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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. Yes, they exist. They are real. The question was never about their existence, but their origin - and if they deserve to be called gods at all. I assume you finished the game already? They were created by the Engwithans, huge amalgams of souls to represent their ideals. Powerful, potentially immortal, but kith-made. Killable. They didn't create the kith, they were created by them. The Wheel existed before them. So can these constructs be called gods, do they have the right to rule over kith? Make up your own mind.
  2. Not really. A knock out is a knock out, you can keep fighting but it doesn't change the fact that your endurance was brought down to zero before. You do fall down... You're just determined enough to get back up.
  3. You haven't been paying attention to the companion quests, have you? ALL of them get unsatisfying endings. That's the whole point. It's a reversal of the trope where the PC solves everything. Have a very nice day. -fgalkin Some of them are more unsatisfying than others from the player's point of view. Eder and Sagani in particular. At the end of GM's quest I felt I understood as much as I could and explained my view on the matter as best I could. I couldn't fix the past, of course, but I never expected to. And the ending slides showed that indeed, GM came to terms with what happened - at least to some extent. So it wasn't a disappointing quest to me, not as much as the gnawing curiosity what really did happen to Eder's brother.
  4. This attempt at a joke is ruined by the fact that drink buffs are already in the game. If you want to be funny, be clever.
  5. *ahum*You DO know it's not actually possible to feature a game as such on your profile right? If you want that, it seems you need to ask Valve, not Obsidian True, but you can show a cabinet with rare achievements, including the number of perfect games. That's one less perfect game available.
  6. Act IV is short and happens after the point of no return. Which is jumping into the pit. You may already know what pit I'm talking about. The boss of Od Nua is the hardest enemy in the game, but you'll have to finish that part before confronting the final main quest villain.
  7. Honestly, I suspect that this was deliberate-- Obsidian wanted to make strong and interesting female characters, while avoiding the easy prurient route to audience appreciation. They decided on no romance, and they wanted to avoid tempting the audience into asking for it. So we get a devoted mother, a mystical maternal figure (if not literally a mother), and a warrior who has been raised with a somewhat genderless self-image. The allure of fantasy games is that we undertake quests and activities not possible in the "real" world--it's an alternate reality. So why clutter that up with a bunch of cartoon porn? It's one thing to slay imaginary monsters and evil-doers in fantasy RPGs, quite another to have cartoon-fantasy sexual activity in a game. There is enough of that on the Internet as it is... No need to foul up the game with that kind of thing, imo. I have no clue why people want this stuff in an RPG, and then want to fantasize even further and call it "romance." When Geralt visits a whore for some (hopefully) VD-free fun in the Witcher universe, what does that do for the person playing the game? Not much, actually. I guess it's okay if your game of choice is the Sims. I guess.Right. Let's remove friendship and rivalry as well. Let's remove companions' reactions to our actions altogether. Let's make all characters in the game devoid of personality, existing only as quest distributors and exposition vehicles. We can't possibly allow the player character to form any sort of bond with them, now can we? No, I have no clue why anyone would want that in their roleplaying game. Everyone knows RPGs are only about hacking and slashing your way through monster-infested dungeons. Human emotions are for dating sims and Bioware games.
  8. Yeah. Aggro by any other name... What people want is aggro management. "Do this to generate threat." We could argue all day if it's needed and beneficial or not. But tbh, engagement is very nearly a melee taunt already.
  9. The AI in PoE is far from great and the Engagement mechanics could have also been better. However, this is still orders of magnitude better than the concept of aggro which literally means that the AI is deliberately programmed to do the stupidest thing possible. Have you ever even considered attacking the most armored and defended enemies while squishy damage-dealers attack you and squishy healers restore the durable critters you're attacking? This is literally the opposite of how anything even marginally intelligent would act. Even children playing games like these quickly learn to take out the squishy enemies first. Why cripple the AI like that?I think we need to establish what aggro system the OP is talking about. Aggro in itself is simply the mechanism used by mobs to prioritize targets. This can be calculated taking into account taunts, distance, dealt damage, active status effects, current health % etc. In short, it can be far more complex than "attack the tank" - in fact, mobs often attack the tank only because they're taunted, so if PoE had taunts with limited usage per encounter, the remaining mobs would be free to target someone else unless you have multiple tanks or the tank can generate aggro through other means. Which might even be impossible because of the way he's built; for example, shades in PoE target enemies with low defenses (poor Aloth!)
