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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. It's the same as the next patch. Get over it.
  2. I disagree. BG Exploration = SPACE TO EXPLORE Not monsters every 5 metres and really limited navmesh/corridor style wilderness areas Luckily Stormwall Gorge "feels" a little bit more BG, but Dyrford Crossing is a VERY IWD style area.
  3. The mod is the same as the next patch, and if I want to inspire change, I will do it. What is bad is reporting bugs when using a modified dll, people should always revert back to default when doing normal testing.
  4. The red save in combat overlaps the button text, I recommend to just remove the button during combat or something, in combination with the text
  5. This video demonstrates a character using two weapons to attack another unit. My understanding is that Two Weapon Fighting should always be main hand attack followed by off hand attack, rinse and repeat This video demonstrates that something(s) is throwing this out of order and the character attacks with the same weapon twice in a row, sometimes three times in a row, often after being interrupted or disabled. I also had an instance where the same character only used her off hand weapon to attack for the whole encounter after being knocked down, but I was not recording unfortunately.
  6. To open mine up I have to remove the mouse skates, and that means I have to buy replacements. I think I'll just leave it for now. I actually found a software fix for this issue - ignores the second click for like 1ms after a mouse click.
  7. No votes for the Ranger yet, I think that tells us something
  8. I think that the no negatives worked in this system, people will be less inclined to put anything below 10 with the upcoming changes.
  9. And the odd thing is he's like the last person I would have expected that from
  10. If you have high Int and low Res you'll still have the same Will defense as someone with balanced Int and Res If you have high Dex and low Per you'll still have the same Reflex defense as someone with balanced Per and Dex. "Interrupt extremely poorly" - this bit is a dead giveaway that you took a quick glance, saw the attribute array and then didn't read further. That's very out of the ordinary for someone who's usually a pretty good poster. 20 pages not embarrassing detail enough ?
  11. He didn't read the paper Matt. Check his last paragraph He's biased because of something else that happened to another game which he describes here. He thinks that us armchair designers are going to come and ruin the attribute system!
  12. Might get another one sometime. No other mouse has the same sensor feel. Most of them have some level of crappy prediction (even the no prediction ones)
  13. nipsen I just noticed that you hadn't posted before in this thread until the last page ... did you actually read the paper?
  14. I can go through a dungeon level or two without resting in those games, so either way - something is still off.
  15. Just wanted to point out that the bit where I'm running left and right and the game is not recognizing my movement commands - that is actually my mouse causing that, using a quite old Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 and the switches under the buttons are wearing out, it's doing it in windows as well.
  16. Well it could also be argued that if you don't min-max you won't get the dialogue options with the highest qualifiers ATM I only think options go up to a 16 in the beta (someone correct me on that?) So I imagine you'll get a mix of stuff if you do a balanced array and more of certain types and less of others if you min-max.
  17. Also I didn't release an infinite camping supplies mod publicly, I gave it to Gfted1 only I also changed the easy difficulty to "Gfted1 Mode"
  18. It's okay I understood what you meant. They next patch will have 16 slots anyway so it's a non-issue in that sense. I won't be focusing on making mods, I just wanted to learn how to do it so that when the game comes out I'll have a head start. One other advantage is now that when I see a bug, I can go into the game code and possibly find the reason for it happening as well - which will make my suggestions and bug reports stronger. I don't actually know C#, but I'm okay at Java, and they're both OOP languages. A lot of the code is written in structures I am familiar with as well, particularly the inventory and MVC stuff.
  19. I'm sure if someone bothers to ask Adam Brennecke on twitter an ETA on the patch, he'll answer just like last time. I don't use twitter myself.
  20. I don't see anything wrong with min maxing, technically 13 in everything should be pretty good too.
  21. BUG FIXED: http://www.upload.ee/files/4265054/Assembly-CSharp.rar.html I changed Inventory MaxSize in BaseInventory and changed the bytecode I was using to push the int32 onto the stack - one of those things has fixed it
  22. Good points on Corrosive Siphon, Health, Which NPC initiates dialogue ... I agree with those. There's an altered Health system coming in the next patch, but I think they need to split Health and Stamina into two pools - one that takes damage and one that heals your Stamina. Would be nice if we could have a bit more control over how the combat log displayed information too. I would like to see hit rolls by default for instance.
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