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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. We should all wait for the 3rd part, shouldn't we? There's a third part?
  2. I'm just going to sit here and wait for the second part. I don't like episodic content.
  3. I don't know anything about Shenmue, but apparently it's a big deal because everyone is excited, so I'd like to ask you fine folks what is this game like and do I need to have played the previous two to enjoy the third? What other game would you compare it to?
  4. The game Gromnir was based on this poster, apparently he and some other forum-goers at the time were included in the game. Always wondered whether he and the others gave consent for this and what they thought of it. This changes everything! Now I'm disappointed in-game Gromnir wasn't more Gromnir-y. But still wondering "what the actual hell?" I don't think that feeling is ever going to go away.
  5. Actually, no, I didn't remember him off-hand. Now that you mention him... His style wasn't anywhere near as frustrating as the forum Gromnir's. I'm pretty sure the text included capital letters. Oh well, it's still a better roleplay than a pompous bigoted Altmer I once experienced.
  6. Out of curiosity, is there a reason why he writes like this or is it just an interesting variation of "I'm a special snowflake"? I'm not asking him directly because I fear I may misinterpret the answer.
  7. I'm pretty sure they didn't record 12k lines for the female protagonist in a week.
  8. I smell bias. We all know they hate vowels in Poland. Hate is such a strong word. I had to embrace consonants or break my tongue trying to pronounce my own name. A choice like this is no choice at all.
  9. Now that is something i can get behind. CDPR and Chris Avellone? Yes please! Dude CDPR is a polish studio, and the writers are polish as well. The game was written in poilsh and what we get is merely a translation. I know a polish guy on Steam who claims the english translation is "competent" at best, and fails to convey a lot of stuff. I highly doubt CDPR would even contact Avellone. There'd be massive communication problems if Avellone was writing in English and the rest of the people in Polish. Really sad to see Avellone go. He's easily my favourite writer when it comes to videogames. I wonder what lies ahead for Obsidian without one of its key people (and to me, the most important person there). This isn't entirely true. It's based in Poland with most people being Polish but there are a lot of guys from other countries. My good friend (who worked at BioWare then EA then another place) told me recently that another person from BioWare joined CDPR. So that's another foreigner on the team. Just because they are polish studio doesn't mean they are Polish-only. As for Chris I dunno how much he actually brought into POE or FNV. Studios are teams not 1 man armies. While he is certainly talented Obsidian still has a lot of talented people. I wish him all the best and I look forward to his future endeavours. True. I met some of their foreign devs during a convention last year. But none of them were writers; language doesn't matter so much in programming or art design. I don't know if they currently have any foreign writers, but I remember reading their job offers a few years ago and speaking Polish natively was one of the requirements for writers.
  10. Hah, I'd love to see Bethesda finally get a decent writer again, but what are the chances of that? It's a blow to Obsidian for sure, but I'm dying to know what he's planning to do now. It looked very much like "I'm not allowed to say yet."
  11. I don't feel nostalgia. I can't. I was a child when the IE games out, I didn't play them until only a few years ago - in fact, I wasn't much of a gamer at all before 2010. But when I did finally play them, I greatly enjoyed their style, party-based gameplay and roleplaying opportunities. They are still good 15 years later (modded, of course. Don't make me play BG1 without Trilogy, my eyes will bleed.); there is something in them I usually can't find in modern AAA games. I like tactical play, but action RPGs are all the rage now. And there's nothing wrong with that, but I crave diversity. I adore the Elder Scrolls series, but it's a completely different animal. Bioware? I replayed DA:O many times, but am I really supposed to eat up its sequels with a smile on my face? You all know what they're like. So I'm back to Kickstarter and Pillars or Shadowrun, not because of nostalgia but because they are fun. It's that simple.
  12. I don't see either of Avellone's characters as a conventional romance option. Sagani has a family and would not be interested. I don't like Aloth. Hiravias is easy-going and fun, but too disgusting in some of his habits to romance. Kana is a chanter and I don't use chanters in my party. This leaves Eder and Pallegina as viable options. I like Pallegina, but I felt a stronger connection with Eder. So a straight romance with Eder would be my choice. How terribly original. :D However, if the GM actually had some weird relationship storyline, that'd be my first choice instead. But I'm a sucker for happy endings and this would probably be unlikely to get one.
  13. I'm pretty sure the bug has been there since release version.
  14. The idea came up internally before the Kickstarter, but they decided against it. There doesn't seem to be much pressure for it in the comments, so I doubt they'll reconsider. Considering that, I just pledged a symbolic amount to stay informed.
