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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. hat_hooded_turban - doesn't sit properly on Male Elves (need to check more races, might edit post later)
  2. helm_small_horn - Doesn't sit correctly on Male Dwarves, Female Orlans or Male Elves - need to check more races, might edit post later
  3. hat_backer_dandy_hat_of_the_diseased_yak - incorrect icon and 3d model
  4. hat_crested - bugs out Elf and Orlan ears, you can see through their head
  5. hat_backer_hermits_hat - Incorrect icon, and no color/texture on the hat. Not sure if it's the correct 3d model either
  6. This would be either my most nitpicky or second most nitpicky bug report The border pattern used on the main menu screen has inconsistent corners. Not being perfect might be intentional and look more 'realistic', but either way, I thought I'd point it out anyway.
  7. Obsidian haven't actually released their min specs yet - those were taken from somewhere online I think. We will probably find out what they are after the next patch
  8. BG2 has over 270 areas in the base game. A lot of those are smaller interiors though. Pillars of Eternity has 170 by my count.
  9. Actually that is just the blunderbuss clipping through the hat Arquebuses, Blunderbusses, Bows and Arbalests all clip through the hat
  10. Nah it's not the pause that is contributing to it, pause has no effect on the glitch. I was just pausing to shift-queue so the demonstration would look better.
  11. There is a bug in the Duelist's Hat in the game world where ther's a hole in the 3D texture, but not in the inventory. There was no hole in v392 - possibly a result of "texture optimization" ?
  12. In this video, I demonstrate that when units (player or NPC/enemy) queue movement commands (for the player - shift+click move), the unit stops for perhaps a single frame(?) and then starts moving again to the next queued movement location. This micro-stop produces a glitch in the run animation where the character glitches forward and back and slides around a bit. I suggest that this behavior be changed so that the character never stops moving during queued movement commands, so that it does not produce this silly looking run glitch, or use some better animation blending for it. For comparison, here is a video where I am not queuing movement commands - the issue is not prevalent
  13. This issue was fixed in either v364 or v392 and the game remembered which characters you had selected on save/load - in v435 this issue has regressed and now the whole party is selected upon load, which is annoying if you saved during the middle of doing something with a single character. Expected Result: The game should remember which characters you had selected upon loading a save.
  14. I'd like to know who re-wrote Chris Avellone's companions. Actually it would be nice to know who wrote each companion We know that Josh wrote Pallegina, Chris did the original versions of Durance and The Grieving Mother, but we're unsure about the rest. We know that Carrie Patel wrote 2, Eric Fenstermaker wrote 2 and Olivia Veras wrote one.
  15. Personally I'd prefer a new quest hub, instead of a Heart of Winter style one.
  16. hat_liripipe_of_thinking - incorrect icon, 3D model
  17. hat_waages_hat_of_leadership - Likely an incorrect icon/3D model, has an equipping sound of chain mail
  18. This thread contains the bugs I found when I did a single pass on most of the items in the game that are available in the backer beta files. Any issues that were not related to missing strings, item description issues or character art clipping I recorded in here. It took me about 16 hours to do, and I did not do all of the item types. The following item types were excluded: Crafting Ingredients, Regular Food, Potions, Scrolls, Traps, Keys, Gems, Grimoires, Lore Books, Misc Items, Pets, Quest Items and most Monster Items. Below is listed in alphabetical order, items and a brief description of their bugs, with a hyperlink to the post containing the information amulet_soulward - increases Will by 5 and Reflex by 10, but does not include a string for the Reflex bonus, should say Of Reflex: +10 Reflex bracers_backer_spirit_spiral - does not appear to have any properties, or if it does, they are not listed on the item description. cape_05 / cape_eothas - incorrect texture/color I think. It used to be green like the icon cape_backer_cape_of_many_feathers - Pretty sure this item is supposed to be made of feathers cape_backer_liliths_shawl - icon doesn't match 3d model cape_orange - is not orange cape_white - doesn't have a white icon cloak_backer_cloak_of_the_fox_and_hunter - issues here with the Summon Noble Creature spell cloth_outfit_generic - has a cool new version for females, but males still have old crappy version - male version could use updating figurines - see this thread flail_backer_unforgiven & flail_starcaller - Both of these flails are the same item. I think one of them is supposed to be different food_stew and food_savoury_pie - Stew and Savoury Pie give exactly the same bonus. They probably should be different. food (special dishes) - none of them give a dexterity bonus great_sword_gilt_blade_of_lorn - This item is just a regular Fine Great Sword with no unique description or unique/enchanted properties great_sword02 - This is probably a monster greatsword that doesn't drop in the game, but the incorrect icon size is being used. hat_backer_dandy_hat_of_the_diseased_yak - incorrect icon and 3d model hat_backer_hermits_hat - Incorrect icon, and no color/texture on the hat. Not sure if it's the correct 3d model either hat_backer_munacra_arret - missing icon and likely incorrect icon hat_crested - bugs out Elf and Orlan ears, you can see through their head hat_hooded_turban - doesn't sit properly on Male Elves hat_liripipe_of_thinking - incorrect icon, 3D model hat_waages_hat_of_leadership - Likely an incorrect icon/3D model, has an equipping sound of chain mail helm_bleak_hood - incorrect icon, incorrect 3D model, no gold value and if it's supposed to do anything, it doesn't (like have a property). helm_cl_helm08_hood - incorrect icon helm_eothasian_crest - incorrect icon, no value helm_footpads_hood - incorrect icon helm_frog - has a hat sound effect, should have a plate sound effect or something helm_full - incorrect icon helm_nasal - can see through Orlan and Elf heads because the ears have been disabled helm_pl_helm06_animat - can see through Orlan and Elf heads because the ears have been disabled helm_pl_helm10_conquistador - can see through Orlan and Elf heads because the ears have been disabled helm_plumed - covers the eyes of Male Dwarves and Male Elves helm_ram_horn - doesn't sit correctly on Male Elf head and you can see through their head. Sits correctly on Female Orlan head but you can *just* see through their head helm_the_dunryd_demon - might not be a bug, but it's using the default helm icon/3d model helm_small_horn - Doesn't sit correctly on Male Dwarves, Female Orlans or Male Elves - need to check more races, might edit post later helm_stag - the female model for this helm covers their eyes (all races), but it does not on males - some example included. helm_winged - can see through male elf head - orlans not a problem as the wings cover the hole in their head from the removed ears, example included hunting_bow_crooked_bee - 3 bugs hunting_bow_lenas_er - 2 bugs leather_armor_exceptional, leather_armor_fine and all items that use the exceptional model as a base - Female Aumaua has no bust, whereas other races do. Female Aumaua should have the largest bust. leather_armor_rebels_call - The Armor of Faith spell it grants uses the armor icon instead of the Armor of Faith icon. mace_cyclops_death - possibly OP DR bypass mace_hanovers_fist_of_dodm - I think the string and item file name for this is supposed to be Hanover's Fist of Doom rather than dodm. It's also just a regular Exceptional Mace with no enchanted/unique properties and has a regular mace item description mail_armor and mail_armor_fine - use the same model, intended? mantle_of_wreathing_flame - This might be a developer joke item or something not intended for the game, but just in case it isn't ... minor_cloak_of_detection - no icon, no properties. could have also been a cut item? padded_armor_02 - no color for females padded_armor_fine and padded_armor_exceptional use the same model - incorrectly mapped model for exceptional maybe? All Unique Padded Armors also use the same model ... this is the only armor type that has this issue, could it be incorrectly mapped models or lack of unique models? pistol_maverick - Was just wondering whether it was meant to have an enchanted/unique property or two? plate_armor_fine - gives incorrect DR bonuses, it gives +3 DR to slash and pierce, and only +1 to shock. plate_armor_exceptional - gives incorrect DR bonuses, it gives +3 DR to slash and pierce, and only +1 to shock. pollaxe_spectacular_spetum - Shouldn't this item be a Fine Pike ? robe_armor_exceptional - uses the same icon and model as normal robe armor. Fine Robes have a unique icon and model, so I assume these are incorrectly mapped? rod_pike_jaw - no