. Put points in this stat and all of a sudden, I get rewarded for X. Put points in another stat which I think will gimp my character and all of a sudden, I get rewarded for Y.
  9. Perhaps consulting a dictionary next time instead of going all gobbledygook. It should help clear things up.
  10. Not really seeing the issue with this. I think I recall Feargus saying on the KS page during the campaign that future sales would go to help fund the expansion.
  11. Yeah funny things those homonyms and dictionaries. Words that sound the same but can have different spellings and meanings. Despite the fact words like newb and their correct meaning have been around for decades.
  12. LMAO. You keep believing that. And you still haven't said anything about BG1. You know the game where everyone in this thread is happy with the levelling table, with the exception of your silence on it. You haven't said you're happy with the levelling and xp rewards in BG1? Why is that? You know the 2nd edition xp table that is more than 4th edition xp table or Fallout (which has nothing to do with PoE) xp table. But lets talk about Paper Mario. Here's a questions for you. It's quite simple and don't need 7 paragraphs to answer. Were you happy with the levelling in BG1?
  13. And yet, your main contribution to this thread is to jump in and bad mouth me. Perhaps that's even sadder when people's main contribution is to do just that. And then you go on some wall of text defensive stance with another poster. Perhaps looking at yourself first before finger pointing others. Because you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of. Maybe you should look up the word hypocrite. And you'll notice with all my posts with Lephys, I was addressing the points in the argument, Not the person, until the very end when I said to Lephys we are at an impasse and not continue. But all you've done is gone on the attack. Attack the person. Tsk tsk. Try and stay on topic and debate the points, not the person. Okay. And I did clarify with my second post about BG1 and continued to try and keep it in context with BG1. Oh dear, what does one need to do when they clarify and try to keep things in context. 1) Context. And what does PoE have to do with Fallout? Wouldn't it be better to compare PoE to its spiritual successors like the IE games? If you're going to use games like Fallout, why not Diablo? Why not other games that have nothing to do with being a spiritual successor to PoE? Considering I did mention BG1 in my post but you want to ignore that. 2) So you think giving 1 million xp rewards for killing a single rat is a good thing? Because you know, extremes are good and we have no idea what a poster is talking about even though said poster did mention BG1 in their post. Also I didn't say "Big games need big XP numbers, small games need small XP numbers". But nice strawman there. Not only did you quote me out of context, you actually made up stuff, and put it in quotes. Nice one. And for someone who agrees and likes the higher levelling xp table in BG1 which I was talking about in my first post, it's quite odd that you would go on some rant about posters on this forum and ignore this very point. I think we can all agree that it's better to debate the points, if two posters can't agree to go their separate ways (which is what happened), and not have some random poster jumping in, frothing at the mouth attacking others and not contribute anything worthwhile to the thread. So lets get back on topic.
  14. It's a troll rating, for the quality of your troll post. You're getting better, 7/10 might get trolled again. In that case. 0/10 for your troll post. Considering I was asking a serious question. And another poster who doesn't answer simple questions. No idea why people find it so hard to answer simple questions. Bioware sells games with their type/style of rpg. They're quite successful at it.
  15. Actually it was and my entire post was about BG1. My second paragraph had more to do with Sensuki's post on the previous page and how xp is doubled in 2nd edition and it's lower in 4th ed (which PoE is taking a lot from 4th ed, maybe not the xp but a lot of other things). I just forgot to quote his post which is why I think having a higher xp table for a large game like PoE, similar to BG1, would be a good idea. But I can understand how people can come to that conclusion I was talking in abstraction. But my continual posts about BG1 confirming my intent shows I was talking about BG1. And we do have something to compare it to. eg. BG1 from my original post. One of the IE games that PoE is a spiritual successor to. So yes, we do have something to compare it to. As I said, giving extreme xp examples doesn't help anyone's argument which is Lephys's usual way of presenting his arguments. eg. Hyperbole, exaggeration and extremes. Lephys' continual abstraction and gobbledygook wasn't needed when I confirmed my intent. Which Fallout? Fallout 1 was a very small game. So getting small amounts of xp was on par for a small game, compared to a big game like BG1. I'd prefer to stick with a system that PoE is a spiritual successor to (eg. the IE games and D&D in general) than a completely different system that PoE isn't a spiritual successor to. If PoE was a spiritual successor to Fallout and no classes, then I would be looking at the Fallout tables. As I said, we do have something to compare it to. And as you've said, BG1's system was fine. So that's three people who are okay with BG1's levelling, based on the higher 2nd ed experience table, not the lower 4th ed experience table.
