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Everything posted by SunBroSolaire

  1. Sorry just thought backers would be treated better ... After all if Chris Roberts can take time out of his day to put his backers first you'd think any KS developer would. I guess I've just been spoiled. Chris Roberts.... Of course Chris Roberts "puts his backers first", he's fleecing them for tens of millions of dollars. Yet we're getting a finished Pillars of Eternity in one day and Star Citizen is still vapourware. I'll take a team that actually puts the project that was funded first over that, thanks.
  2. So give an example of an RPG that did it better. I'll wait. Um:
  3. Things like carry limits and limited gold are there so that you don't run around selling every piece of junk you can pick up. Games with good economies, like Fallout: New Vegas, have merchants get restocked every few days so you never get to a point where they're all broke. PoE seems to be designed so that it's expected that you'll strip mine every trash mob and obsessively pawn it all off at the next opportunity. That's great and convenient for the five people who played the IE games like that. I guess those are the same five people that murdered quest givers for XP Hopefully Bester and friends will be able to come up with things like this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17140/? post release.
  4. The merchants have infinite gold..? Why are they making mistakes that both Icewind Dale and Fallout: New Vegas got right? They had first limited gold for merchants but then people complained it and they changed it to infinite. omg... Next time they should reserve the Backer Beta for only Sensuki.
  5. The merchants have infinite gold..? Why are they making mistakes that both Icewind Dale and Fallout: New Vegas got right?
  6. That's the ideal way to do it, in my opinion. So long as going between tabs is quick and easy. That's how Wasteland 2 does it and it works great.
  7. So don't keep me in suspense Infinitron.
  8. Are the inventories still separated in anyway, or do they just get pooled together?
  9. If it works like Wasteland 2 where you just loot the immediate surroundings and each inventory is kept separate, then I don't mind it. If you can press a button to loot everything on the battlefield at once, ehhhhh....
  10. I agree that depth of field doesn't look right in this art style. The game looks like an animated painting, why would there be 'out of focus' parts?
  11. Now I understand why developers put such overbearing tutorials in their games.
  12. I hope they don't remove this. Replaying BG recently I found myself expecting moving the box in the area map to also move the screen and getting annoyed a few times when I remembered that it does literally nothing. Being able to scroll around the map and the actual area at the same time seems way better. Agreed that you should be able to close out the map in other ways (ESC, double clicking outside the map or on a particular area).
  13. The creature lore is very cool I didn't get the DVD/Blu-Ray reward, but I'm glad the documentary will cover the entire production. After following this game so closely for two years it's going to be fascinating to see the whole process from behind the scenes.
  14. The water looks great How much of the game is the press going to see? Just wondering if we'll be seeing any gameplay impressions this week.
  15. Wow, this is a really good looking game. The day/night cycle, dynamic lighting and shadow effects are really impressive in a 2D art style - I've never seen anything like it. Huge props to Michael Edwards. Good luck at E3, Obsidian!
  16. You have the choice of which deity to follow, and consistency/inconsistency with that faith is rewarded/punished. What you're asking for is exactly what Sawyer described in the update. If you just mean that different aspects of the spell should be augmented by different reputation axes well, okay, that would be fine, but it wouldn't be any more or less limiting to player choice than the current system.
  17. Wat, lol. If there was more random stuff like this I might actually follow their twitter.
  18. Great update Eric. I'm glad the companions will have multiple endings for their character arcs, I really liked that in New Vegas. I thought Boone had a particularly cool arc because he takes so long to open up to the PC - it feels really natural when you finally do get to his mission. The undead concept reminds me of one of my favorite movies, Ravenous, so that's cool.
  19. You see, this is the problem. Romance in games is not actual love. I disagree that this is the problem. Adventure in games isn't 'actual adventure', but it's fun because it evokes adventure. RPGs are like novels, but where the player is writing one of the characters. It doesn't matter that the player can't actually fall in love, because the player *character* totally can. If you ask me, the problem is that writing in games is generally awful and game systems rarely even try to model human relationships.
  20. Josh Sawyer once said something like "romance should be given more or less attention", and I tend to agree. If a love story is done right, it should be a major part of the main story, not just some optional sidequest. I would be very interested in a game from Obsidian that's all about character interaction and possibly love stories, but from the beginning it was clear this wouldn't be a focus of Eternity.
  21. Is Pallegina also an Earth Godlike then? Great, thank you guys. You've Done Kickstarter Right in my book, and continue to do so. The concepts look awesome, as usual. Keep up the great work!
  22. So your stealth radius will be different in every area, in a totally unpredictable way? Just give enemies and players more circles to work with. Characters should have a very large outer radius that never changes sizes - when this intersects with an enemy's perception radius, player stealth is compared to something like 25% enemy's stealth. Then there should two inner radii which compare player stealth to 50%, 75% the enemy's stealth and 100% if the enemy's detection circle touches the player themselves. No need to have per-area craziness, no gimping high level enemies with averages, no problems with scaling. You're welcome Obsidian.
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