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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Expected Result: Both UI should be uniform, I believe the world map one looks better.
  2. Expected Result: sounds that are anchored to units should travel with the unit's position, not just play from where they were when the sound started playing.
  3. I don't mind that area looting is in, but I would prefer it to be optional. I think there are also people that enjoy area looting but like to see which loot came from which corpse - so ideally you'd want to tab the loot UI to show where the loot came from, but have the take all button grab all of it, and then of course, have an option to turn it off (loot area = 0m, I suppose). That may be more involved, but it's probably better to do it properly rather than to quickly get something in before release. I don't mind that some features may take a while to get in (splitting Effects into SFX, Ambient and UI sounds or sliders for VO playback frequency) as long as they are done properly.
  4. Hopefully the game is successful and when the sequel is made, you are allowed a bigger budget for 2D artists
  5. The problem is with the attribute system, giving attribute requirements to things is a bandaid on the bullethole. We can modify attributes easily enough so all hope is not lost. I will be doing just that for the IE Mod. It is pretty much as I predicted - virtually ignore Perception and Resolve unless you're building a tank (and you take them for the Deflection, not the interrupt/concentration).
  6. Josh doesn't like attribute pre-requisites for them. Personally I actually agree, because all it does is pigeonhole your build.
  7. The Island Aumuaua one is actually good, IMO. It rules for gun builds.
  8. They deliberately did not include attribute requirements for a reason.
  9. Well I would like to know how they fixed it because I can think of a few different hacky ways of doing it. I'll be disappointed if they didn't consider what I said about the pathfinding code being good enough now that they don't even need the clipping. I could understand if they clipped units with their old code, but this one works correctly.
  10. I don't like the "triggers at 50% Endurance" ones. The Human one is alright though.
  11. Oh you were talking about their burrow ability. They used to teleport and there is a legit unit teleporting bug.
  12. Well, I'm going to bed, been up for 21 hours mostly testing. Cyas tomorrow.
  13. As a result of this, Elder Bears have like 97 Accuracy or something, when you face off against them in Korgrak's lair with usually an average of 30-45 Deflection on most characters. In the Bestiary, Antelope and Boars also have 52 Accuracy by default, where Lions, Staelgar and Wolves have 42 - seems a bit inconsistent.
  14. Hello SomethingAwful. This is not a problem with engagement, they don't even need to use no clipping because the pathfinding code is very good now. It's a redundant solution that only causes problems - and there are good reasons why it's virtually never used in top down realtime games.
  15. Yeah I was going to report the discrepancies with creature accuracy but you appear to have more comprehensive info than I do - so go ahead hint: use the UnlockBestiary command to get some of those values too, some of the other companion types appear to be off in those entries at least
  16. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71016-v480-pathfinding-report/
  17. The best way to solve engagement is to simply keep the AI part but remove the attacks. Reach weapons with an engagement range would be bad IMO because it's large engagement range causes lots of problems. Disengagement attacks used to only proc if you moved OUT of engagement range, but they changed it in v301, I think as they thought that they were not 'snappy' enough.
  18. Expected Result: I don't believe Wild Orlans are supposed to be able to select facial hair
  19. I need to do more videos/tests on this but SFX are seldom not playing from the correctly anchored location in the gameworld
  20. The problem Uomoz is when multiple mulitpliers are used. x1.2 indicates that it is the result x1.2, but the formula does not work like that, it's now additive, so +20% conveys the information correctly. Instead of 8 x 1.2 x 1.2 it becomes 8 x (1+0.2+0.2)
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