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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Nah - whatever they do if they add in anything like that it needs to be toggleable on/off.
  2. I don't really think splitting things up into buffs and debuffs and melee and ranged accuracy etc is going to fly here (with Josh).
  3. I don't like this either PE has this for the Combat HUD, but it's not working as intended atm. KEEP THAT CLUTTER OFF MAH PORTRAITS
  4. I hate the colored circles in BGEE it's not because of the color though. It's just the circles look sooooooooooooooooo ugly.
  5. It doesn't matter as long as they have colorblind mode and the default green. Had a feeling it was that one, but wasn't sure. It seems really out of place for this game because it's the only weapon with a general term. That's fine, but the amount of mouse clicks (for non-keyboard users) needs to be optimized.
  6. While that will be better, I don't think that will make increased AoE that much more useful, as the difference can be accounted for by playing smart.
  7. I use Bandicam and I record the audio in the video. The reason I do this is because I make a lot of videos (especially for testing), this allows me to just transcode it quickly and upload it straight to youtube without having to use Video Editing software. This allows for MUCH faster turnaround. Only takes a minute or so to transcode and upload a short video which is great. And cheers for the compliment about the speaking. Like I said in the video I used to be a Call of Duty 2 and 4 shoutcaster, and I've shoutcasted at LAN finals, which means that you have to do several games in a day, which is a lot of talking. For example:
  8. I've been using dotPeek. All the data for the old armor system is in the CharacterData as well as WeaponAttack (or whatever it's cold), looks like they haven't been removing things as they go along.
  9. Choosing the font size is a good idea and re: screen sides, the left side is just more natural to look at - it's a pillar of UI design as well as cinematography I think.
  10. I'll edit the video with section times if you like. But I'll pm you the doco 1:25 - v278 Improvements 6:00 - Stuff coming in next patch 13:29 - Why combat is too fast 19:31 - Sections outline 20:21 - Areas 23:03 - Character Creation 33:00 - Main HUD 39:43 - Inventory 45:44 - General 58:18 - Combat 1:06:32 - Classes 1:10:43 - HBA Commercial I'd appreciate if a moderator could edit that into the OP
  11. I just got a comment about sounding too frustrated in the video, so apologies if it comes off that way. Some people said that my first review was too boring to listen to because I sounded emotionless so I added some passion to the video. And the next one I do I'll split up into smaller sections rather than having an hour long video.
  12. Damn I forgot to complain about Spell FX making things confusing in combat as well. Next time.
  13. That's an idea, but it should be an option rather than default. It takes time to do a full version review, plus I've been busy recently with the attribute paper so I wanted to get one of these in before the next patch. Doesn't matter which build the changes get in, as long as they get in before final.
  14. Here is my Backer Beta Version Review for v278, this one is a bit longer than the last one and instead of the game music I played a playlist of random stuff in foobar2000. However the volume of the music is too soft by about ~3-4dB or so, so you can't hear it properly all of the way through. It's pretty long and covers the following topics: v278 Improvements Things coming in the next patch Why people find the game too fast CritiquesAreas Character Creation Main HUD Inventory General Combat Classes I aslo did a small impersonation of a famous Australian TV ad from the late 90s/early 2000s at the end for those who manage to get through the whole thing - here is the original ad Previous Suggestions: Cultural Gear Selection Navmesh for AoE Targeting Animations & Model Collision Inventory Mockup Dyrford Crossing Area Design Main HUD Mockup Beta Version Review v257 bb Fog of War Inventory & Item Tooltips Combat Feedback Comparison - some stuff implemented Re-wrote CC Class Ability Descriptions Item Descriptions and Contextual UI Rant Area Map Functions *IMPLEMENTED* Main UI Tooltip Stuff *IMPLEMENTED* Selection Circles and Targeting *Mostly IMPLEMENTED* Vertical Sync *IMPLEMENTED*
  15. XP gain is inflated in the beta so we can actually test the level range 5-8 Obsidian and maybe Paradox? are probably testing 8-12.
  16. That's IF I was talking about all games. I should have probably included "for PE". Obsidian themselves have made a point of including allowing disabling helper features for more experienced/hardcore players and those that want a more vanilla IE experience. Expert Mode for example.
  17. My thoughts exactly if Interrupt gets taken out, Perception will need some rebalancing as well otherwise it will still be Underpowered.
  18. Knights of the Chalice has the best rolling.
  19. Josh won't do that Range of anything is pointless because it does nothing for melee. I'm not interested in a range mechanic being used. It's not effective for various ranged characters to be far back because they won't be in range of party buffs.
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