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Everything posted by dlux

  1. He NEVER said they don't do level scaling. And even before he said, that if they do it it's just going to be in the main story, so that you don't end up overpowered for it. Which is what he said in that Pcgamer Quote. So, no. He said that they might use very little scaling or probably none at all. The "none at all" does not seem to be the case anymore. Anyway, New Vegas used a lot more than a little level scaling. But like I wrote in a post a few above this one - we really still have no idea how and to which degree they are going to actually implement level scaling. If it is on a scale like the IE games, then that is fine - and that is what I expect when he says "very little scaling". He said IF. IF. That does in no way imply fact. And he DID just after that clarify (don't remember where though). That he might do it on the criticall/main path. He first said Project Eternity might use very little level scaling or probably none at all. After the PC Games chat we now know that Project Eternity will in fact definitely use level scaling, similar to what was used in New Vegas, which only level scaled the main campaign. In New Vegas the entire critical path used level scaling extensively and that is the problem. Yup. The entire main quest was level scaled (which was a huge part of the game), not certain areas and side quests. I already wrote this. Nobody has a problem with a little scaling to balance out some issues, it was already used in the Inifnity Engine games, but these used encounter scaling and not level scaling and they did not use it very often. The problem is that he referenced New Vegas, a game that used level scaling extensively. If they are going to slighty scale the game to resolve some balancing issues, then they should use encounter scaling and not level scaling. And it should only use very little scaling and not a lot like in New Vegas. But like I have said many times, you and I both don't know what they are really up to, and how and to which degree level scaling or encounter scaling will be included in the game, because they don't really say anything about it. All we now know is that there will in fact be some kind of level/encounter scaling in the game. Which is fine if it is done right, like in the IE games. If they do in fact include level scaling similar to what we had in New Vegas (which means a lot of level scaling), then Project Eternity will be more of a spiritual successor to Dragon Age: Origins and not the Inifinity Engine games.
  2. He NEVER said they don't do level scaling. And even before he said, that if they do it it's just going to be in the main story, so that you don't end up overpowered for it. Which is what he said in that Pcgamer Quote. So, no. He said that they might use very little scaling or probably none at all. The "none at all" does not seem to be the case anymore. Anyway, New Vegas used a lot more than a little level scaling. But like I wrote in a post a few above this one - we really still have no idea how and to which degree they are going to actually implement level scaling. If it is on a scale like the IE games, then that is fine - and that is what I expect when he says "very little scaling".
  3. Are you sure that you want your title and name to be the same? I.e. "Rijkaard, Rijkaard of the Obsidian Order"? Oh, you're right. Let's say "Rijkaard, Lord of Justice of the Obsidian Order". Is this possible? Yup. I added you to the list.
  4. Yup. Hand holding sucks. Basically with level scaling the main quest will probably always feel equally difficult, no matter how much effort you put into leveling your characters. If you do a bunch of side quests and return to the main campaign, then you won't feel any more powerful because of the level scaling (unless you found some really good items).
  5. This thread has shown up again because Josh apparently changed his mind about level scaling (a little or maybe a lot?). ^^ Look at the post above this one (Loranc's). That is a quote from the PC Gamer chat.
  6. Sorry! You will receive your title on the next update. It's fine - we have a Master Strategist and a Chief Strategist. But you can still change your title if you like. If it's alright with you, I'll go ahead and change it. I like the idea of every member having their own niche. Ok, then choose a new title and write it here in the thread. So, "Obsidian Order of the Goat Knight Commander" ? Or "Knight Commander of the Obsidian Order"? That title is already taken. Please check the members list and choose another title. Are you sure that you want your title and name to be the same? I.e. "Rijkaard, Rijkaard of the Obsidian Order"?
  7. The infinity engine games had encounter scaling (and not level scaling), but it was used sparsly and only to balance some encounters that would have otherwise been trivial if your level was too high - by adding a lich to a pack of ghouls for example. If they are planning on using a system like this - good. New Vegas on the other hand used a different system - the entire main campaign was level scaled, i.e. if you were level 10, the enemies were also level 10. This was not true for side quests and certain areas. If you sidetracked from the main quest and ran into a swarm of cazadores, they were tough to kill - especially at the beginning of the game - because they were not level scaled. The game basically gave you the feeling that it was not level scaled, even though it was. In New Vegas the optional side quests were actually optional. You did not have to do a single side quest and could breeze through to the end of the game without any problems. The sidequests were basically just filler for some story and "lolz", but they were of course still enjoyable and were not totally worthless because of the items and cash you received for doing them If, on the other hand, you played New Vegas on hard + hardcore mode, side tracking and doing side quests was somewhat of a necessity. Water, good ammo, stimpacks, etc. were somewhat rare, so you needed to stock up occasionally. Anyway, we really have no idea on what exactly they are going to implement, because they have been pretty tight lipped about this subject, but we will just have to give them the benefit of the doubt I guess. All I can really say is that it does not make much sense to me to approach the level/encounter scaling differently than what was in the IE-Engine games, because PE is supposed to be their spiritual successor. It does actually worry me a bit, that PE is supposed to use level scaling similarly to what we had in New Vegas.... The system in New Vegas was okay, nothing spectacular and definitely not on par with the system used in the IE games, but if they can improve upon that, then maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe it will even be very (very) good.
