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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Perhaps I should have worded that more clearly The ladies are sick of being mis-represted in games And people think that it looks unrealistic.
  2. That's basically what I am saying. It doesn't have to be magical to have bonuses etc
  3. I admit that I didn't mind Mass Effect 2's gameplay either. It's kind of weird. The first game had way more customization etc (got the biggest lawl when I unscoped a guy with the sniper rifle half way across a map), the second one was a lot more streamlined and easier, but yeah I quite enjoyed the gameplay. I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 way more than Dragon Age. I don't think he mentioned Mass Effect 2 though, just ME:1.
  4. Swing and a miss One weird aspect I enjoyed ( I really do not know if it was an intentional design decision ) is that the levels and areas in KotOR 2 felt ... void of life. Desolate. Like deliberately under-designed. I really enjoyed that atmosphere.
  5. Yes. Especially in key conversations they were chosen very carefully. A pivotal moment is this scene, for instance: http://video.google....729895149183484 Sure, but ... There won't be any cutscenes in this game, and the camera will be locked
  6. Nah I think there was a bit of a miscommunication there. I do remember that thread though.
  7. Agreed. Something I quite liked about Dragon Age was the Fatigue mechanic. If it only mattered as well... The difference is In Dragon Age fatigue affected the abilities you could use. With this system it's more your general survivability in a fight / how many consecutive fights you can take. A good example is like, The Mountain vs The Red Viper in GRRM's A Storm of Swords
  8. D&D tried to handle that with Lore (or Knowledge skill) and the identify spell there was an RTS called Battle Realms that showed no stats at all during the game. You had to work out unit counters yourself and just take the general word in the description about the bonuses of stuff. I really enjoyed that. Definitely an interesting concept though, as long as it didn't involve cursed items that you can't remove, because then people will just save/load.
  9. There'll probably be an Aumauan, Orlan and a Godlike NPC if that's what you're referring to? I'm more interested in the character's personalities personally. They will probably be good if Chris is writing them. Does anyone know if George is helping out with the NPCs? I might have to ask him on his formspring
  10. I was going to say Gameplay and Writing, basically what I mean is the quality of the writing, dialogue and cut-scenes (which is essentially story) more important than the gameplay - combat, exploration, other general activities you undertake when playing etc. Mechanics are more how something works, rather than actually doing it.
  11. Well to counter that Josh has said that no enemy will be immune to any damage type. There may not even be damage types I hope there is though, it adds more strategy to the game. even DotA has normal and magic damage.
  12. I wasn't trying to oneUP you, I shouldn't have used the word actually. I was agreeing with you
  13. I am 100% not concerned about the story of Project Eternity. I already know that's going to be good. I think I will be a bit disappointed if the gameplay isn't as good as BG or IWD though. for Dragon Age I played the game once, Human Noble Warrior, finished it on Nightmare difficulty, was very disappointed with it overall. Went back and did all the Origin stories, and haven't touched it since. I've done KotOR 1 a few times more than KotOR 2 I think, I think it has better gameplay than KotOR 2 does even if it's the same engine. KotOR 2 has better writing and atmosphere though. The sparsity of the levels gives off this really desolate feeling. Often I'll play it when I feel like experiencing that mood, but I won't actually finish the game again because I'll lose interest.
  14. Talking about cRPGs only (jRPGs are fine too, never played one though - need to get Dark Souls). Call of Duty 2 (one of the best multiplayer fps ever) etc doesn't count When Planescape: Torment came out I was only 12, tried playing it and got bored. Definitely going to go and play it though when uni is over
  15. Only if you don't have a credit card Zero point buying a boxed game. You don't even get a jewelled-case anymore.
  16. Well over here it's less than we pay for a retail game. Over the last few years I've gone to dodgy CD-key sites as they are the cheapest option. Even then I've still been bummed out on some of my purchases (Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, Red Orchestra 2, CS:GO)
  17. Which element of a cRPG is more important to you? Is it the gameplay or is it the storyline? Why is it more important to you than the other? I didn't include an option for both, because we all want both to be great, but if you _had_ to choose, which one would it be? Please give your reasons as well.
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