  10. I wouldn't if weapons and armors stacked in the stash.
  11. That is bit stretching as in 99.99% of steam games less than 0.1% (Steam don't offer more accurate information) of people playing the games actually use their time to get all the achievements. So it may be important feature to some, but not actually that many, especially if you take consideration that there is program freely available in internet that you can use to mark those achievements achieved. Even at this moment under 50% of all players of PoE in steam have gotten achievement that they have finished Act 1, most achieved achievement is hiring adventurer and even that is achieved by under 50% of the players. so because there is over 300k people that have played PoE in steam (according to steamspy), it means that over 150k people haven't even finished first act. And there is four achievements that are achieved only by under 300 people, which is not many it is very niche punch of people and it's impossible to say how many of those used that freely available hacking tool to get those achievements. I meant that achievements in general are important to many, which is true, but good point nonetheless. PoE doesn't really have the kind of audience where getting 100% completion is a major issue. I guess it's just something to consider for the next Kickstarter if Obsidian starts one?
  12. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." "Who cares, I don't want it so you can't have it either." "Not fair!" "Bitch whine filthy achievement whore! Whine! Should have backed the KS! Bitch! Bitch!" ...where 95% of whining is done by one person. Well to be fair, regardless of opinion on the matter, if you didn't back it on KS, you shouldn't be surprised you can't get the KS Backer acheev.Absolutely. However, everyone can discuss if there should be a backer achievement at all - or any "limited offer" achievements and not achievable by playing the game, which is what this problem really is about. Especially when all or almost all backers in this thread said they don't care about it. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." Right, bitching and whining like I said. Glad we're in agreement.It warms my heart to see you uphold the PoE forum sacred tradition of calling everyone you disagree with a whiner and a troll.I never called anyone a troll. Don't push your assumptions on to me. Nor do I call everybody I disagree with a whiner; just the ones whining about something.I apologize. I didn't mean to imply you call people trolls, only that your "whiners!" reaction is identical to an avalanche of "troll!" reactions I see on this forum so often. Ruining the threads, btw, even perfectly innocent ones. Sometimed people just ask for stupid features without trolling deliberately. Anyway, I haven't seen much, if any, whining in this thread. Only a few people complaining about whining and entitlement. Now, you can argue that all objections to the backer achievement are inherently childish and annoying, so "whining" by definition, but if this discussion is really so beneath you, I'm surprised you engaged in it at all. I don't find the discussion beneath me at all, I find the the cries of people whining--and that's all it is--about the backer achievement annoying. It is more than inherently childish, it's inherently "whining". The one and only argument capable of being made is literally that other people got something that they didn't and now they feel cheated. There's an inherent disregard for the idea of rewards given for behavior taken in the whole concept. The backer achievement isn't something that was given out random in a limited time frame just because; it's a specific reward to the backers for helping the game get made. You can argue all day long about whether that reward means anything and about whether the specific idea of this type of reward is good or bad, but at the end of the day it boils down to a bunch of people complaining about how other people got something and they didn't, and how that's not fair. Which is a legitimate complaint if they really were treated unfairly. Obsidian prohibited the majority of players, often day 1 buyers, from completing an achievement collection which is an important Steam feature for many. Would it make sense to restrict cloud saves to backers? Of course not. But it apparently is fair to tell people "tough luck, if you want to showcase the 100% mark on your profile, you should have known about and paid for the game before it even existed." To be honest, most people complaining about it wouldn't get 100% completion even if they could. Triple Crown Solo, anyone? But in my opinion all achievements should potentially be available to all Steam buyers. They should be acquired with gameplay feats, not money. It isn't petty jealousy (since I'm a backer myself), simply my view on achievements. Instead, Obsidian could have made the KS backer achievement a badge - which is what it really is, a badge of early support, and heck, we already have not one, but two of them here on the forum. How many more do we need? Or made it not count towards the 100%, if it's technically possible.
