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Everything posted by SunBroSolaire

  1. Just noticed something... Palagina has a +2 movement modifier for 'Zealous Charge'. Would that be movement speed? I thought all characters were going to have the same running speed to avoid the annoying IE thing where your Wizards make it across the map 90 seconds before your fighters.
  2. The screenshot looks amazing and I like the sound of the revised attributes. I would love to hear more about the affects of each stat. Pallegina as a name for the female paladin is... um, a.. questionable choice.
  3. My only concern about Strength is that it seems like a 'convenience' stat. Like, it appears that it wouldn't be smart to put a lot of points into STR, as the main benefit is that it saves you time, running back to bonfires/inns and shuffling your equipment between fights. Seems like a conflict between playing the game optimally and having fun.
  4. Well... but you shouldn't take magic into account if you're talking about abstraction of reality, is my point. It doesn't matter anyway. I can suspend my disbelief, so if it makes the game more fun I'm all for it.
  5. Since damage affects ALL attacks (including spells) that do damage, it does actually make more sense than it being on Strength like I predicted. Ah yes, intellect improves spell damage.... just like in real life :D
  6. Cool, I can dig that.
  7. I wouldn't say it exactly makes 'sense'... Put Albert Einstein in the ring with Ivan Drago and see who does more damage
  8. Sounds pretty good. I especially like that defenses are affected by multiple attributes - should lead to some interesting character building. I wonder what the thinking is behind making Intellect affect damage. Just a balance thing? Doesn't really bother me, but I always assume STR will benefit raw damage output. edit: Ninja'd by Josh.
  9. I would rather they put any extra time/resources into the existing companions. Instead of designing new characters, double the number of quests involving the existing ones. They could make this a stretch goal with creative wording. I don't need or want a companion of every class, but I do want a lot of companion specific content. More wilderness areas is a fine idea for a stretch. I just hope this doesn't mean they're short on money and need to keep promising more stuff to keep the project running. edit: how do I get my badge to show up? I already logged in and confirmed my pledge...
  10. Appreciate the explanation; I'm sure everyone understands that deadlines aren't always hit. So............................................................................... tentatively, next Tuesday?
  11. no1curr about the website. I want to see some gameplay footage, which, now that I think about it, they have not officially promised
  12. Embedded midi for the backer site Really? What kind of polish do you want out of an update? Seems pretty likely this delay is more to maximize press attention than polish for the backers, which is, fine, whatever. It would be really sweet if they would let us know not to get hyped sometime sooner than the ETA, though, these constant hype/disappointment cycles are making me think I should just go cold turkey on PE news until release :|
  13. Brennecke's hanging out in the announcements and news forum
  14. The BG/IWD concept is probably closest to how I picture trolls. Here are some other designs I like: Troll Hunter: And Berserk... But I like Obsidians design fine. Not what I would call a traditional troll, but that's not a bad thing.
  15. Wow, I love the city concepts Polina! I'm glad the second big city is looking more non-traditional.
  16. Everyone hated the combat in Planescape: Torment, and it only used that system because it was D&D, it's not like they designed that combat for the game. That's exactly the kind of thing that should be reimagined for a spiritual successor.
  17. I love turn-based battle systems. I have high hopes that PE will make RTwP not suck, but generally it's only been good in RTS games, where having a high level of granularity over individual units actions would be tedious, and battles tend to move slow enough that you avoid the sloppy imprecise feeling of IE/Bioware combat.
  18. Just make a boobplate toggle (outside of expert mode, of course, which would always have boobplate enabled). Problem solved. edit: that armor's really nice looking. I'm just imagining the designer crying into a beer while reading this discussion.
  19. I got the sense he just thinks it's dumb when character's are pointlessly sexualized (e.g., female soldiers wearing sexy outfits). If I remember correctly he had no problem with the Planescape Torment companions, and New Vegas had Gomorrah. I don't believe Josh is the narrative lead on PE anyway, so it'll probably depend more on how Chris Avellone and the the other writers choose to approach the topic. To OP, they said in the Kickstarter pitch it would be an M rated game
  20. Power over Ethernet for a network engineer like myself. I don't care that much what the final title is. Pillars of Eternity is kind of a tongue twister of a name, though. Understandable if they don't want to lose the familiarity from the Kickstarter, but honestly I don't think this game has much mental real estate in gaming consciousness yet. I'd say whenever they show off the gameplay demo, that's their chance to rebrand the game and catch some attention, like how Double Fine did with the Broken Age reveal. There's no reason it needs to be [something] Eternity, or have the initials P and E.
  21. Yes, like if your reputation got too good the evil members would grouse and vice versa if you got too evil of a reputation. He said individual companion rep. That applies to all companions of a particular alignment. Well, I guess it was just for romances in the BG games, but yeah, I mean will companions have individual reputation scores for the PC (Alpha Protocol style), or do they base their opinions on your relationships with factions and general disposition (New Vegas style)? I don't have a strong preference, I'm just really curious to know more about what companions.
  22. Just read that Kaz Aruga did both those portraits, so huge props Kaz. Glad you're on the project
  23. Man, I want to play this game so bad. Those character portraits are so awesome! And the landscapes look amazing as well. I just want to go adventuring with those characters. At least we get a gameplay video soon, it's gonna be a long painful wait for the release.
  24. Iron Man means you only have one save that gets deleted when your party wipes out. Expert mode will have permanent death, but afaik, no restrictions on reloading a previous save.
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