  8. That isn't even neccesarry. Obsidian can see how much you pledged after the Kickstarter has ended (if you want your backer badge at least). I dunno why you are all posting links to your kickstarter profiles.... nobody asked for them.
  9. Or I just simply skip all of the side quests because there is absolutely no reason to do them, seeing that the main campaign scales to my level. There should be a reason for doing them, and not just for some story and lolz. If I do a bunch of side quests and return to the main campaign feeling just as powerful as before I left... well, that is just ****ed up. I want to get my ass handed to me in the main campaign - and I want to go and do some side quests to power up my characters before I continue. Don't get me wrong, New Vegas was an excellent game - but I am expecting much, much more from this title. I will just give Josh and the team the benefit of the doubt, I am sure they know what they are doing (and won't turn this game into an isometric Oblivion).
  10. It's fine - we have a Master Strategist and a Chief Strategist. But you can still change your title if you like.
  11. Ok, I'll send that info out to Fionavar also. Your forum name and title will be changed then.
  12. The Obsidian Order now has 402 Members!! Absolutely amazing! Welcome our newest members! gakmen, Low End of the Obsidian Order Kad'Ir Koan, Hm-nTr tpi of the Obsidian Order Hertzila, Infiltrator of the Obsidian Order Majogu, The Above Average of the Obsidian Order Rubicon, Guided Justice of the Obsidian Order Hatta, Master Psycher of the Obsidian Order Saeragon, Ticket Inspector of the Obsidian Order Bake Mia Pie, The Wandering Minstrel of the Obsidian Order Saerain, Scholar Apotheosist of the Obsidian Order Gyrotica, Greek Sandwich Pirate of the Obsidian Order Wirbowsky, The Endless Path guide of the Obsidian Order MasonX, Analyst of the Obsidian Order Shin-Anubis, Blood Magus of the Obsidian Order cdx, Timekeeper of the Obsidian Order wanderon, Nomadic Wayfarer of the Obsidian Order Plaguesin, Chief Strategist of the Obsidian Order seiya, Violet Lady of the Obsidian Order Giantenemycrab, Giant Enemy Crab of the Obsidian Order santanzchild, Lil Devil of the Obsidian Order Sight Unseen, The Lone Wolf of the Obsidian Order Solus Bellator, Lone Warrior of the Obsidian Order Beanscad, Chief Scientist of the Obsidian Order TheOptimist, Warlock of the Obsidian Order Appollyon, Inquisitor Apollyon of the Obsidian Order Malavinious, Icewind Warrior of the Obsidian Order TrashMan, Holy Avenger of the Obsidian Order PLD_Danny1989, Fledgling Paladin of the Obsidian Order Auron89, Nimrod of the Obsidian Order AW8, Shadow Assassin of the Obsidian Order Hassat Hunter, Royal Rodent Catcher of the Obsidian Order Zu Long, Master Strategist of the Obsidian Order Fenrir, Lord Protector of the Obsidian Order mstark, Oblivious of the Obsidian Order I'm send the list out to Fionavar right now - you will receive your new titles soon.
  13. Don't forget you $8 membership fee! You select a tier ($50 for example) then you manually add on $8. Yes, a mod can change it. Tell me your new screen name so that I can change it on the members list too!
  14. Hmm, this has me a little worried. It is okay if there is very little level scaling used in the main campaign to balance a few things out (encounter scaling!)... but then Josh references New Vegas, in which the ENTIRE critical path was level scaled - and that was a huge part of the game...
  15. Wow, Dave is really talented. Dark and beautiful portrait art. How could somebody want Justin Sweet to do the portraits after they see stuff like this: http://daverapoza.cghub.com/images/ WOW! The only problem is that Dave is certainly very expensive....
  16. Your credit card is debited immediatly after the Kickstarter ends. Nope. You can only hope that Obsidian sells it in their own store after the Kickstarter has ended (which is not very likely... at least not for that low price).
  17. They also had to look good on low resolution monitors way back then.... ha duuuuuuuh
  18. Yeah... it kind of reminds me of the amateur that made these: .... I was obviously talking about PORTRAITS (see topic of this thread) and not impressionistic art made by van gogh. But feel free to use the flowers as your character portrait in PE if you like..... ^^
  19. The portraits don't have to look like the BG2 ones.... Aedelric If you would have read the rest then you would know that..... Aedelric They just shouldn't look the IWD ones, which were terrible imo. The style used with the dwarven ranger is also fine..... Aedelric
  20. Certainly, and that is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But there are also people that don't like his work as you can see.
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