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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I take it that the proper version of Mabec's Mace and Borresaine are the Morning Star and War Bow versions. All War Bows still have a disappearing arrow issue when equipped. war_hammer_jarpies - regular exceptional property, just want to make sure it's not missing enchantments/unique properties
  2. Those sword models I posted earlier are now out of date, swords now look AWESOME. Won't post because Adam Brennecke didn't want us posting non beta stuff. Several weapon types have had various unique models in. There's still a lot of missing unique weapon models and icons, but they're getting there.
  3. Yeah I figured that they may not have time to even look at item bugs, so I just decided to do a pass myself. Put in about 16 hours or so so far, I'm up to "T" and I've skipped a lot of basic item types like scrolls, food, potions etc Gonna do a seperate potion test some other time.
  4. sword_eldrid - probably another item that won't drop in the game (monster sword etc) but nevertheless - missing a string for the name sword_last_blade_of_the_white_forge sword_whispers_of_yenwood - probably two deliberately cut strings but the "-3 Will" one may not have a string for it
  5. shield_medium_redfield - Grants an Ability called Harbinger with a missing string, not sure how the ability is activated. In the ability file it says something about Chill Fog shield_medium_scath_gwannek - grants the Winter Wind ability, but has 0/rest so you can't use it. spear_treave_conqueror - same as some other items - just want to check to make sure this is supposed to be a plain exceptional spear with no enchantments/unique properties ? sword_ymyran - this one is probably a cut sword, if not, it needs a revamp and a new icon and changed 3d model
  6. rod_pike_jaw - no enchanted/unique properties - it's just a fine rod - not sure if that's correct sabre_sword_of_pix - same, just want to check if it's an exceptional sabre with a unique model/icon with no extra properties scale_armor_backer_hirbels_protective_skin - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_eder - - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_pikes_pride - incorrectly mapped model on males shield_medium_adra & shield_medium_animat Incorrect Deflection (should be 15) Incorrect Accuracy Reduction (should be -5) shield_medium_ilfan_byrngars_solace - no sound mapped to equip/unequip/pick up
  7. ring_backer_ring_of_eternal_funding This item grants +5 copper, but I'm not sure how often. You equip it and it gives +5 copper. The description of the ability should give more information about how to get the copper, and how often you can get it.
  8. sword_lyssandras_blade - plain exceptional sword, should it have any unique/enchanted properties? robe_armor_exceptional - uses the same icon and model as normal robe armor. Fine Robes have a unique icon and model, so I assume these are incorrectly mapped?
  9. Expected Result: item sound should always play in the center channel every time the item is moved or equipped.
  10. pistol_maverick - Was just wondering whether it was meant to have an enchanted/unique property or two? pistol_sitra_achara - suffers from the same issue. Sitra Achara is an item from the RPGCodex Item Set, I can probably ask on the Codex what it was supposed to have plate_armor_fine - gives incorrect DR bonuses, it gives +3 DR to slash and pierce, and only +1 to shock. The same happens again for Exceptional. I will need to check with ushas and check his rounding errors thread to see if he covered this or not. pollaxe_spectacular_spetum Shouldn't this item be a Fine Pike ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spetum quarterstaff_backer_taluntains_staff - lacking any unique/enchanted properties whatsoever - Taluntain is an RPGCodex Admin, I can ask him what they were supposed to be
  11. The string for "Terrible" quality weapon needs updating to not have both melee and ranged accuracy, like all the other quality types in v435. This pistol also has incorrect base damage, but I'm not sure if that matters, really ... lol.
  12. padded_armor_fine and padded_armor_exceptional use the same model - incorrectly mapped model for exceptional maybe? All Unique Padded Armors also use the same model ... this is the only armor type that has this issue, could it be incorrectly mapped models or lack of unique models?
  13. Orlan's Bramble Ring - has a missing itemmods for one of the defense types. Priest's Quarterstaff - missing string for item name rapier_backer_mosquito
  14. mantle_of_wreathing_flame - This might be a developer joke item or something not intended for the game, but just in case it isn't ... The item grants the spell "Wreathing Flame" 3/rest. The spell uses the icon of the mantle/cloak in the UI and it is an AoE spell from the caster that hurts allies and enemies I assume that this is probably wrong or just not an item appearing in the game ? minor_cloak_of_detection - no icon, no properties. could have also been a cut item?
  15. mace_cyclops_death - I assume this is a Monster weapon due to the missing strings and high base damage, however I wanted to point out that the Reliable property of 10 DR bypass is probably out of date. We recently had issues where Adra and Stone Beetles were bypassing 10 DR and it made it pointless to wear armor against them. I think this weapon might need to be looked at there as well, and the Mace DR bypass lowered to something less gnarly. It's also using the incorrect icon size and the temporary mace icon from v257 And there seems to be a major problem with the bonus damage calculation - base 20-28 but 67-93 from 21 Might ? Ooookay then. mace_hanovers_fist_of_dodm - I think the string and item file name for this is supposed to be Hanover's Fist of Doom rather than dodm. It's also just a regular Exceptional Mace with no enchanted/unique properties and has a regular mace item description - unless it's supposed to be that way.
  16. leather_armor_rebels_call The Armor of Faith spell it grants uses the armor icon instead of the Armor of Faith icon. There also appears to be no difference between Major Spellbind, Minor Spellbind and Spell Holding.
  17. leather_armor_rebels_call & mace_aimoranet Same issue with the spellbind as others - should probably be displayed as Major Spellbind (Armor of Faith): Grants Armor of Faith or even just Major Spellbind: Grants Armor of Faith, to avoid the double colons.
  18. leather_armor_exceptional, leather_armor_fine and all items that use the exceptional model as a base Female Aumaua has no bust, whereas other races do. Female Aumaua should have the largest bust.
  19. hunting_bow_crooked_bee Does not include item description provided by the backer Might be missing a special property - I know Crooked Bee on the RPGCodex so I will ask her what she requested and edit the post later Suffers from "pink arrow" issue hunting_bow_lenas_er Base Damage is incorrect (should be 12-18), although heh - Hunting Bows probably should do 13-20 as their base damage is really bad IMO Suffers from "pink arrow" issue
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