enchanted/unique properties - it's just a fine rod - not sure if that's correct sabre_sword_of_pix - same, just want to check if it's an exceptional sabre with a unique model/icon with no extra properties scale_armor_backer_hirbels_protective_skin - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_eder - - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_pikes_pride - incorrectly mapped model on males shield_medium_adra - incorrect deflection and -accuracy shield_medium_animat - incorrect deflection and -accuracy shield_medium_ilfan_byrngars_solace - no sound mapped to equip/unequip/pick up shield_medium_redfield - Grants an Ability called Harbinger with a missing string, not sure how the ability is activated. In the ability file it says something about Chill Fog shield_medium_scath_gwannek - grants the Winter Wind ability, but has 0/rest so you can't use it. spear_treave_conqueror - same as some other items - just want to check to make sure this is supposed to be a plain exceptional spear with no enchantments/unique properties ? sword_ymyran - this one is probably a cut sword, if not, it needs a revamp and a new icon and changed 3d model All War Bows still have a disappearing arrow issue when equipped. There are still some issues I need to do another pass for such as incorrectly mapped 3D models and sounds. You guys (Obsidian) are probably best to look into incorrectly mapped icons if you have time. I will also do a potion test some other time
  19. I'd like to know a bit more about the plans for the expansion. In the PC World interview from today: That makes it sound more like Heart of Winter. It would be nice to know if it takes place after the end of the main story, and how you will "access it". The "speak to an NPC to go here" style of Heart of Winter was a bit primitive, so it would be nice if the campaign could be accessed from the main menu.
  20. That machine will run the game fine. Hormalakh has a worse PC than that and he can run the unoptimized backer beta better than I can lol. This game doesn't use much 3D power, so video cards don't really matter. It's all about the CPU at the moment. We'll see how their optimization phase goes.
  21. Yes, I'm glad I didn't back your tier is all I can say. I think you would have been better off doing an item That said - the NPCs are in the game, so it's possible that they could improve them in the future. edit: For clarification, in an earlier build you could interact with the NPC - but you had to mouse over them and then their whole character model was obscured by this circular eye icon which you clicked on and it brought up an item description page with your character background. I'm glad that was removed because it wasn't a very good implementation. I'm not sure what their plans are for it - but that's something they could answer in this thread!
  22. There's a feature in-game called "Beginner Tooltips" or something, have you tried turning that option on? I'm not sure if it works yet but I think that should explain the mechanics in pop-ups in game for you. I agree that the character creation small description box doesn't do a very good job of fitting in long descriptions. We asked for larger description pages (there's enough room to increase the height, but they ignored that suggestion/haven't implemented it).
  23. Currently in-game, Kickstarter NPCs are just filler NPCs that cannot be interacted with. There is a soul description that was written by the backers and edited/re-written by an Obsidian dev (I think Liam Esler did a lot of that) however they're not very well integrated into the world. Previously Backer NPCs had an icon that popped up when you moused over them or held TAB which was very immersion breaking and annoying - that has since been removed. It would be nice if all Backer NPCs were at least given a line of ambient dialogue or something, just to make them fit better into the world when interacted with. Currently when you try and select them, your character can't interact with them. Another thing they could do is make the soul descriptions appear through the dialogue system when you talk to the NPC - although nothing like that has been implemented yet.
  24. On the Girdle of Mortal Protection the "Decrease Critical Hit Damage" line could also be better described, and less confusing as "Decrease Crit Damage", because the word Crit would actually show a tooltip for critical hits instead of showing a tooltip for hits instead. Simply editing the String in the itemmods.stringtable produces the desired result
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