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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah that's what I thought, since tasks are pretty much the 'fetch quest' and the like short objectives.
  2. Well for one, right click cancel isn't working, that's how I'd cancel out of stuff in the IE games. I don't think it's a big deal if it brings up the attack cursor because you can just select another character, select the whole party or issue a move command (or cancel) and that will change the cursor.
  3. I like the Disposition and Faction mechanics
  4. Well it wasn't an issue in the Infinity Engine games. I should install Icewind Dale 2 and see how it was handled there. Yeah left click / right click functionality also works, as Silent Winter said. Right click to swap without attack, left click to swap and attack.
  5. I pity the soul who's made to watch my hour long videos! apologies in advance, they will be split into segments in the future Love the box art
  6. Yeah I suggested that (although I tbh I'd remove the pack and just have the stash) http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68039-sensukis-suggestions-014-non-terrible-inventory-mockup/
  7. Actually the PMs were rather nice overall it was more "hey good job man I like your beta testing, but I don't like the way you do this this and this" I thought they were fair, I just wanted to address a specific concern in the video. I'll definitely be splitting the next one up into segments rather than doing a full hour recording I suppose ... I personally prefer doing it all in one go, but a lot of people (including an ex-PE developer) said that devs probably won't watch an hour long video. I thought TheNationer's point was a fair one also, as he only has 17 posts and joined in August of this year he probably isn't aware of my post history. It would be the exception rather than the rule that anyone actually searches for someones posts as well.
  8. Hit reactions, blood particles and critical hit gib kills are all in for the next patch too I heard
  9. Well the first thing that pops to mind is that you could just give the weapon sets their own individual slot on the action bar instead of making it a pop-up menu like it is now. If weapon sets are empty, remove their slots from the action bar, rather than having the pop-up menu. When you click on a weapon set, it selects it (and the box is highlighted) and the cursor changes to an attack cursor. That way there's no need for an extra pop-up element, and the empty weapon set slots that are currently shown in the pop-up element (superfluous) are not shown in the action bar, just like if you don't have access to 5th level Wizard spells - it doesn't show 5th level wizard spells on the action bar.
  10. Sorry I missed the word talent. Yes bonuses versus types could be talents.
  11. Usually a dog My neighbor is one (among other things) and he has several Hunting Dogs. I completely understand your point of view, but you have to think about it from a usefulness perspective. The concept of favoured enemy was removed in D&D 4E in favor of this: That's much more useful as it gives you something every round if you're attacking your quarry, as opposed to only if they are the right type of monster. I think this approach should be kept in Pillars of Eternity. They could also make it so that when the Ranger and the Animal Companion are both attacking the "Marked Prey", they both get the bonuses, rather than just the Ranger (if that's not how it already works). Marked Prey should be brought up to at least Level 2, if not Level 1.
  12. I don't know if being an effective animal killer would be very useful though because animals won't be that challenging in most cases I wouldn't think and you would face them very often. I also don't know if it makes thematic sense for a Ranger to kill animals, since they are the master of an animal Marked Prey could make them pretty good boss killers though, it may just not be strong enough of an ability atm.
  13. Yeah well I'm used to games like Warcraft 3 etc that have lots of active abilities. Perhaps the animal companions themselves could emphasize your play a bit - the bear is obviously a bit of a tank. Here's a quote from Josh on the differences between the animal companions This seems a bit threadbare to me. I don't think the Wolf's fast movement is terribly useful without something to go with it, they also move RIDICULOUSLY FAST like waaay too fast. I think Marked Prey is supposed to be the favored enemy stand in.