  13. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." "Who cares, I don't want it so you can't have it either." "Not fair!" "Bitch whine filthy achievement whore! Whine! Should have backed the KS! Bitch! Bitch!" ...where 95% of whining is done by one person. Well to be fair, regardless of opinion on the matter, if you didn't back it on KS, you shouldn't be surprised you can't get the KS Backer acheev.Absolutely. However, everyone can discuss if there should be a backer achievement at all - or any "limited offer" achievements and not achievable by playing the game, which is what this problem really is about. Especially when all or almost all backers in this thread said they don't care about it. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." Right, bitching and whining like I said. Glad we're in agreement.It warms my heart to see you uphold the PoE forum sacred tradition of calling everyone you disagree with a whiner and a troll. I never called anyone a troll. Don't push your assumptions on to me. Nor do I call everybody I disagree with a whiner; just the ones whining about something.I apologize. I didn't mean to imply you call people trolls, only that your "whiners!" reaction is identical to an avalanche of "troll!" reactions I see on this forum so often. Ruining the threads, btw, even perfectly innocent ones. Sometimed people just ask for stupid features without trolling deliberately. Anyway, I haven't seen much, if any, whining in this thread. Only a few people complaining about whining and entitlement. Now, you can argue that all objections to the backer achievement are inherently childish and annoying, so "whining" by definition, but if this discussion is really so beneath you, I'm surprised you engaged in it at all.
  14. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." Right, bitching and whining like I said. Glad we're in agreement.It warms my heart to see you uphold the PoE forum sacred tradition of calling everyone you disagree with a whiner and a troll.
  15. More like: "I don't like it and here's why." "Who cares, I don't want it so you can't have it either." "Not fair!" "Bitch whine filthy achievement whore! Whine! Should have backed the KS! Bitch! Bitch!" ...where 95% of whining is done by one person.
  16. Why is Godlike problematic? I like these "silly" words because they reinforce the impression that all nations speak different languages. It's realistic and gives them a unique flavor. They seem to be well thought out, foreign, but drawing from European roots and therefore familiar enough to not overwhelm me. It was a little confusing at first, but after a few hours the naming conventions started coming together. I sometimes use terms from my native language, explaining them as "the equivalent of English X" or "similar to Y, but different in this and that aspect". Quite like your example: "Our tribal leaders, the anamfath..." I wouldn't mention the original name visiting the UK, but when I was giving directions to a friend visiting my country, I actually did use our names so they'd be able to recognize them when they reached their destination.
  17. Eccentric would refer to Hiravias, right? He doesn't bathe and has a horrible sense of humor, I second the motion to put him into an asylum. No, not really. But he still belongs there more than Eder. Eder is a very down-to-earth guy with relatable problems, he's universally liked here, what did you find annoying about him? Tbh, only Durance and the Grieving Mother are truly disturbing. Thanks, Chris.
  18. If that's the case then a Godlike pc coming to the Dyrwood, "Looking for love" would be pretty pointless don't you think? Are you saying that you believe that love is purely an excuse for sex and nothing more? Oh, come on. There's got to be a sexual element, I think. I'm no love expert. Asexuality exists. Besides, sexual needs and behaviors are highly varied, compromises can be worked out and the lacking gear (if it's even really lacking) can be replaced by... other things. When there's a will, there's a way, no?
  19. Doesn't Hiravius say Pallegina has a cloaca? I would scratch her off the list unless you're into that sort of thing. He wonders if she has a cloaca. It's only speculation. For all we know, she could be built like any other woman, just infertile. Well, she probably has feathers down there, which could be a problem... or quite the opposite.
  20. If I read it correctly, it's struggles with womanhood, not womanhood itself. In case of the Grieving Mother, you have to admit she has issues with her maternal instinct leading to morally questionable actions.
  21. I'm a gay woman and I didn't buy Inquisition because the series is dead to me after DA2. I can't say I feel very catered to as a gamer... I think DAI brought more enjoyment to straight male luzarius than it would to me, I mean look at him, he still entertains himself discussing it on internet forums when everyone else lost interest months ago.
  22. They already don't. This is just people being weird. Then what are we even discussing?
  23. Eder x Iselmyr counts as a romance, right?
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