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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Hard is now really hard LOLNOT The difference is *startling* All Wolves and Beetles taken out for a grand total of about 1 damage taken and I haven't used a single Wizard spell either. LOLZ
  2. You should see how it looks when a bunch of tall monsters are standing in front of your characters in an outside environment, you can't see what's going on. lower camera angle = terrible idea for combat
  3. You're still retarded if you think we want to remove anything you want from the game. You're just talking out of your arse with the programming stuff there, that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at all. The game uses the Unity.random.roll class for random rolls and specifies the ranges, and that has nothing to do with what we are talking about here anyway. We have been told how it works by the developers, I have read everything they have said, and the code confirms the mechanics (in most cases). If you're too lazy to read what they say or search for their quotes then that's on you. And you're the one with the holier than thou attitude buddy. No one else has this problem except you.
  4. Area of Effects of everything have been absolutely nerfed to the bone in this patch, doesn't feel right.
  5. I managed to break the combat state and found some serious pathing/navmesh issues in the Wurm/Shambling Mound locations on the Dyrford Crossing, will have to record them at some point.
  6. Nope they're normal. That was a crit (1.5x rolled damage) using Reckless Assault (x 1.2 damage) and Crippling Strike (x 1.25 damage) LULZ
  7. If you didn't notice this is a topic about encounter structure. The original layout was too cluttered and they needed to space them out more. However there was no reason to remove the big beetle mob that wiped everyone because it was too hard, that's just lame IMO. Sure they could add in another hard encounter, but why not just make it a beetle encounter. You could give it loot, add dead bodies of adventurer's to represent dead backers - all the fun stuff. Add in a boss Adra beetle even.
  8. The encounter was fun which is first and foremost the most important thing. That's the reason it should be kept, because every other encounter on the map kinda sucks. Removing the best encounter = does not compute.
  9. Who cares, it's the most fun encounter in the whole exterior. Every other encounter is trash in comparison, except for the Wyrm Hunter bunch, but they are a push over as well. Teleporting appears to be fixed now too.
  10. The main beetle encounter is not a trash mob encounter really, it's better than all the other fights on the map. I think it's definitely worth restoring or even improving and it's also an iconic fight in the backer beta history. I think this is important.
  11. Did anyone playing on Hard ask for the opening beetle encounters in the Dyrford Crossing to be nerfed to crap? I certainly didn't. I've been having great fun playing that encounter and it was the best encounter in the Dyrford Crossing exterior, honestly I don't really see why it needed to be nerfed. I do remember suggesting that the groups be MOVED further back, but not REMOVED. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIRfCmyR7ijJVaS8mrbpvsCXPCl61FSaW The only thing I would have changed from the original is to move the northmost group further north and the immediate encounter further east so you have more room to fight against the one in the middle of the road. This encounter is an iconic encounter from the Backer Beta, it has a special place in Pillars of Eternity history for defeating countless backers. This is a good thing! For players who play on HARD difficulty, it should definitely stay vanilla. In the name of Cleveland Mark Blakemore, I hereby protest at the removal of this encounter, and request that the first three beetle encounters be restored for Hard Difficulty!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111
  12. God damn right I do because I've spent hours and hours over multiple days reading what they do. What specifically do you want me to prove, I'll quite happily ask a developer to confirm it for me since you're incapable of accepting anything I say.
  13. CalculateDefense method in the CharacterStats class (which calculates Deflection, Fortitude, Reflex and Will scores) I'm not pasting any more though, go decompile the code yourself.
  14. Graze and crit modifiers are taken into account in that graph, you can download the spreadsheet from the paper (there's a link) and check it yourself. It does not take DT into account though, correct. Tough to raise? What? You can increase it by Perception score, Weapon, Weapon style, Leveling up, talents, items and buffs .... Accuracy is better than Might for non-damaging spells (debuffs). I'm not convinced that after ACC-DEF = +6 that higher Accuracy is better than Might, at least not yet. Your extreme example is irrelevant because we are talking about ACC-DEF +6 or higher, when Might is better on the graph and you will always graze, hit or crit. PE also has a minimum damage rule where 10% of incoming damage always gets through as well, so Might is never useless in this ACC-DEF range.
  15. No I am reading the entire source code and by searching for the word intellect and then the floats/methods/objects/structs that it is connected to/related to I can assure you that nowhere in any of the classes that govern any of the attack or damage data is intellect related to anything regarding reducing the severity of hits/crits or whatever. In the newest patch it gives a Deflection bonus though. You are just pulling the other bit out of your arse, nowhere on the internet and nowhere in the game files has that been mentioned at all. You are delusional.
