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Everything posted by AwesomeOcelot

  1. Nothing good will come of this. Both companies are guilty of trying to push proprietary tech, but this is a step too far. Microsoft probably doesn't care, as long as Mantle works with higher level DirectX which it does but Nvidia will respond and it won't be good for gamers.
  2. The terms and conditions does say about the beta hardware coming with a beta controller.
  3. I'm struggling to find any new information in these announcements since Valve started talking about the SteamBox a while ago. A 300 participant beta? I was hoping for something more substantial like partners, pricing, specs, new games.
  4. That's obviously fake, but it is what everyone has been predicting across the web, SteamBox and Source 2 being the other announcements. I think that's sensible but speculation is often wrong, especially when a company can read it and change their plans on the fly.
  5. That's a good point, Valve are already making their games console friendly and that shows in their PC games, the consolitus could get worse with the SteamBox. The original Xbox took some PC franchises away, Valve probably won't be as bad as Microsoft, they won't throw money at other developers to move from Windows/Mac and they'll still publish on Windows/Mac, but Valve could make SteamOS the lead platform for their own games and if anything Valve are a far more important developer to PC than Microsoft was in 2001.
  6. James Pond - Pond is Back!
  7. James Pond 2 was really good in the early 90's, also DecapAttack (come on Sega, think about it). I haven't seen the game at all in about 20 years until now, it's hard to say whether I'd even like it now. I'm not that attached to the series, haven't heard many people mention it ever (it's not exactly Mega Man), and the article says that the game I played, James Pond 2, is being remade separately for release in 2014. I don't think the KickStarter campaign is good at all, looks very lazy, very few game details, no concept art or much discussion about design, it's also based in the UK (for some reason Americans won't back). If they went PC and Ouya exclusive for 6 months Ouya would match a £50,000 goal, which is way more attainable. Project Gianna struggled to get £100,000 and that had an impressive gameplay concept they illustrated, gameplay footage, a cool soundtrack, an engine, and concept art.
  8. Definitely not, 24 is the minimum to percieve fluid movement, not the maximum for what's noticble. Minimum of 60 fps for action games for a quality experience.
  9. A $1000 custom built PC is going to be more powerful than the consoles. Xbox One hardware isn't that great, they wouldn't even need to sell at a loss to have a similar low power PC for $400. Retail PC hardware and gaming PCs like Alienware are really expensive, it's probably stifling PC gaming growth since they compete with consoles that are sold at a loss. Doesn't help to have 10 variants at least each GPU generation, over 20 different GPU released every year, each on cards built by several different manufacturers. PC gaming needs more accessibility, more value hardware. Right now PC gaming meands custom built, and that's great for those that can and do, but the alternatives suck for no reason. I hope Valve doesn't just focus on the living room. SteamOS, most underwhelming and predictable announcement ever, apart from in-home streaming, it's good to have another option, since SHIELD is only Nvidia and I don't think I'd use the small screen anyway. Definitely something I'll be looking into, I'd love to be able to play some co-op games on the TV downstairs. It's also great that they're keeping the system open, being able to install software and change the hardware makes it a much more useful prospect. A PC for streaming Steam I'd suspect would be very cheap.
  10. I find it hard to believe that linux makes up less than 1% of gaming in terms of playtime or revenue. Did they forget that Android is linux?
  11. The shader determines what is visible, e.g. ray tracing. The 2D elements are made like flat prop boards on a stage in a 3D map, the position in the 3D space determines whether something is rendered infront or behind another. The engine determines where a player can move with a collision mask that's semi-2D. All of this has been shown in the updates.
  12. From the first experimental build video where the map editor was shown it looked like all 2D elements were in a 3D map, so it has a real height and depth, it's like a 2D prop on a stage. A 3D map is being rendered with both 2D (the pillar) and 3D (characters), the 2D elements are not being directly rendered. Obsidian can also use 3D models, but for pillars 2D should be enough.
  13. Seeing Tim Cain always makes me smile. This sounds great, I'm really looking forward to defence and other responsibilities of the stronghold, that sounds way better than other RPGs take on strongholds/safehouses/homes which I found boring, gimmickey, and "gamey". I hope the stronghold isn't a necessity or overpowered though, I'd like it to be a trade off with risk/reward, I'm probably going to play Project Eternity many times, and I'd like to create characters that would be bad at leading a stronghold or wouldn't want to be tied to such a place.
  14. I don't think Ouya are behind the fake backers of GridIron, that's wild speculation, there's no reason to suspect their involvement. I'm happy with my Ouya. I've played Broken Sword and Aquaria on it (side loaded Android versions from Humble Bundle), played Bombsquad and Hidden in Plain Sight with my niece, those games are really fun and easy to pick up. XBMC is now working as of this month, it has DNLA, SMB, NFS, and external HDD support, plays MKV(x264+DTS/ac3) at 1080p. Plex is available for free from the store. You can sideload YouTube for Google TV, Google Music, Amazon Cloud Player, Netflix, Lovefilm, Soundcloud, and Spotify. There's a number of emulators that run on OUYA. The Xbox360 and PS3 don't allow me to do a lot of that, I don't want to play any Xbox360 games I can't play on PC, and the PS3 costs 75% more than the Ouya. The Ouya is smaller and consumes less power, supports PS3 and Xbox360 gamepads so you don't have to buy more.
  15. You can scale, so 1080p render looks exactly the same on a 3840*2160 display as it would on a 1920x1080 display. It would be better if fonts were rendered at the higher DPI like in WIndows 8.1 and any vector UI elements, but it's probably complicated because the game assets and renderer are limited.