  15. Durance action figures? :D(Also, Grieving Mother's. Easy to make, as no one can see them...) Is there a possibility to support via PayPal? I can't use Kickstarter (except for laborious workarounds) as I don't have (or usually need) a credit card. They already reached their goal and could enable PayPal, so yes. Btw, I pledge on KS using my debit card. I remember it didn't work for me way back in 2012, but now the payments typically go through without issues. I'm not sure what changed because I didn't talk to my bank about it... But I'm not complaining.
  16. People dont use melee weapons in combat anymore, what real life situation are you speaking of? Of course they do. Firearms aren't common in my country, so thugs with knives are nothing surprising (actually, there were even some with machetes...) Riot police use blunt melee weapons. Soldiers are also trained in hand-to-hand combat and while this usually isn't very pratical, there are situations when they end up using their knives.
  17. DONT GET ME STARTED ON THAT. I'M STILL VYING FOR THAT EASTER EGG HUNT DLC. none of this jaws of crappon stuff. Yeah, that's the main issues what I've been having. But as far as wish fuffilment, I haven't had any such luck with that one ... ... though it just might be my tastes always seem to be the tragic one. because All though the first time I romanced iron bull.. that ended nice I suppose. But, its pure wtf wish fulfillment in the beginning -.- Everything in Mass Effect ends in tragedy, not just your romance. The ending without the Extended Cut (and partially even with it) is basically: "you saved the galaxy for future generations, but everything and everyone you've ever known is dead." Such fun.
  18. That's an average gamer, when you say "old" I expect 60+. I really need to play the game again, I'm not sure what the problem with Thaos is because I easily crushed him (on normal). I had much more trouble with Raedric - both times. The first time because I didn't understand the mechanics very well yet, the second because it's just hard. Although I can agree the difficulty was uneven across the game. It starts rather hard, but then drops off rather quickly, which I think should have been the other way around. In any case, I doubt Obsidian is going to lose many customers over this. Even if the battle is very challenging for you, if you got that far it means you must have enjoyed everything that came before. Lots of people quit around the 2nd Act, this is the group which may not come back for the next game.
  19. Some good points. I find that the more such absurd things as turn into a bear, women fighting dragons etc there is the harder it is to suspend my disbelief. This is how all fantasy works. I am sure you would find it hard to accept that your party can fly, use tactical nukes from their fingers, and morph to dragons at will. Its just to much. A cartoon. The difference between us is that my views (which are rooted in the real world) dont think all female parties are the ****. You are however so indoctrinated (contrary to how the real world works) with denying gender difference that you just dont see how absurd such things are In the real world having your whole body covered in flames leaves you dead or scarred for life. In the game you shrug it off and keep going. How do you deal with this fact?
  20. Nobody's forcing you to play 100 lbs warriors. There are no heigh and weight sliders, so we have to imagine some of the physical attributes of our characters. In any case, there are enemies in the game even large human males can't really compare to (for example ogres). Many feats of strength and endurance presented in video games would be utterly impossible in the real world regardless of the character's race or gender. If you prefer to play only human and aumaua male warriors, you have every right to do so, but it's only superficially realistic. Besides, not all classes need physical prowess. Wizards, priests, ciphers, druids all rely on their mental faculties and/or religious devotion, rangers typically avoid direct confrontation (although bows require quite a lot of strength too) and rogues favor dexterity over raw strength (I'm not talking in terms of game attributes here). You also don't need to be a hulking brute to use a pistol...
  21. Yes indeed. The Arthurian legends, The Tempest, Crime and Punishment and Doctor Zhivago are all ****ty literature ruined by romance elements and the world would be better off without them. Deionarra was a complete waste of development time, Guybrush and Elaine were disgusting and To the Moon is the worst game I've ever played, 4 hours of my life I'll never get back. Don't get me wrong, Longknife, I agree that romances are often superficial and predictable, but they don't have to be - and nobody is asking to turn Pillars into a dating sim, romance wouldn't be the main plot or even a main plot. Love is a powerful driving force and romance, as all human relations, can serve as a basis for exploration of the human mind. Sometimes it isn't meant to do that, it's there only to make the characters more relatable or as you say, make us go "squee!" And that's fine too, there's nothing wrong with a little fluff. Not everywhere and not always, but that's just the thing: can romance serve a purpose in this story or will it be purely a fanservice? This is a question only Obsidian can answer, it's their story.
  22. People with golden nameplates are NPCs created by backers. Don't bother talking to them, they have only their soul stories to share and I got bored of it before I left Gilded Vale. There's a ton of them everywhere too. You can talk to other people though, just not everyone. Some have only ambient comments.
  23. Not enough pre-made characters to have a preference. I haven't played with hired adventurers yet, but when I do, I'll pick portaits I like and start there. I usually end up with mixed parties in games like this, but without any fixed gender ratio. The only thing I never use is an all-male party. I have played with an all-female party before (not in Pillars).
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