  16. Look at the graph. Each point of Accuracy between ACC-DEF +6 and ACC-DEF +49 grants 1.33% DPS increase from converting grazes into crits. Each point of Might grants more than that per point, therefore, it is more valuable to max Might over Perception for the purposes of dealing more damage when ACC-DEF = 6 or higher. The reason it gives more flat DPS after +6 is because it gives you more damage on *every* attack because no attacks will miss, whereas Perception only gives you a DPS increase on the rolls where the value would be different. Disagree all you like, but the math doesn't lie.
  17. Here's all the creature values CharacterClass;,BaseDeflection,BaseFortitude,BaseReflexes,BaseWill,MeleeAccuracyBonus,RangedAccuracyBonus,MaxHealth,MaxStamina,HealthStaminaPerLevel Undefined,15,0,0,0,40,40,36,36,12 Fighter,25,0,0,0,25,10,42,42,14 Rogue,15,0,0,0,20,15,36,36,12 Priest,15,0,0,0,20,15,36,36,12 Wizard,10,0,0,0,10,25,30,30,10 Barbarian,5,0,0,0,25,10,48,48,16 Ranger,10,0,0,0,10,25,36,36,12 Druid,10,0,0,0,20,15,36,36,12 Paladin,20,0,0,0,25,10,42,42,14 Monk,15,0,0,0,25,10,42,42,14 Cipher,10,0,0,0,15,20,30,30,10 Chanter,20,0,0,0,20,15,36,36,12 Troll,15,20,10,10,25,10,48,48,16 Ogre,25,20,20,20,50,35,128,128,48 Wolf,15,10,10,10,25,10,36,36,12 Spider,15,10,10,10,25,15,36,36,12 Ooze,5,10,10,10,20,20,48,48,16 Stelgaer,15,20,20,0,20,20,42,42,14 Imp,15,10,10,10,20,20,36,36,12 DankSpore,0,10,0,10,20,20,36,36,12 SwampLurker,25,20,0,10,20,20,36,36,12 Eoten,15,20,10,10,20,20,48,48,16 Xaurip,15,10,20,10,20,20,36,36,12 Vithrack,15,0,10,20,20,20,36,36,12 WillOWisp,30,10,25,25,20,20,36,36,12 Delemgan,15,10,10,20,20,20,36,36,12 Pwgra,15,10,10,20,20,20,36,36,12 Wurm,15,10,20,10,30,30,36,36,12 Skuldr,15,10,10,10,20,20,36,36,12 Drake,25,20,20,20,30,30,48,48,16 SkyDragon,55,20,20,20,30,30,48,48,16 AdraDragon,55,20,20,20,30,30,48,48,16 Blight,15,10,10,10,20,20,36,36,12 Animat,15,20,10,20,20,20,30,30,10 FleshConstruct,15,30,0,10,20,20,48,48,16 Shadow,15,10,10,10,30,30,36,36,12 Phantom,15,10,10,10,20,20,36,36,12 CeanGwla,15,10,10,20,20,20,42,42,14 Skeleton,25,10,0,10,20,20,36,36,12 Revenant,5,10,0,10,20,20,48,48,16 Gul,15,10,20,10,20,20,42,42,14 Dargul,15,10,20,10,20,20,42,42,14 Fampyr,25,20,20,20,20,20,48,48,16 Wicht,15,10,20,10,20,20,30,30,10 Beetle,15,20,0,10,20,20,42,42,14
  18. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29325716/Pillars%20of%20Eternity/Sensuki_Matt516_Attribute_Rework.pdf Might is always better after ACC-DEF +6 or higher (where you have removed your 5% miss chance).
  19. Yes they have some retarded over the top FX in this game
  20. take a screeny bud with the cursor over the unpathable area
  21. yes I am, but it's not to do with pathfinding, it's microstutter.
  22. Even at Max Perception, you're only getting +11 Accuracy out of it. That's less than half of many class' base accuracy scores, less than the 1H Single style bonus and less than four levels of progression worth of accuracy. You are right that Might scales with weapon damage, but technically so does Accuracy as the amount of DPS you can do is limited by the base damage of your weapon either way. Matt516 is the mechanical engineer, he thinks mathematically. I think logically and then ask him if I am right or not
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