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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. That's a nerf to all shields I think, I'm not sure if that was a good idea. We'll see how it goes.
  2. Can't say I pay too much attention to Bestiary numbers or DR types either - overall they don't impact the experience that much other than when something sticks out like a sore thumb - eg. Elder Bear Accuracy or Stone Beetle slash DR
  3. I haven't really discussed much with TrueMenace yet Shevek but I was basically going to introduce the effective builds that I know of - such as the high intellect Barbarian / high Intellect Fighter / Blunderbuss Rogue - etc etc
  4. I have never played Path of the Damned because I've been doing testing relevant to game balance. So it's definitely not me. Sock, aeonsim and others have way more PotD experience than I do.
  5. Shorter videos tend to be better As an ex-shoutcaster, I can tell you that videos with more than one person speaking, with back and forth commentary are a lot more engaging than the same person talking for ages, even if that person is good at talking. So if we can get something like that set up, that would be cool.
  6. I *think* Roguelike may have had some incorrect info, but I'm not sure. I've found that Penetrating Shot is always useful simply because if the enemy has 5+ DR, it's a flat +5 damage nearly every time, YMMV.
  7. We might, but I am not a very good programmer - Bester has been implementing all of my ideas. He may lose interest eventually, and it might take me a long time to learn myself, or find someone else to help me. The main problems are with AI and missing systems, those are a probably a bit beyond scope. I'd rather focus on campaigning to get stuff to support that into the expansion/sequel.
  8. There are no superb armors by default, you have to enchant it or find a unique that has that property. GOOD NEWS FOR 1H STYLE
  9. I still don't think the combat is very tactical, pacing is off and there are issues with per-hit damage relative to unit endurance and health, but this is the best build regarding combat feel. Mixed builds are a bit lackluster. A lot of the above posters probably prefer combat that is stacked on the strategy side - I don't. I played the IE games like an RTS, I play RTS games and I play DotA, and the the AI/System/Creature design do not illicit enough reactions from the player in combat IMO (unless you make mistakes). It's pretty smooth sailing with alpha striking and encounter strategy, and that makes me sad because that was the opposite of what Josh talked about during the Kickstarter. Nevertheless - it's more involving than Baldur's Gate 1, and it's something they can work on for expansions/sequels. The best thing about the game is making different builds for different characters (I said this weeks ago, and was not surprised when Josh said in the Codex interview that he also thinks that's the most fun thing too). Simply because of the sheer number of combinations to pick from (6 races, 11 classes, stacks of abilities, talents and items) - you can go nuts and it's fun experimenting to see what is creme de la creme and what's not so good. I will fight for more build variety whether it be through balancing options, or tuning systems - but I think even though the current situation is pretty good it could be a lot better. As others have said, there are balance issues and some of the classes are not very good at the moment, but that's to be expected for a new system. D&D had the advantage of being a tried and tested system, whereas Josh had to make this one for PE. These are essentially the 1st edition rules. I really hate engagement - but the IE mod removes it, and I think I helped make it a better mechanic for everyone else at least by exposing the problems with it along the way.
  10. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70530-435-weapon-switching-abuse/?hl=%2Bweapon+%2Bswitch
  11. Thanks http://www.upload.ee/files/4575104/630f402b400244199c5b174b8edb358f_7792552_DyrfordCrossing.savegame.html Tried the save myself - wow yep buggy as
  12. I pretty much agree with the above post, although it is difficult to balance the different requirements for different displays. I think having the weapon descriptions show it's full damage with quality modifiers is fair enough because that's how other games do it. I'm also not against always showing the base damage of a weapon in the item description either.
  13. Alright, this one might just be me - I'm Verifying Steam Cache now. I didn't touch this spell, or any progression tables related to it but something isn't right. edit: yep, that fixed it IGNORE REPORT
  14. That video was just to show stealth+backstab for someone at the codex, I didn't need to show it against a good target. Just thought I'd repost here because it was funny. Mmmm, can't say I'm much of a fan of the Sid Meier style of balancing (doubling/halving etc) that he uses. Goes a bit overboard sometimes - e.g., Thrice She Was Wronged, which is now a woeful ability.
  15. I wonder if the reload speed is supposed to be that quick, because that is a lot ... but then again it is an animation, and animations are supposed to be 30% quicker. Seems like you get triple the benefit for firearms lol!
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