  16. They wouldn't do it in hardware, because it's so different architecturally, they'd need to have the previous generations processors in there (which is what the PS2 did), that would be expensive. There are patent issues with the PS3 to PS4, since Sony is moving from Nvidia to AMD. If they were going to do it, they'd do it in software, but that takes a lot of effort, for instance to get Xbox games running on the Xbox360 they have to create profiles for every game, they had to emulate the CPU, they had to convert the shader model to work with the new GPU. Developers had a lot of freedom in how they created games for consoles, that meant implementations that couldn't be easily converted to new models but converting is preferable performance wise than full software emulation, some Xbox games will never run on Xbox360 because of this. This is nonsense, BG2 is not "3 gen old", it's 6/7 GPU generations old, or 11 CPU generations, and in that time Windows still uses the NT (5.1-6.2) kernel, it's still on x86 (x86-64 to be exact), still running DirectX (8.1 to 11.2), they're designed to be backwards compatible and often that restricts what they've been able to change or update. It's a lot easier when you haven't changed the architecture or platform, like Xbox going from x86 to PowerPC to x86, out of order to in order to our of order, Nvidia to AMD.
  17. I don't understand why PC games can't silently install, although Steam and other services are getting there, and just work on PCs bought from large manufacturers with standardized hardware. This is what I'm hoping the Steambox will be, a standardised PC. The PC will never be the choice of the casual consumer because it's too expensive and too varied, if you have to go out and buy a PC instead of building one, like say from Dell, you're going to get a bad deal compared to a console, and you would have to know a lot about ever changing hardware to make an informed decision, that's never going to happen for most consumers of consoles. It's not as simple as changing a shader algorithm to update the graphics for backwards compability. For one, these games don't have one shader, updating shaders is far more complicated even if you're doing it for the same hardware, just look at the games that have done this like Psychonauts. Xbox 360 had inorder PowerPC cores, and the Cell was also PowerPC with Cell SPEs, both not at all like Jaguar that the XboxOne and PS4 will have. A large sum of time and money would be required to emulate the hardware in software, get it running fast enough. Porting the PC versions to the new consoles, especially if they're Unreal Engine 3 or Source, is probably going to have less headaches since a lot of games will probably already run on Jaguar and GPUs in the same family as the ones in PS4 and XboxOne, when they're used in PCs in 2014.
  18. Considering how much they've neglected and mismanaged their position and legacy in PC gaming, it's a little hard to swallow that their experiments in consoles haven't made them any money, what they've been doing to PC I thought at least made financial sense. I mean Xbox360 sold well, has a good attachment rate, if that can lose money then I'm scared to think what the Xbox One will do, it could easily perform much worse considering it's more expensive and slower than than the PS4.
  19. It would be shocking if MS hasn't made money from Xbox, sure the first Xbox wasn't profitable, but I thought the Xbox360 was highly successful, MS gets a cut of game sales, and peripherals like gamepads and Kinect must bring in profit, Xbox Live subscriptions. It's almost the only new venture MS has been successful at, that's why there's going to be changes.
  20. PS4 will have standard Blu-Ray, and if a new optical disc technology comes out in a couple of years, it'll be available on PC probably before a new PS4 has it, also available will be much cheaper HDD storage because barring natural disasters the price has been declining year on year. Not to mention the install base for 4k displays and the ability for developers to generate 4K content is lacking. Plus as mentioned, h265 will be available on PC, meaning 4K content compressed to the same bitrate as high quality 1080p content that you'd get in games now. This is not at all related to Project Eternity or game development in 2013 or 2014.
  21. Sexual repression in society fosters a culture where rape is a worse crime than murder, guilt and shame, worship of virginity and **** shaming, I find these atidudes unhealthy for everyone, especially victims of these assaults. Rape is often portrayed in this way in media, even sociopathic serial killers look down on rapists in fiction. I find it bizarre that a crime that isn't usually akin to the most horrific assaults, like say acid attacks, dismemberments, shooting, or beating a prone victim, is elevated above murder which has to be worse, in my mind, to the most horrific assaults. People need to grow the **** up, if you don't like it don't play it, I don't watch torture porn movies like the Saw series, they make me feel uncomfortable, I don't call for them not to exist.
  22. That's not true, all but one of each Haswell, Ivy Bridge, and Sandy Bridge Desktop i5's don't have hyperthreading, nearly all have 4 cores 4 threads. The three that have 2 cores 4 threads are the "T" 35W TDP low power CPUs.
  23. I think people are underestimating the ability of developers to port to different devices and the overclock to the Xbox1 is just spin, it makes virtually no difference, not even worth mentioning. Developers are spending a lot more time and effort to port to the PS3 than they will to the PS4, that should be a indication that they won't be lazily porting from Xbox1 to PS4, and if PS4 has a larger install base I don't think publishers would want to piss Sony off. On a PC that power difference, 0.6 TFLOPS, would allow you to up some settings in the engine without any work. Previously on consoles there's been games with frame drops, the extra power of the PS4 could mean a much better version of the game if frames are stable on it but not the Xbox1. Sony have denied 5GB of RAM for game developers, so it'll be interesting to see what the true figure is, if it's significantly more, like PC vs console now, will that mean the PS4 getting lower res textures because of ports from the Xbox1, that's been a problem with ports to PC for years.
  24. They seriously haven't, it's a tiny overclock, PS4 is still quite a bit more powerful.
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