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Everything posted by dlux

  1. Statement: "Don't pursue romance in the game, if don't like it" Answer: "Me no like womance!" Statement: "Why do you want to have all possible human emotions, like anger, pride, rage, frustation, sorrow, disappointment, envy, regret, satisfaction, fear, etc. but have a problem with love, lust and passion?" Answer: "womance dumb!" Statement: "As you can see with this poll, many people enjoy well written and emotional romances in a game. What is wrong with that?" Answer: "womance hurt head!" Statment: "We are not demanding that romance should be in this game, but it is a feature that we would like to see becuase we enjoy it. Why do you do you so stubbornly demand that romance is not included in the game?" Answer: "womance me nobody, no." Oh yes, it is hopeless.
  2. So, "rusty piece of **** sword" and "little blunt letter opener" should do the same amount of damage as a dwarven forged "excalibur of whoop ass", if you are a master swordsman? No. And to top it off you want to remove the fun and reward out of exploring to find new powerful weapons. So, double no.
  3. Well of course they want to have guns in the game... because you can't have pirates in a game without them! Yahaaar! ^^
  4. @OP: A yes/no poll cannot effectively represent the opinion of the community.... Anyway, it depends on the implementation. They could, for example, have a high damage rate, but a very slow reloading rate. And they could also be highly effective against unarmored enemies, and have a slight penalty against armored ones. It might also be interesting if only close combat characters would use them, seeing that they are not agile and experienced enough to use the superior bows/crossbows. I also think that they should be rather rare. Maybe even only one of the races (major or minor) even knows how to produce them? Which would also mean that guns are predominantly used by this certain race? Just some ideas.
  5. Give me a few "facts" and I swear I'll pay them attention and respond. You are welcome to read what has been written in this thread.
  6. Hmmm, lemme see, lemme see ..... Nope, nothing new here. Just the few romance haters constantly repeating themselves and ignoring facts while arguing with the whole PE community.
  7. He mentions that they have an engine... well what is it then? Feargus wrote a message on the kickstarter board abour 12 hours ago stating that they have not decided on an engine yet. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
  8. We already have 4 playable races, because we reached 1,4kk. At 1,8kk we will have 5 playable races. So we have: Humans/Dwarves/Elves/something else 1/something else 2
  9. Interesting idea. But what about the tanks in your team, do they also suffer from exhaustion or can they whack the **** out enemies without any penalties? Wouldn't make much sense of only wizzards got exhausted. What about a long epic battle against a dragon or something... would you need anti-exhaustion potions or do you just wait until a character is not exhausted anymore (by waiting a few rounds) and then continue attacking? Anyway, I wouldn't just call it exhaustion, that is too general (if only wizzards can actually get exhausted in battle). Seeing that Josh said that magic is somehow connected to a characters soul, maybe you should call it "soul exhaustion". E.g. The more spells your wizzard casts, the more his soul tires....
  10. Except for limited resources. How much do you think it costs to include romances? A million dollars for some good writing or what?
  11. I would not consider RPGs from the 90's to be hardcore because they have good game mechanics - I consider them to be GOOD RPGs! The problem nowadays is that many RPGs are dumbed down because the publishers want to make more money. They think that if a game also caters to to 8 year olds for example, then they will make more money - and they are right. The only thing that a publisher really cares about is making money - nothing else. And if a publisher can make even a single extra dollar by dumbing the game down, then you can bet your ass that they will do it. But now we have KICKSTARTER! YES!
  12. If level scaling were announced, then I will immediatly remove my pledge. Level scaling is the absolute pinnacle of bad game design!! And I absolutely hate it, especially in Skyrim. *shudder* I know that guys at Obsidian hate it too, they tried really hard in New Vegas to circumvent this, it was noticeable (and made a fantastic game!). In Fallout 3, for example, you could kill a super mutant with a pencil at level 1 if you wanted to. I hate it, hate it, hate it, HATE IT!
  13. They should not include a $20 option for PayPal. I mean, if you can't afford an extra $5, then maybe you shouldn't be pledging at all.
  14. BioWare tried that already... It didn't work.
  15. Sure, if it makes the gay community happy, why not? Just don't pull a "BioWare" on us.
  16. That is like saying that a story does not have a point...
  17. Then don't pursue romances - It is that easy and simple. It should be your choice if you want to be an extroverted romantic or an introverted fap-master. Some might also think that having a good character is "self-insert silliness", as you like to put it. So what do they do? They do not pursue being a good character. But like I wrote in an earlier post: All known possible human emotions should be included in the game, and this includes love, lust and passion - not just the ones that a few of you seem to prefer.
  18. I really don't care, I can play the game either way. The only thing that really and truly matters is if the game is balanced. The only thing that I would definitely not like to see is level scaling (like in Skyrim). Level scaling is truly the absolute pinnacle of bad RPG design. The TES games are a pretty bad example, there is hardly any diversified magic in those games at all. They are basically just (left mouse) button mashers and every enemy is vulnerable to anything you throw at them. It is also not a tactical RPG where you use the diversified powers of all of your teammates to kill powerful enemies. It is basically nothing more than a hack and slay (like Diablo), Project Eternity will be a totally different game.
  19. If romance is included in the game, then just don't pursue it if you hate it. Simple. I just don't understand why people want to be ABLE to interact with their companions and world with every known possible human emotion (anger, pride, rage, frustation, sorrow, disappointment, envy, regret, satisfaction, fear, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.).... but have a problem with love, lust and passion. That seriously does not make sense to me.
  20. Well, in a cRPG the entire world (all visuals for example) are simulated. In a cRPG you are seeing the simulation of a world that the designers have created for you. So, technically, anybody that plays a cRPG is actually not _truly_ roleplaying. But anyway, I personally DO consider romances to be rolepaying, seeing that you are interacting with your world and making choices.
  21. Physics (like Havok), sound, even AI (like Euphoria), or speedtree, etc. There's this one video middleware that practically everyone uses. The guys behind it must be rich enough to run a small country by now. Bink Video.
  22. How about this: Legolas > Gollum < Gimli I think we can all agree that this statement is true.
  23. I hate inventory tetris: I just want a regular single slotted inventory system like in the IE games.
  24. " Legolas > Gimli " is actually correct. Elves are taller than dwarves.
  25. Sounds fantastic! Thanks for the info. oh yeah, dwarves & elves: Check! ^^
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