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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Hey there, I think these are good ideas, and I've had a similar thought for displaying a stat break down in a tool tip. The sad bit is that it will take significant work on the programmers' part to make it happen. It's very possible that it will show up in a post-release patch at some point, but as it stands the programmers have far more important tasks on their plate right now. As for concentration and interrupt scores, I do have a task already to squeeze it in somewhere, so that should be coming soon. As a quick note, the mock up you have does not account for a weapon in the off-hand under damage and cases where you have more than 4 types of damage reduction values. (I believe I have to account for a total of 7 potential stats there) I'll figure something out, thanks for the ideas!
  2. Targeting reticles are coming, don't worry. @Hormalakh: I had a similar idea kicking around. It looks pretty good on paper, but quickly becomes noisy with multiple engagements in close proximity. This is partly due to the fact that selections circles are often touching each other with no buffer zone in between them. This is not to say it wouldn't work, but you'd have to balance visual clutter vs how well you can see each arrow. (too big and it's a mess with multiple arrows, too small and it starts defeating the purpose of having one in the first place etc.) Thanks for the suggestions / feedback guys.
  3. I do agree that it's a bit jarring at first, especially to a player expecting an IE game experience. We've internally talked about possibly making it a combat only feature, which I think is reasonable. So far from my experience the highlights help a lot when trying to pick out a character in chaotic combat situations, and works wonders with AOE placement.
  4. Hello Nilsor! The entire Eternity team gathered in our meeting area and watched your video a while ago. It's very informative and I'll admit I learned a few things myself. Makes me happy to see our project inspiring things like this!
  5. Two things will be happening in future patches. The pulse effect on tagets will be replaced with proper targeting graphics Melee engagement will get proper UI (there is none atm) Displaying melee engagement info is tricky because A, characters tend to clump together so I can't rely on the spaces between them, and B, spell effects (especially late game) often cover up the selection circles, which is another convenient area to display this stuff. I have a few ideas kicking around and hope to have something for you guys soon. Thanks for your patience.
  6. I think this makes a lot of sense. Certainly not high on the priority list but I will try to get it in. And by try I mean go over to a programmer and wine.
  7. Great suggestions guys! Thanks for taking the time to write these.
  8. Unfortunately there will be very few of those, but the answer is yes.
  9. This is correct, player portraits are kept separate from companions to prevent those awkward moments in your travels.
  10. Glad you like them! The druid spells you saw were done by Krystina who is another artist at Obsidian, and I think they turned out really good! I have a few artists helping me with icons now, so expect to see more new stuff in future patches!
  11. Hello and thanks for posting. We will likely be adding a pop-up window to inform the player how they will be charged upon completing character creation. Once in char creation, we will most definitely be adding a way to back out and cancel your purchase. Thanks for your patience.
  12. Now there's some constructive feedback I appreciate the effort you put into these. Do you accept Trident Layers as method of payment? Edit: but seriously, we'll check it out.
  13. The item description window was one of the last things to make it into the game before we sent off the beta build, so yes it's a bit rough unfortunately. We've already done a pass on the text to simplify it, including the removal of irrelevant strings like ranged accuracy bonus on melee weapons. Also made sure primary stats like damage are being listed at the very top of the list. I agree with the comment about the size of the window being too small. Brian who is one of our coders working on UI implementation showed me how the screen looks when opening lore books in the game, and it was not pretty. Having a bigger window will definitely help with that. And yeah, I do miss the item sketches from BG and really wish I had the time to bang them out, but we have to pick our battles given the time and man power available to us.
  14. I appreciate any feedback. We have temporary UI in place to indicate who is engaging who, but it quickly adds a lot of visual clutter so we have it disabled in the beta build. The first step would be to get visual feedback for targeting in the game. (highlighting the current target of the character you have selected or are hovering over) Altering selection circle color is not a bad idea, but engagement stuff is pretty vital information and I'm a bit concerned about spell effects etc. covering it up, especially in the late game. We will first get the target indicators working and take it from there.
  15. This is a feature, but is poorly communicated in the current build. As of now the top half of the pause button (circular element located in the center of the action bar) will throw the game into slow mode. This was a very temp way for us to test it, but will be adding more obvious ways of toggling it in future updates.
  16. Hey there! Yes all of the portraits are painted on top of the reference photos we receive. I usually take the photo, shift things around for composition sake and start painting away. It's a huge time saver, and I get the likeness and subtle expressions for free. I agree with you on both of points, will try to hit those if I have time. Thanks for the feedback, you have a good eye!
  17. ^ I agree. For the final version I'll be reducing the noise and contrast on all textures that are drawn behind text. Thanks for the input.
  18. Already got you covered! I agree the gauntlet mouse cursors were a definite part of the IE feels™. Might be a while before we release anything with functioning UI however.
  19. I yet once more encourage you (if it isn't already planned) to urge someone to approve working a boatload of all you guys's concept stuff into lore books/manuscripts throughout the game. And/or the "codex"/journal or what-have-you. It would be PERFECT! Account of a Cean Gula in a book? Slap the artwork in there (as if someone in the world attempted depicting one). You've already made all that glorious, glorious artwork, so it wouldn't really be much extra work to plug it into the game, 8P It's a good idea, and we plan on using modified versions of concept work in parts of the game. However it's trickier than it seems because not everything we produce can be easily converted to match the in-game aesthetic. Thank you. I worked on the wizard estate piece right before interviewing for my current position. I was freaking out because I didn't have much environment concepts to show. Here's some random career advise - if you ever apply for an artist position in the entertainment industry, consider producing a few pieces that would fit into titles the company has worked on in the past. It shows you have a high level of interest in the position and takes out some of the guess work. This also reinforces the point Chris was making in the video when talking about hiring Jorge. Customizing your portfolio to match the company's tastes is a huge win. Oh and for your last question, all I'm gonna say is "Edér is the new Edair".
  20. Hey thanks for the compliments everyone, reading through the comments was an awesome moral booster! Really glad the labor payed off. I had a blast working on the portraits and look forward to doing more in the future. The concept dept. has been producing a lot of great stuff recently, can't wait to share them with you.
  21. Haha, yeah that's pretty close. But no, the Orlan was painted based on descriptions I got from Josh. Points for internet detective skills though.
  22. This would be a question best answered by Josh or another designer. But I think it's a bit early to give you an accurate answer. Not going to promise anything, but if it fits with our layout / aesthetic I don't see why we couldn't include a simple dais or platform to help ground the character. Likewise! I can't go into too much detail about specific districts. The top right image shows a district that is fairly preserved since colonial times, making it one of the older parts of the city. It boarders a river and is actually built below the water level, with a large levee protecting the district. The last description was added after the sketch, which is why you see the streets above water level in the picture. Sweet jesus.. the colors.. Really great stuff in there, thanks for sharing!
  23. Hello, my name is Kazunori "not a vertical slice video" Aruga and I'll be answering some of your questions! Thanks! I like to think portrait work as the ice cream waiting for me when I finish my UI vegetables. Not to say I dislike UI, but I'm fairly new to it and there is a learning curve I'm working to overcome. It doesn't mean portraits will be a cakewalk either, but it is one of my favorite things to do and I'm very much looking forward to getting started on those. I don't think we can have live claymores in the office. I'll check with HR on that one. Those were sketches I did to establish the general mood for the various districts in Defiance Bay. Someone had asked how long they took, and the answer to that is two days each, six days in total. Thank you for the ideas. It's important that I work within the scope and time frame set by the project, but I always appreciate these types of suggestions.
  24. A. Backer, if you're reading, you rock! Wow.
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