  14. RANGERS CURRENTLY SUCK, LETS HELP FIX THEM! In my opinion, the Ranger is the class that needs the most help at the moment. They have zero votes in Marceror's recent "What is your favourite class" poll and in my opinion they are the least fun to play. So I thought I'd create a thread where we focus on generating ideas to help make the Ranger a fun class. Some general facts about the Ranger The Ranger has an animal companion The Ranger and animal companion share Health Pool The Ranger unit is intended to be a ranged character, whereas his companion is melee I don't think Josh wants there to be "Drizzt Rangers" that do two weapon fighting. Two problems at the moment is that they do not gain an additional ability at level four and six and they also do not gain an extra talent at level six. My personal opinion is that the Ranger should become a more micromanagement focused class, since it does require you to control two units. The concept vaguely reminds me of the Lone Druid from DotA. I think that having two units but not taking advantage of the flexibility of the situation but rather making it rather passive kind of defeats the purpose and is not taking advantage of the unique opportunity that this brings to the class lineup of the game. Currently I do not think that the Ranger's ability set warrants investing in Intellect, because there is simply not enough use from the extra durations or AoE increase. So this area also needs to be improved. Here are some of my ideas: I think that the Ranger could stand to perhaps have some modal auras that only apply to the Ranger and his animal companion. Intellect AoE would then increase the size of the aura, allowing the Ranger to gain more of a benefit from AoEs. These modes could then be switched over given different situations in combat. Swift Aim and Defensive Bond could become modal auras, and there could also be a couple of more offensive ones (more could be bought by the Talent system). This would make the Ranger more fun to play, in that you can tactically switch out your auras depending on the situation - If your companion is getting pounded on, flick to defensive bond (which could give a deflection and reflex increase, instead of a bonus against AoEs, which usually target Reflex), if they aren't - flick to speed or damage. All Animal Companions need at least one active ability by default, as well as one passive. Rangers could be given options to give the Ranger OR the companion more active abilities. They could focus on making their companion a complete boss in combat, or focus on themselves. This would also make the Intellect Ranger build more viable. This would require a bit more design work, but I think it would make the Ranger a unique and fun class to play. This is just my opinion though, I think I would prefer that Obsidian took advantage of the possibility to have a really awesome micromanagement style class. There are likely others that disagree, but as I have stated a few other times - combat still needs tuning and it is currently a more stressful environment than the IE games due to the speed at which you can die if you don't constantly pause and control every move of your units. This is not a problem with class design, but things external to it, so try and imagine this vision of the Ranger under the perfect combat environment. I think the focus should be on the link between the Ranger and the Animal Companion. What are your thoughts? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Do you have your own ideas of where the Ranger should go?
  15. It's only because durations are OP at the moment, probably the amount they get from attributes is too much. This problem will not be solved by flicking durations onto Resolve, in fact that will only make it worse, as now casters will not be interrupted as much either.
  16. I'm gonna go with a no on this one. The lore says there is no healing magic in PE and the game can theoretically be made so this is not an issue. Characters just need to be given enough Health that equates to rough survival time in the Infinity Engine games taking into account healing spells and consumables.
  17. If you unblock me from messenger I was going to send you an apology about that.
  18. Not at all. If you have multiple tanks, you can't peel the Fighter off to play another role, they are terrible at it - whereas the Barbarian can tank and they can be DPS.
  19. No, I was telling wanderon that they are on the UI, he was acting as if they were not.
  20. Fighters could use with not being pigeonholed into standing still so people can attack them.
  21. There is almost nothing that could not be improved in some way, but here are some of the things that I think are good enough: I like the lore and setting The general writing quality, even if a bit dry sometimes The quests seem to have some reactivity, as well as choice and consequence Main Menu art (perfect) Kaz's portraits The UI "styling" - but not the elements, positioning or the size The number of classes The attack resolution system The 3D modelling is better than I expected (but many armor, facial and hair models could use improvement) Character Backgrounds - nice little RP element Area Map - which Roby Atadero significantly improved after one of my suggestion videos Disposition and Faction mechanics Interstitials and Scripted Interactions (which are also hamstrung by 720p size limit) Main menu theme - which will be better when recorded live Defiance Bay theme - which is really cool, will also be better when recorded live The general environment art quality - some of it is not quite as good as the IE games though, and some of it suffers from noticeable compression Pretty much everything else could do with a little bit of improvement, to A LOT of improvement.
  22. Short? It can be pretty long depending on Intellect. 7 seconds is pretty good. You could even attack the guy you knocked down with as many people as possible for maximum effect, due to the reduction in Deflection etc
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