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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah sure, IAS is the third best behind MIG and PER and on ranged you can afford to dump RES and CON a bit. In our paper we found that IAS would be very very good for buff and debuff based casters, the second best attribute behind Intellect in the old system. In my mod this is still the case, but in the current patch it depends. Whereas it's a black and white choice for all other classes. Josh either did not consider this when he made his system or does not care about it.
  2. Whoops this was meant to be a bug, can a mod please move it to the bug forum.
  3. In the Infinity Engine games, RMB served as a "cancel + move" action when you left clicked the ground with a character selected and RMB hold and drag rotated the formation of the party. In Pillars of Eternity, when you bind action cancel to RMB, Formation rotate does not work anymore, but issuing a move command does. Suggestion: Make the default move action assigned to RMB have a cancel before the move command is issued in the method that governs it in the source code, or make it so that formation rotate still works when you RMB hold and drag even when you have action cancel bound to RMB as a secondary function.
  4. I admit due to them splitting AoE and Durations, I repeated over and over again that this would be terrible for support casters, forcing them to invest in two attributes to get the primary thing that they want and it would make Dexterity not an important attribute for any class. So yeah that's why I modded the attribute system, because the current one sucks, just not as much as the old one. I wouldn't get IAS on DPS though I'd just get Might and Perception.
  5. Estocs are better, but Might gives more DPS per point than Dexterity gives per point, so you're always better off taking Might for pure DPS.
  6. No you wouldn't because of the DT system. If it was a pure DR system it would be pretty good though. It's most beneficial for buff/debuff based casters. Probably the weakest attribute overall too maybe?
  7. No you didn't. It was a non choice for every character. Pump Might, Intellect, Dexterity and maybe Con and dump Per and Res. Everyone was doing it. See what I mean about holier than thou attitude. You think you're better than everyone else here. I might be arrogant myself, but holy cow man, you eclipse me in that regard. The code is .NET assembly Managed C#. The only code that does not decompile properly is some of the Unity related stuff because the decompiler cannot understand it. I can recompile the code using an intermediate language and I have done so and already made a few mods. So have others. Also why don't you use a practical example instead of an abstract analogy? Every example I give is a practical example, you always use an ice cream analogy or dance about architecture or something. You just make stuff up. Because the code that governs what is shown in the stats screen is different from the code that does the actual computing of the values. Some of it is done via XML scripttables and I can edit those script tables and make the stat screen say whatever I want it to and show nothing to do with the values of the attributes in the game. In my attributes mod I changed the values under the hood, but the character creation screen AND the character sheet were still showing the old system attribute values and percentages. I had to actually modify the code of the character sheet and character creation classes to get them to show my new values, they aren't connected. Only you think it was foregone and the developers had came to the same conclusions internally. They didn't even use anything from our paper. Only you think it was otherwise. It was my idea and I was one of the people who wrote it but I will not take any credit for the new attribute system, it has nothing unique to our paper in it. Sounds like you're in a bit of denial here bud. You're the one with the lack of evidence and the false statements. I even offered to mod the old stat system back in for you, but you won't accept that hahah, that's how screwed up you are. The new system is not what I want, so I made my own mod. They are not going to change it to what we suggested for some (IMO) bad reasons, and I accept that so I made a mod. They were going to change it anyway. You have the opportunity to have what you want, but you won't accept it because you think I'm a super fan and you think you're better than me. If that's the case, well I guess you can just suck on my superfan wang, because I don't think the situation is going to change.
  8. I absolutely agree, I just didn't want to do a too radical design because I'm not sure how much effort they want to put into the CC screen but yes a window with all the values shown would be much better. I also much prefer the vertical character creation to horizontal.
  9. Absolutely, but for pure DPS where the character will be primarily focusing on pure damage, Might is always better for DPS if you already have a high accuracy. The more accuracy you have, the better the Might bonus is. As more and more accuracy bonuses stack on top of each other, the benefit Perception gives will be worth much, much less than the Might bonus. At the moment, some of the secondary defenses - Fort, Ref, Will can be pretty high, so for casters attacking those, the extra accuracy may be more valuable, and for debuffing it becomes a case of Acc vs bonus durations. Accuracy scales with level and has a lot of inputs (base, perception, items, buffs and progression) Might does not scale with level and it's bonus raises per each point of accuracy. As accuracy gets higher and higher and higher over the course of the game, if you're finding that you're outclassing enemy defenses - Might will always be better. There will be cases where certain enemies have REALLY high defenses, and in Path of the Damned all enemies will have really high defenses, so in those cases Perception is better.
  10. Well some of the values are dependent on another factor as they are a percentage.
  11. I think it's entirely possible it could be delayed until next year, they did mention that they always save a portion of the budget in case they need some extra time at the end
  12. In this video I discover multiple bugs to do with Accuracy Tooltip display, Fist and Off-hand weapon interaction and trying to equip a shield in the main hand with a weapon in the off hand. The combat state didn't end properly and locked the Hatchet into my off hand. Had to quit and reload to fix it.
  13. That's a fair point, although it would be nice to at least show the defenses. Pretty sure Obsidian is trying to avoid obfuscation of mechanics, but PE does not do a very good job (actually worse than the IE games in many respects) showcasing what you get from stuff, and what things do.
  14. This one is pretty self explanatory but the static derived combat stats need to be shown in the character creation screen, either in their own window or in the attribute toolbox, but a floating window that's always visible after you pick a class would be better. Here's a really terrible mspaint mock up for them being shown in the attribute toolbox (and no I don't have vsync on, I have a 120Hz monitor and that's 60 frames of poor performance in the character creation screen) Previous Suggestions: Talents and Feats Inventory Mockup v2 Desynchronized Character Movement Version Review v278 bb Cultural Gear Selection Navmesh for AoE Targeting Animations & Model Collision Inventory Mockup Dyrford Crossing Area Design Main HUD Mockup Beta Version Review v257 bb Fog of War Inventory & Item Tooltips Combat Feedback Comparison Re-wrote CC Class Ability Descriptions Item Descriptions and Contextual UI Rant Area Map Functions Main UI Tooltip Stuff Selection Circles and Targeting Vertical Sync
  15. No it's not, it's what Josh Sawyer has said on other forums and it's what's in the source code That's for all classes and creatures. Actually it looks like they've changed it in the new patch. Now it adds +0.5 so that in the cases where you fall 1 short, you don't anymore ie 11+11*.15 = 27.5, that now becomes 28.
  16. Josh does though. I would also like it to have more of a benefit, because the benefit is currently a bit ****ty.
  17. No, Barbarians have 5 Base Deflection, they've always had that. And Fort/Ref/Will is Fort: [MIG + CON] x 1.5 + ( [Level-1] * 3 ) Ref: [DEX + PER] x 1.5 + ( [Level-1] * 3 ) Will: [iNT + RES] x 1.5 + ( [Level-1] * 3 )
  18. At ACC-DEF +6 or higher you can't miss. You'll either graze, hit or crit. Might makes all of those damage hits better. Extra accuracy only makes one of those hits better if it shifts the value to a higher range.
  19. They already changed the health values to a ratio, if you check the 301 thread it says Barbarian, Monk 1:6 Fighter, Paladin 1:5 some are 1:4 some are 1:3 If you create a new character, your new character will have these values of Stamina:Health the BB characters have ridiculously inflated health values, it should be the values on the right side of the /
  20. Oh yeah? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68814-bb-characters-all-have-insane-health-values/
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