  16. I think it's you who's being pedantic. I asked two simple questions and you've overreacted to those questions. Seriously, look at your posts. Your first post didn't even answer my questions and went on a wild tangent. And you're still going on wild tangents. And I'm not saying anything about what I want. This is not about me, but you. I'm asking you two questions. But nice try with the dodging and weaving and trying to put this back onto me. So in summary: Try and answer the questions. m'kay.
  17. I'm not suggesting anything about women gamers. Where have I said anything about what female gamers might feel? Can you point that out please? And I'm not asking about true objectivity? Where did that come from? Also, I don't know what the difference between objectivity and true objectivity and does it even exist? All I've said is perhaps it's better to ask women about how women are portrayed instead of asking men on how women are portrayed. And you still haven't answered my questions, so I'll ask again: 1. Wouldn't it be better to get a women's perspective on the issue on how women are portrayed and what they say in a Bioware game than asking a man? 2. Wouldn't you agree that asking a woman is better?
  18. And considering nearly half the gaming community are women, wouldn't it be better to get a women's perspective on the issue on how women are portrayed and what they say in a Bioware game than asking a man? Wouldn't you agree that asking a woman is better?
  19. I would like to see women answer this question to get their view on this. Even better, ask this to women in real life Bruce and see what reaction and answers you get. Once you have this, you can tell us how you went from a women's perspective. I look forward to your report and results on this.
  20. Just need to correct you there. What you're talking about are newbie/newbs which are totally different to noobs. So no. Not everyone will be a noob when they start playing the game. In the course of playing the game, there will probably be noobs though.
  21. Not sure what the score is for. You don't think Obsidian should go the Bioware route and do rpgs for the mass market like Bioware have done?
  22. Also, goes back to what I was saying about Obsidian should take some pointers from Bioware. Make a game similar to a Bioware game with similar storytelling including romances and you'll be on a winner. It's what the mass market wants. Bioware knows how to sell, even putting emo kid with the +10 Stealth Bomber hat in the game. And every now and then, do a Kickstarter for the hardcore rpg fans with the stories that Obsidian wants to tell and can't get a publisher for. A win for all and Obsidian stays in business making loads of $$$.
  23. I've never been disappointed in all the games I've purchased. Then again, I've also never been disappointed in any games I haven't purchases. eg. Dragon Age II. despite hearing quite a few people saying they were disappointed with it. But as you've said, they probably got caught up with their expectations or marketing hype. I think possibly this is because of my discerning nature with games and separating the wheat from the chaff.
  24. That's why you can create an INT Fighter or Barbarian which is what a lot of people are looking forward to from posts I've read in the past. And that translates into a Fighter or Barbarian who has a high lore skill. And I haven't read crafting being restricted to the Mage class. Every class should be able to craft, thus the high INT Barbarian will be able to craft stuff. No more bad characters for gamers. Even if you think you may have stuffed up by making a high INT Barbarian, you really haven't. The game has saved you from your noobness. One thing for sure, this game will turn everything upside down with characters being able to do things and it'll be fun seeing all these builds players come up with. Bouncy, rooftop jumping Mage, Intelligent pipe smoking Barbarian, ... The more I think about the possibilities, the more fun I'll have playing this. And as a powergamer, it'll be good to create characters just for the sheer fun of it and seeing how the game 'reacts' to it.
  25. I'd rather see a TotSC style expansion than say Heart of Winter. I prefer to be able to go back and forth from the main storyline to the expansion and back with TotSC. I like being able to go back and forth between the two. Durlag's Tower too hard? Go back to the main game and level up. Then go back to Durlag's Tower. AFAIK, you couldn't do that with HoW and you were locked in once you went there during an IWD play through and couldn't get back until you finished it. If you choose the option to do HoW during IWD which is usually what I did, I would go just before going back to Easthaven. Once I finished the expansion with TotLM, I would go back to Easthaven and finish off the end boss from the main game. I know you can finish IWD first and then do the expansion, but always liked to do both at the same time, similar to BG and TotSC.
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