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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't know HOW you think this is possible in the current beta, given how bad Perception and Resolve are - you can make a min/max build pumping MIG, DEX, INT and maybe CON and just laugh through. So I really don't know what you're complaining about there. Our math focuses on supporting a balanced array.
  2. No worries Adam, it does sound tricky! Hope you can solve it before the end.
  3. Nope! Not yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. Since I made the mod I'll keep an eye out for them since I'm responsible
  4. Hmm, I'll have a look at that They have MaxItems declared as 40 in BaseInventory, which is odd. I'll try changing that later and see if that fixes it.
  5. @Headbomb does it? I'll have to fix that - going to bed now, but I'll have a look when I get up. I only changed the number of the max slots. What does the bug look like btw? I'll have to check to see what looting looked like in the IGN video, as they may have actually changed it. If they've made it smaller to not account for the whole 16 slots then that will be tricky.
  6. I am absolutely woeful at programming, but the code is not toooooo dissimilar. If you use the C# as a reference it's pretty easy to make small changes, but I'm not too confident about adding methods and stuff yet.
  7. Yep xD told you it was not a good way to mod
  8. I used dotPeek, Net Reflector and ildasm also work (for decompiling). To compile I used ilasm, but Reflexil works too.
  9. FWIW I reported that the marquee select is missing a single pixel in the top left making it not a perfect square - how's that for beta testing
  10. I'm used to flailing my mouse around the screen - FPS gamer
  11. That still requires keyboard presses - should see my muscle memory for when I move items around in the IE games, I do it with lightning precision. Not me, but some people like to play one handed with coffee/booze/cigarettes in the other xD
  12. Nah it's not the first - someone else made a mod that has a "gold cheat" where Dengler the innkeeper gives you 500gp, but this would be the first one where someone actually modified the source code and posted it publicly. That was by simply modifying the conversation files. Liston made his own mod with some stuff in it and told me what he used to do it, and then I made this one. People used their keyboard to move items in the IE games o_O Don't know, but I think that would require modifying the item format in the code, and then the item files themselves. Might be trickier.
  13. I like them too, although I think set resting spots a la KotC would have been fun as well Hopefully they fix the length of the adventuring day though, because resting every few encounters isn't that fun atm - can't wait to try the new Health system.
  14. *Should* be able to mod in our attribute system if they go with Josh's one. I just have to see how to make sure it updates all the UI screens correctly.
  15. "Mods will fix it" is not really the attitude to take though, but now at least you can actually see the difference between the two in the game. Campaign for change! I'm more concerned about how moving items around feels worse than the IE games. Obviously when the UI delay and stuff is fixed it will be a bit better but it's still the same amount of mouse clicks but more awkward to use IMO. Can you drag items onto the character 'paperdoll' ? Well now Gfted1 will no longer complain about them
  16. I like how NCarver has actually been updating that thread properly with links and stuff - the way it should be done.
  17. Stash is like the Bag of Holding - I like both as well.
  18. I'm sure someone will say something by the end of the week. Get someone to tweet Adam Brennecke - he's the person to ask.
  19. That was just Infinitron, really. I'm with Stun tbh, IWD2 inventory would have been perfect for a start, with some item filters and a sort button.
  20. and Performance, I hope to have more fps than my monitor refresh rate! Some of the files in the source code are >_> the CharacterStats is 4500 lines lmao and whoever wrote the inventory code has obvious done a bit of Mobile/Android Development before
  21. Yes I figured out how to do that, I can set it to 9999 for you if you like - I can do it right now!
  22. They want inventory to be "tactical" ... lol The small inventory combined with the stash actually creates more inventory management than was required in the IE games imo, and atm you can't drop anything from the inventory and they want you to inspect stuff on the ground before you pick it up No. Thankyou. is all I have to say to that. But yeah as I said, let me know if the mod works for you and if you think it's better than 8 slots.
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