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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I find the lines for bonus DR on armor a bit strange, because there is a tooltip for DR up the top, and for descriptions of armor quality enchantments and proof enchantments, instead of being +3 DR (Crush), it's +3 Damage Reduction (Crush) instead, and there's a tooltip over the word damage. I would suggest to change those lines to +3 DR instead of +3 Damage Reduction instead, for consistency, and space saving - as you can see the +3 Damage Reduction (Crush) line for Crush-proofed bleeds over onto a new line. If it was +3 DR (Crush) - it would not
  2. Don't know how you missed it. It's been explained multiple times from multiple sources everywhere - including in this forum. It's also explained in the spell descriptions, and I believe in the in-game glossary description for Intellect. Foe only AoE is also depicted by the yellow color when you aim the spell.
  3. @Mikey Dowling - is the title "Community Support Manager" a new thing?
  4. I have been involved in making mods for the game so far. We know that currently it is possible to edit the code, and it's possible to edit items, abilities, talents, spells and a few other things via the externalization of those files as .unity3d files, which can be loaded into Unity Pro with a custom editor. Since they moved to Unity 4.6.1p2, a new custom editor will have to be written, as the one that was written for 4.5 no longer works. Currently it's impossible to edit scenes in this way, because there are no external scene files in unity3d format. I just want to know whether they are going to include them like that for the game, like inXile did for Wasteland 2. There is a .assetbundle file for the scenes, but as far as I know it only contains the tiles of the maps, not the scene data.
  5. I want to know if the scene files for areas will be externalized so that they can be accessed by modders - to add characters, items, monsters etc to scenes.
  6. Remember that they said that eventually they are going to have mouseover tooltips that show the formula. Wait for those to see the base value, rather than stuffing up the UI.
  7. That would actually be fairly annoying, because it's one of those things you like to see immediately when you equip something. I'd prefer if it stayed on the main sheet. I don't necessarily agree that Melee and Ranged Accuracy *have* to be shown separately, because the things that give bonuses to either do not come from weapons - but situational things - like Marskman, to qualify for the +5 bonus you need to be a certain distance away. The Reckless Assault bonus would show if you had a melee weapon equipped, but it wouldn't, if you had a ranged weapon equipped. You can't actually get the bonus to Melee or Ranged Accuracy if you don't have a melee or ranged weapon equipped, or qualify for the thing that gives the bonus - therefore I don't see the need to have two values for it. Luckmann doesn't have the beta so I don't believe he's played it to understand the difference.
  8. It would be cool to see another development meeting either before the next patch, just to get an idea of some of the stuff being worked on OR after the next patch - to see the aftermath of the first wave of feedback/bug reports. I understood everything (but then again I know more than I'm supposed to - I know what "The Heralds" are, and recognized all the area names, etc ).
  9. Yeah, wiki is out of date. There's an "Attack Resolution" page though right? You could just add the info there.
  10. Accuracy isn't actually that good anymore. They went way overboard with removing it from attributes and nerfing the crit damage. Now, the best thing about accuracy is less misses. They also made the change before changes to damage calculation were made. Now, with the new changes - Might actually increases your graze damage by a fair bit, as opposed to before, and stacking damage multipliers (especially from item enchantments) will give you a lot more DPS in combat than bumping Accuracy. Crits only give x1.25 now I think, which is less than what an Exceptional Quality item or a Damaging 2 enchantment will give. It's a shame, because all they really needed to do to balance it was drop it back to +1 per point and fix the damage calc. If you're a weapon-user you can build for super damage with weapons, but the removal of accuracy screws over casters, because casters will never have as good accuracy as weapon users because weapons have talents that give them bonuses, and they can be enchanted. Spells/Abilities cannot.
  11. There's a bug with it's selection atm. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70334-435-combat-log-resize-selection-area-is-too-small/?hl=resize
  12. There's an auto-resize to default "button" on the combat log.
  13. Well the PE Wizard cannot cast spells without a Grimoire
  14. I believe how the damage from Lashes works has been changed from how 'procs' originally worked, but I am not sure. I need to do further testing on it. What I *think* happens now, is that the proc damage is calculated after the damage roll and DR reduction. I have a related video on this topic, actually - I will post it below
  15. You can still get a key. I recently just purchased two beta keys for two forum members this week.
  16. In my experience, if you have a Paladin in the party and you have a character that makes a sneak attack from Stealth, the Paladin will automatically cast Zealous Focus as soon as the combat state begins, but the cast animation and delay of the aura hitting the characters doesn't proc in time to catch the first attack. If you're attacking a neutral NPC, you'll never get the Zealous Focus accuracy bonus on the first attack.
  17. @cRichards did you watch the second video with the inventory stuff, there's a couple of possible item shader bugs in the video but I can report them separately if necessary.
  18. I think it's just a bug with the descriptions, like the Chant bug.
  19. That wouldn't be a good way of doing it. You're right about it being a programming 'shortcut' to fix various issues with combat. I believe Adam did say that they would like to look at it again after release. I wrote up an issue about several passives/modals being combat only that do not need to be. Just getting rid of those would remove several of the problems.
  20. This simply isn't good enough. The problem with the combat state is it trivializes stealth and it makes you "game the system" for both stealth attacks and attacking NPCs. If you have a party has a Paladin with Zealous Focus, you're always best letting the enemy see you first in all encounters, so you qualify for the +6 Accuracy on your first attack. If you have a Rogue with Reckless Assault, Dirty Fighting or Deep Wounds, or a Fighter with Disciplined Barrage and Knock Down combo, you want to open combat with a character that is not one of these, so that immediately after the hit frame of their opening attack, combat will begin and the Rogue passives will activate, and the Fighter will now be able to use Disciplined Barrage to buff his Accuracy for his Knock Down attack. The combat state is extremely gamey and it has a lot of problems/inconsistencies and forces you to make some retarded plays just to get the bonuses that you should IMO always be getting. It is also hugely inconsistent. Some abilities that are very similar might have one that's Combat only, another that isn't, and stuff like that.
  21. Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar overbearing VFX Lighting, Post-Processing and Shader issues in the 3D Model Viewers - RECOGNIZED BY QA
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