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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. In this video there is a clear depth of field/bloom/blur effect on the Dyrford Crossing - it looks _terrible_. I really hate post-processing effects that blur the nice crisp images/textures in games and it is a sin to include such things over the 2D backgrounds in this game. I request that these effects be removed, or console commands to disable them be added to the game, because I will not abide depth of field/blur ruining the visual experience for me. DECLINE!
  2. It's horrible man, like really really bad lmao. Not to mention it creates a host of other problems.
  3. Yeah you get like one rolling checkpoint save, and that's it.
  4. There are several weapons that clip into characters' hands. Arbalests, Arquebuses and Blunderbusses - for instance.
  5. You've used the ability in the game right? Everything can fail (Knockdown attacks Deflection first, then Fortitude), except one of the item properties called retaliation, which is overpowered.
  6. Usually we get a heads up about a patch, BAdler hasn't said anything yet though.
  7. Chanters are really good if you build them as a tank, because they only really need to be able to cast invocations. I just made a defensive Chanter last night and it worked like a charm. Kana Rua is a chanter, and apparently beefy.
  8. Durgan's Battery is not in the final game, and the animat factory is not at Durgan's Battery.
  9. Someone can make their own background for the mod and it's very easy to hook it up to be used.
  10. Traps are sooooooooooooo buggy right now, it's hard to tell whether they'll be good one more than one character or not. ushas is doing a great job reporting all the problems.
  11. Mechanics is pretty good for traps. Athletics is necessary for long adventuring days. But skill check wise, the game encourages specialization/maxing.
  12. Weapon switching is bugged though, it shouldn't be THAT quick - bug reported though, so I assume it made the fix list.
  13. They do hahah, just haven't recorded it on video.
  14. If a tactic is clearly an unintended exploit or a Talent is such an obvious choice that taking anything else is pointless, of course I'm going to tune it down. If we balance the game ignoring "no duh" options, then anyone who takes that path will find the game to be significantly less challenging. If we balance the game assuming everyone is taking relatively overpowered options, it narrows the range of viable character concepts considerably. Yes, and I agree but do you think 3 Knock Downs as of v435 is OP? I think it's probably "really good", but not OP. Soul Shock and Thrice She Was Wronged - now they are OP.
  15. Yeah, I think there will be one more.
  16. They need a damage bump or something. We'll see what the next patch brings and then revisit the issue I suppose.
  17. Yes I remember all of the areas. I won't talk about anything not in the beta or seen in a stream/vid/screeny though. The prologue stuff is called Cilant Lis. We've also heard of a place called Cliaban Ruillag, and Aslaug's Compass (used to be called Anslog's Compass). The former is an Engwithan Ruin, the latter is a coastal area that has a Sundial or something.
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