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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. 2E Fighter Experience Table plz I do recall Josh saying he preferred 3E over 2E levelling system though I think, with the XP costs for mages and bonus XP for rogues.
  2. I picture an interaction with an apprentice or Biff the Understudy: Incertus, pulcher... uh, impediment? Fizzle... lol
  3. The best Witcher 1 track IMO was in one of the extra modules ,the price of neutrality - the ambient track to that was amazing, but I can't find it anywhere. The Witcher Soundtrack also doesn't include many of the best ambient tracks from the game either.
  4. I meant the portraits sorry I didn't mind the ToEE look, but I preferred the BG / IWD look myself.
  5. I'm more interested in the Art Style. I hope it's not too cartoony. ToEE portraits were a bit cartoony IMO.
  6. Most people identify with what they played first. Baldur's Gate was very unforgiving traps wise, traps covered the whole path across where you had to go. Icewind Dale made it so that it wasn't the case, only certain stones etc were trapped (but they were still just as deadly). Once you realized that probably everything in Durlag's Tower was trapped, all you had to do was grab your rogue and just walk around with Find Traps on. I found that a lot more tactically satisfying than running around in Watcher's Keep, herp derp another Demon, right click and win.
  7. LENGTHY? It doesn't take that long at all to do the Candlekeep Prologue, you just take a while to do it the first time. The BG2 prologue was a lot longer, hence "Dungeon Be Gone" I have a feeling that the extraordinary event that you're supposed to witness will be the end of the prologue, and then "chapter 1" will begin after that. BG1 prologue doing all quests takes < 10 mins
  8. Definitely do the main theme of the game with live musicians. Doesn't have to be in that style, with that many people at an American University though , +1 to Eastern European probably cheaper and just as good. But yeah I wouldn't mind a more minimalistic / intimate soundtrack personally. Small Ensembles and soloists for stuff like Percussion, Kantele, guitar, clarinet etc I understand that Feargus sent you a kickstarter comment from the kickstarter Q&A That's a good suggestion as it uses a more minimalistic approach to many tracks while still having a great effect when combined with the in-game ambient sounds.
  9. Durlag's Tower is definitely the best dungeon I've ever played. I did REALLY enjoy the environment of The Vale of Shadows and Dragon's Eye Cave in Icewind Dale 1 as well.
  10. Deeper you go harder it gets (plz) and a freaking insane boss fight at the end.
  11. Well it doesn't need to be an orchestra "Less soundbank" stretch goal Chamber music live recorded instruments etc
  12. They absolutely had to write that, did't they. GREAT SCOT these numbers are everywhere! They're attacking us! Hold the line! How DARE they criticize the controls and the amount of clicks required!!!!! Blasphemy. g0t micro?
  13. I'm talking about hybrid games not console only games. The console version of the game will be designed for 30FPS but the PC version will most likely be designed for 60.
  14. Smoothness IE games ran at locked framerates due to the use of sprites (same as Diablo 2) 120Hz monitor and a CRT that does 120Hz as well Used to it from FPS games I guess, you need at least 125FPS in cod4 (250 optimal) at competitive level. My Titan Quest runs at mostly over 120FPS but when it sometimes drops below 100 there's a noticeable visual slowdown even on a lesser refresh rate. Most games are designed these days with 60fps in mind (mostly due to consoles), a true PC game should be able to go over this edit: Nah I don't like Steam, rarely buy anything on there. I'll be getting the GOG version of this. Don't have much time to play games at the moment due to uni work
  15. they sure love their Fallout:NV don't they. I've never played it. Absolutely hate the bethesda engine, even morrowind.
  16. The face looks feminine but the body shape looks masculine (no hips), and the hair could be either
  17. Does anyone know the frame rate capabilities of the Unity Engine? I wouldn't mind being able to run this game at 120FPS+ Although these days despite technology not really getting any better, the frame rates of games are getting worse due to crappy engines, sloppy coding / design
  18. Do you think the unveiling of that concept art has anything to do with just reaching the Godlike race stretch goal?
  19. I think the tentacle monster in it is based off a Chaos Beast of some sort, but I could be wrong
  20. It's been so long since I've played those games that I don't remember. I think there's been a Dracolich somewhere before.
  21. Larrel. I already used the Astrolabe quote in another thread so I won't repeat it. There's a bunch of awesome undead creatures I've seen in the Monsters Manuals over the years that I've never had the chance to face. I wouldn't mind Atropal Boneclaw (Think they were in IWD1) Bodak Devourer Dracolich Ghosts (AD&D version? ) Mohrg Nightshade Nightwalker etc and (unrelated), bring back the GELATINOUS CUBE!
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